@StarChild56 @toyfoof @Mary @jeff_w (apologies to anyone who asked about my MRI that I am forgetting to tag)!
I had the MRI of my cervical spine earlier this week and it was a regular supine MRI on a 3T machine, without contrast dye. The procedure went very smoothly with no issues and the technician was very nice. He said that they could either write up the report immediately (without having my 2010 cervical MRI as a comparison) or they could wait to receive my old medical records and write it up then.
I decided that it was better to wait (since it would hopefully only be about a week at most) and have the radiologist write the report with the 2010 imaging as a comparison. They gave me the image of my MRI on a CD when I left but I have absolutely no idea what it shows! But at least I have it for the future to show my doctor and PT (or other future doctors). It just isn't helpful yet until we have the written report that goes with it.
Today I finally got my medical records from 2010 e-mailed to me (just the written report) and the images on a CD will go to the Imaging Center and then they will mail them to me once they are done. I just read the report from 2010 (when my neck was not nearly as bad as it is now). I actually did the MRI of my brain & spinal cord in 2010 while I was in the hospital following a neurotoxic reaction to Levaquin which had injured my arm. Unfortunately, I no longer had a copy of these records and it took much longer to get them than I expected!
From my limited knowledge, it looks like the MRI of my brain from 2010 was completely normal

. The cervical MRI from 2010 said that I had bulging discs at C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7 with "minimal cord flattening" and "mild central narrowing". The worst one, per the report, was C4-C5 (vs. my current PT feels that the worst one is C5-C6 so something must have changed in the last 8 years). The 2010 MRI report doesn't mention C1 whatsoever (unless I am missing it)! It also says "loss of lordosis" in neck but am not completely sure what this means.
In any case, that was all from the report from 2010 and I suspect that this current cervical MRI (8 yrs later) will be much worse. I still do not suspect CCI/AAI (in my case) vs. bulging discs, stenosis, and radiculopathy. If my doctor wants additional images after we get the report, I am happy to do them. I will also show them to my new PT and see what he thinks. I've been working w/a great PT but her last day is tomorrow and she'll be gone before I get the write-up of this MRI. I am hoping this MRI will determine if I should get a home traction machine. Manual cervical traction helps my neck pain but I am not sure if the machine would be too strong or is indicated in my case?