from Christine
"Hair mineral testing has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for assessment of heavy metal burden within tissues. 1 This is because most heavy metals do not remain with the bloodstream for longer than 24 hours, so an alternate method of detection was needed. The scientific community found that heavy metals accumulate in tissue storage locations. Hair is considered a soft tissue of the body, so by testing the hair, it is considered suggestive or reflective what may be occurring within the soft tissues within the body.
This is one of the instances where Christines company feels that much of the hair mineral testing community has made an error in interpreting the hair charts. Their theory believes if you are removing a heavy metal from tissue storage, it will then show up in the hair. Based on the previous description of hair being a soft tissue of the body, this is in direct contradiction of the scientific community's description. If the metal were being removed from tissue storage, and hair is considered reflective of a soft tissue, then the hair metal reading should go down, not up. In her companys experience, this is what occurs; as the heavy metals are removed from the body, the levels of heavy metals become undetectable on hair mineral charts.
The other instance where Christines company disagrees with the hair mineral testing community is in their interpretation of the values for heavy metals. Most hair mineral testing laboratories have set heavy metal parameters to detect toxic levels of each heavy metal. If toxic levels of heavy metals are observed, then a toxicologist is recommended for immediate care.
Christines company has developed new theories on interpreting the amounts and types of certain heavy metals. In the case of people with low energy production, her companys interpretation of heavy metal levels is reflective of various vitamin and mineral deficiencies that affect energy production. An example would be for lead. A lead reading of greater than 0.001 mg% indicates the body has accumulated lead. The body should never contain any lead due to its detrimental effects on the bodys numerous energy systems. Christines company interprets a reading of 0.01 mg% to be an elevated reading for lead. Though it is not considered a toxic level of lead, and though it may not be observed on a bar graph on the hair mineral chart, the fact that there is detectible accumulation of that metal must be considered as detrimental to the energy systems of the body.
1 Toxic Trace Metals in Mammalian Hair and Nails, EPA 600 4.79-049, August 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research and Development"