Has anyone cured lifelong anxiety depression and ocd


Senior Member
I am so lost. I have spent so much time and money on all of this. I feel that no one has any answers.
All I can say is I feel you and am in the same frustrating position right now, that noone in any medical field (and I've been to many including "CFS-experts") can help me anymore, so I'm about to do a reality check of my efforts and money I spent on all these doctor visits and medicine/supplements that didn't cure me.

Every case differs, but I'm going to be honest with you, pot probably messed you up and if all these drugs you've tried don't work, then I highly doubt supplements will, but as you seem to have strong suffering, try what Hip recommends, in the end it doesn't cost too much and might help you, even if I strongly doubt it
Thanks for the reply

pot may have contributed, but I had all of this as far back as I can remember. I can remember being a young kid telling people I was depressed/anxious/ocd
Hi, I have never written on a site before but I had to after reading your post. I had lifelong ocd, depression and other anxiety. It was very extreme. I also suffered from cfs. I completely recovered. Yes I had a hard life and things happened to me that made everything worse. I suffered badly since I can remember. Tried everything. Every therapy and medication. I am now med free and no therapy. I discovered the linden method. Here is my advice. If you want to recover google 'the linden method' buy it and do it. It won't take long. You won't have to do it forever. It re educates the amigdala. Do it for about a month. It works in 100% of people. Do it. Good luck


Senior Member
@Vanessa1980 I don't believe a word from you

@anxiousguy yes sorry I mean pot made you worse. I had the same experience, was ill before pot and then pot made me much worse. But after stopping for a long time I'm back to the old me more or less.

You might try this though, high dose niacin As to Drhoffer it has an instant calming effect and antidepressant. Be careful on the flush though, some don't handle it well so you have to slowly dose up.

I know it worked with me for a while relieving all depression and anxiety within a short while but unfortunately stopped working after a while. Maybe it'll help you though, it's highly effective.

Vitamin b3, niacin


Senior Member
Here is a review of the Linden method:
One way of looking at it is that Charles Linden had cognitive behavioural therapy, found it helpful, embellished it and now markets it as his own one true way not just for the problem he had, but for all anxiety problems. It's not.

Now don't get me wrong, this is mostly sensible stuff for panic, and if it cost $5.99 at the bookshop, I'd be recommending it, suggesting that there might be useful snippets here and there.

My opinion is that it will be of no value to people whose anxiety is not fuelled by panic, and only limited value to most of those with severe and persistent panic.
I have pretty severe anxiety/ocd too - constant worry/rumination kind (pure ocd). I ordered inositol from bulk supplements. How much are you all taking... @Hip, Do you use inositol?
Thanks @Hip - I have come across that thread of yours many times (thank you for putting that info out there!). I did try NAG, but didn't notice any improvement. I at one point tried curcumin too, but didn't notice anything positive from that either. I do believe I tend to have slightly better anxiety/mood when I take hemp oil (organic, by nutiva).

Next stop for me is a trial of high dose (split dosing throughout day) inositol. Anyone else w pure-OCD?


Senior Member
My n=1 is anxiety can be almost eliminated but depression or anything like depression is more resilient.
I don't know about Niacin. I would have to research further. The last I heard was that it soaks up methyl groups. I already know that I have mthfr snps that hamper my methylation.

@Hip The Linden method definitely sounds "sketchy"

@kakrpa I have tried EVERYTHING except inositol. I just started it. Here is an interesting arcticle

The general consensus seems to be 10-12g a day. I have been taking 1/4tsp twice a day (2.5 grams) to start. It definitely upsets my stomach (doesn't usually happen with supps/meds for me). I am going to continue to work my way up.
@anxiousguy tks for the article - please let us know how it goes. Wonder if taking with food would help with the upset stomach? I've been just dumping a tablespoon or so in my morning coffee...no upset stomach so far. :)
P.s. came across a review on amazon for the below item - not endorsing this brand, etc., but merely providing it so you can read reviews. One parent addresses it having helped his sons' anxiety and OCD immensely. Parent also lists dosing and mentions upset stomach for the first week or two. Fyi. :)

Now Foods Inositol Pure Powder, 1 LB



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I can remember being a young kid telling people I was depressed/anxious/ocd

Hi @anxiousguy,

Sorry to hear how difficult things have been for you. Do you by any chance recall having any kind of head injury or perhaps vaccination reaction as a young kid. Both of these can produce long-term effects.

I've dealt with varying degrees of depression and anxiety, but for the most part believe it's not "me" who is depressed and anxious--it's my body that is experiencing that. And I believe my body experiences it because of a buildup of toxicity. The best thing that works for me to control symptoms of depression and anxiety is coffee enemas.

@ahmo has blogged extensively on using CEs, and would recommend it as a starting point if you had any interest in researching this avenue. -- My Detox Story: Coffee Enemas

Here's a post I did about a year ago that describes some of the history coffee enemas as well as my own experiences from doing them. A number of references to depression. It includes a reference to a 1922 publication by the New England Journal of Medicine on using CEs to treat depression.
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I don’t have any vaccination reaction or head trauma as a kid that I remember. I did have a hernia repaired at birth

@Sherpa posted this (re:inositol) in a previous thread that I started

That is the brand/product that I purchased

Is there any reason for splitting the dose other than being easier on your stomach? I know that in general things are absorbed better if they are taken throughout the day. I sometimes forget, so I like to take it all at once in the am if possible.

Is there any detriment to taking too much inositol?

Thank you everyone


Senior Member
I haven't done a super in depth study, but I think other than the upset stomach, there is no downside to taking mega doses of it.

If you're still getting an upset stomach, my suggestion would be to stop, wait a few days for it to clear. Then restart at an even lower dose (like 1 mg). Then if you tolerate that, gradually build up from there as tolerated. You should know in about 3-4 weeks if it's going to help.

Or it may be one of those subtle things where you don't realize it's helping until you discontinue and start feeling worse. Then you can restart and see if you start feeling better again, and prove (or disprove) it's efficacy that way.
Hi @anxiousguy - thought I'd check in and see how inositol has been working for you. Ive been trying low dose inositol for a week now and have noticed I can get SO ANGRY. This is unusual for me...totally. anyone else experience this??

The main thing that I am noticing is fatigue and upset stomach.

I may try the whole dose right before bed and see if I "sleep through" stomach upset


Senior Member
Personally, I doubt marijuana is the cause for your anxiety, it was likely just a coping mechanism that is no longer sufficient to mask increasing symptoms. Anxiety is a common issue for ME suffers, so your issues could potentially stem from a few different sources. Either way, you have my sympathy, I know first hand how miserable this symptom can be.