Has vitamin K-2 (mk-4 or mk7) helped you ?


Senior Member
About carotene/vitamine A...I have never heard of any vitamine A toxicity coming from carotene...
Whereas I learnt a long time ago that active vitamine A (from liver for example) toxicity can occur at a certain level, so we can guess that carotene is a very poor contributor to our vitamine A levels!


Senior Member
I have never heard of any vitamine A toxicity coming from carotene...
I read recently that the more carotenoids one eats, the less will be converted into vit A. You know when you are having too much of carotenoids when you get orange palms and soles :wide-eyed:


Senior Member
I have never heard of any vitamine A toxicity coming from carotene...

Though just today came across this entry on this strange list of unusual deaths at wikipedia:

1974: Basil Brown, a 48-year-old health food advocate from Croydon, England, drank himself to death by consuming 10 gallons (38 litres) of carrot juice in ten days, causing him to overdose on vitamin A and suffer severe liver damage.[86][87]

Hard to believe.


Senior Member
wobbly, as though my cartilage and bones had gone a bit soft with the ongoing reconstruction.
This might be from aromatase inhibition, and not necessarily good. Be sure you are getting above optimal absorption of zinc, manganese and glycine, consider perhaps even adding glucosamine/chondroitin/collagen/gelatine whatever you tolerate and have enough nutrients to better absorb/metabolize. Manganese is needed more than usual for those who take high doses of B1.
I started this in a new thread. Have you guys seen this? I tested positive for the acetylcholine ganglionic neuronal antibody. It was a fairly low titer though and not enough to warrant drug treatment.

Dynamic balancing of autonomic nervous system through vitamin mk-7


Sympathovagal balance is essential in maintaining internal homeostasis. Imbalance in this can lead to many disease conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), IBS, depression, COPD, etc. Sudden cardiac death and Myocardial infarction are result of autonomic dysfunction. Many drugs have been proposed for these conditions but lack in correcting the condition and can themselves produce side effects, such as prolongation of QT interval. Inventors of current invention observed serendipitously that vitamin MK-7 can restore the sympathovagal balance and also have cardio protective effect by shortening of QT interval and prolongation of RR interval. Further to this, it was also observed that vitamin MK-7 improves cardiac output, left ventricular work, HDL cholesterol and reduces blood sugar.


Senior Member
Inventors of current invention observed serendipitously that vitamin MK-7 can restore the sympathovagal balance
Coincidence or not, my mother started having horrendous BP spikes after starting a supplement of Vit D + Calcium + MK7


Tournament of the Phoenix - Rise Again
Though just today came across this entry on this strange list of unusual deaths at Wikipedia:... drank himself to death by consuming 10 gallons (38 litres) of carrot juice in ten days
...Hard to believe.
Sources were clearly aimed at skewing things for derision... nothing credible about this. Further carotene converts very poorly to vitamin A. Did he only drink carrot juice for 10 days and eat nothing? Who knows... if there was any truth at all in this.
^ Man Dies Laughing at The Goodies, "Daily Mail", London (29 March 1975)Jump up ^ A Goodies Way to Go — Laughing, "Eastern Daily Press", Norwich (29 March 1975)
Coincidence or not, my mother started having horrendous BP spikes after starting a supplement of Vit D + Calcium + MK7
There's a chance that's how k2 might work. It applies pressure to the vascular muscles to strengthen them. This might push blood flow. Let's say you start to reverse a progressive process or start to remodel the cardiovascular system. I could envision bottlenecks being created and this might not be a silent process that goes unnoticed.
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J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
So we started on menatetrenone 15 mg a day. A small dose to fight let's say osteoporosis. Which I was starting to suffer from on top of the rest. My husband did not but he had what they had diagnosed as a deficiency in growth, meaning some of his bones never grew totally (happily it doesn't show from the outside). For osteoporosis in Japan, the dose is 45 mg in three doses a day for a lady weighing 45 kgs. So we reckoned 15 mg was peanuts for us.
No way could we take the 45 mg. Immediately I felt a general improvement on all kinds of symptoms, but at the same time we could feel our livers were having a hard time. Not too bad, but I thought we should wait before taking more. From time to time we tried taking a second dose, and it took 6 months before we could ramp up to 30 mg then 45 mg per day.

Strange things started to happen :
I grew up 2 cms then a third and last cm at 58 years of age. This has now stopped. Might mean that I too had a deficiency in growth. My jaw which had osteoporosis, especially around one of the articulations (if I yawned it would pop out), filled up and I did not need to have extra bone added to it as the dentist had planned. I stopped having teeth problems and periodontal problems. My face became wider, it seems the bones under my eyes filled up and became more round as in a youthful look.

My husband did not grow in height but in width. He suffered a little every night for months from growing pains behind his heart as his ribs grew to make a wider thoracic cage. At that place on his back he had a strange red spot which at the moment is still there but a different colour. A calcified place at the top of his lungs (which doctors had said was caused by TB) has now turned normal and he can use his lungs fully. We had to give away all of his suits and shirts. The cuffs did not reach the wrists by 10 cms. He has not put on any weight though.

Hey Asklipia,

thanks so much for describing these!! I am very interested in your lines about "incomplete growth":

My husband did not but he had what they had diagnosed as a deficiency in growth, meaning some of his bones never grew totally (happily it doesn't show from the outside).

How to diagnose that? And is there any formal medical term for it? I wonder because obviously one can find a bone small but how to find out if it is smaller than it is meant to be? Apparently this was the case in your husband, if I understand your lines correctly...?


PS: I just found out that while I do not tolerate much MK4, I do tolerate the Japanese dish, natto (MK7). I even find it yummy! :) :vomit::depressed::alien: :):thumbdown:
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Senior Member
Hey Asklipia,
thanks so much for describing these!! I am very interested in your lines about "incomplete growth":
How to diagnose that? And is there any formal medical term for it? I wonder because obviously one can find a bone small but how to find out if it is smaller than it is meant to be? Apparently this was the case in your husband, if I understand your lines correctly...?
Hi Linda! I hope you are well? I don't know the medical term. The doctor said he could see it on his spine behind the heart. He said it is very common. In the case of my husband, he was very tall (1m 89) and he did not grow in height (I did). He was the same height as his father too.
Now I can tell you that his spine had a strange flat look in that place, like Perrin describes in his ME patients. Not as bad as in Perrin's photographs, but definitely something like that. I had never really noticed it but when I read Perrin's book It jumped at me.
Now his spine is perfect! Looking very nice!:cat::)


J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
Thanks!!!! I immediately googled Perrin and found this interesting sequence of 6 videos. It relates to me in so many ways: My reduced kyphosis and lordosis (flat back), my past ME, my feeling better from things that increase lymph circulation (earlier: trampoline and headstands; these days: very short sprints and resistance training - muscle contractions increase lymph flow a big lot). In particular I find Perrin's point interesting that the lymphatic system does have its own pump (minute 2:30 in this video) consisting of smooth muscles steered by sympathetic nerves. He says that spine probs could overirritate the sympathetic system by compression (this video from the very beginning).
➞ he does not say it explicitly, but the conclusion seems to be: sympathetic overactivation inhibits the lymphatic pump...?

Unfortunately, none of all the videos mention any incomplete growth of bones as a cause of the flat back. I also googled a lot on incomplete growth of bones and nothing again....

The doctor said he could see it on his spine behind the heart. He said it is very common

Do you remember by any chance more details of the diagnosis? Whatever may help me in googling... Words, conceptual aspects, more details of what the doctor saw, what type of doctor it was, whatever... I have that very strong feeling that this applies to me! But after having already seen several osteopaths and orthopedists .... and it is very clear that they do not have the right knowledge to even think about why I have a flat back and a smaller than ideal thorax... I need to gain some knowledge myself... :ill: Simply taking 15/45 mg of K2 would just kill me: I can take 1mg maxxx.

hope you are well?
Thanks for asking. Soooo happy! I started a new meditation technique :balanced:and on the same day my peristalsis got more intense, my productivity doubled, I have more time out of bed and a mind like I had when I was healthy... a what??? Baffled and thankful every day....:angel::angel::angel:
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Senior Member
Thank you, I had not seen the videos, very helpful. He was a normal family doctor, quite experienced. He came for another problem and I asked him why my husband had this red spot on the back, so he looked at it, and he said, probably due to a deficiency, that stopped the development of the spine a bit too early, nothing to worry about, a lot of people have it and much worse and they never notice. I know that Maya Indians have this black or greying spot on the skin at the same place.
Maybe because it is not important and very common, not a medical condition, there is no name for it?
We now both have perfect backs and a lot of room for the lungs, the thoracic cage is ideal.

All I can say is : the flat part was there, and now after a few years, it has gone completely.
Vitamin K2 and lipophilic thiamine both work on this. After a year on heavy thiamine supplementation we had even more small improvements in the back. I had a broken coccyx forty years ago, broken leg and other bone problems, and it now is as though it had never happened.
We do not take Vitamin K anymore. If I had to do it again I would not take big doses, I would start with the atlas and thiamine. I noticed that thiamine gives a vitamin K effect, more subtle.

As to the sympathetic overactivation I think your are right. This is my opinion 100%. A couple of months ago we both had our atlas vertebra repositioned by an AtlasPROfilax practitioner. Since then, subtle changes nearly every week, and one of those is : it is now impossible to stress the body/mind all the time, that is without going into parasympathetic mode regularly. I can check it by the flow of air in the nostrils. Deeper sleep too. Better lymph flow even doing nothing.
I think the displacement of the atlas must be an adaptation to the push for continuous stress. Certainly, if the atlas is back in place, this adaptation to a more stressful life is impossible. You HAVE to rest avery 90 minutes or so. Maybe this is what Chronic Fatigue is trying to achieve : to stop us from being able to go on sympathetic mode continuously.

This week, a year after starting to take 400 mg or more thiamine per day, 2 months after having the atlas repositioned, something is happening to the sense of touch. I noticed it on the sofa cover, I could feel every thread of the cover. This morning my husband told me he can feel the ridges of his fingerprints when he touches the thumb to the other fingers.
In Yoga, the senses come from nadis which originate in the heart chakra. Nervous reconstruction it seems!
Be well, Take care and do not overextend yourself, there is plenty of time.
@Gondwanaland, @Wayne
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Senior Member
downside is that the last time I checked on MK7 about 2-3 years ago, there was a severe lack of studies in proving that MK7 gives same protected benefits as MK4 which was studied for decades

they also claim that MK4 doesn't remain in blood long enough ... well, maybe because it went into the tissues which is where you want it to go
Something that I’ve seen here is that it’s important to eat this with animal fat. I was wondering why specifically animal fat and why not plant fat? Or is it just that animal fat is normally saturated fat whereas plant fats are usually unsaturated? If this is the case, why not just use saturated fats wherever they come from?
You MUST eat at least 30 g of fat (if possible animal) at the same time otherwise it is not absorbed.
And why 30 grams specifically (at least with 15g K2)? Google doesn’t really have anything on the solubility of vitamins in fat or if there’s any differences between the different types of fats.


Senior Member
This might be from aromatase inhibition, and not necessarily good. Be sure you are getting above optimal absorption of zinc, manganese and glycine, consider perhaps even adding glucosamine/chondroitin/collagen/gelatine whatever you tolerate and have enough nutrients to better absorb/metabolize. Manganese is needed more than usual for those who take high doses of B1.
What’s a good source of manganese