Hey, everyone, I have not been on here for a good few years, I am not much of a frequenter of forums, but I have obviously been aware of Jeff's surgery through Jennifer Brea's commentary and her own publicised (at least, on social media) recent surgery for CCI. Jeff's experience sounds horrendous and I am truly happy for him he has found himself symptom-free after his gruelling journey of CCI diagnosis followed by surgery.
What brings me here is that today I saw someone on Twitter link to this PR thread, someone (Truthseeker) who was voicing concerns to Jennifer Brea: this tweeter seemed to be concerned that some pwME were being led to believe that CCI surgery might put an end to POTS, brainfog etc.
I just want to say - as someone diagnosed with Ramsay ME in UK in 1983 post-Coxsackie B4 by ME specialist/cons neurologist Peter Behan - that I think we should be very cautious and perhaps consider that these very frightening brain compression problems are scarily MIMICKING symptoms of ME rather than CAUSING actual ME. In the UK, for example, Chiari has to be *ruled out* before ME is diagnosed, please see differential diagnosis from recent ME Association clinical guidelines (2018).
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Since Chiari has to be ruled out before a diagnosis of ME is made, I would imagine the same goes for CCI?
Today, I remain ill after 36 years of ME. And it concerns me a little that because of Jennifer's and Jeff's experiences of CCI that some with ME are perhaps now alarmed they have CCI, or similar, and also seeking neurosurgery tests/surgery unnecessarily.
Of course, if one develops further new frightening symptoms, as both Jeff and Jennifer did, further investigations should be made. But troubling neck issues are also simply part and parcel of myalgic encephalomyelitis. That is a fact.
Jeff himself says in an older post that: 'I think many of us who have been diagnosed with ME/CFS/SEID actually have these neurosurgical issues'. But he has also on Twitter been advocating for an awareness of 'structural ME'. My many years of ME experience/advocacy tell me that ME is not structural and that we should be educating about possible misdiagnosis rather than comorbidities of brain compression issues with ME.
To be clear, I am not saying Jeff and Jennifer never had ME, I cannot possibly know that, but if a surgical procedure resolves all of one's symptoms should misdiagnosis not at least be considered?
Thank you for reading.