Db and Brenda, I feel like you do. I am willing to take a chance and try something new that sounds promising to me. Whether is pans out, who knows! But I won't know until I try. My intuition is telling me to give it a shot.
As far as medical studies and research, I only take them with a grain of salt. It is our standard form of medicine that got me to this awful place in my life. I was working a full time job, with some limitations for decades after getting mono in my teens. I was never debilitated, but often needed extra sleep and was sick with sinus and ear infections, colds and flu every year thereafter. It wasn't until my mid 30s that things started to come apart. Believing in my doctors and allopathy, I turned to meds to help my health problems, only to find myself getting worse. Even though still able to carry on with life as normal as I could, I couldn't understand why I was so young and was having so many health problems. It wasn't until having my adverse reaction to a supposedly safe antibiotic that both mine and my family's world came apart. After this, my belief in our standard medical community went south. I feel that they failed me. It is that medical community that wouldn't believe that these medications were making me ill. All they wanted to do was dope me up and give me more meds. I was told by doctor after doctor that antibiotics won't cause these awful symptoms, even with the pharmaceutical side effect sheet in hand. One doctor even threw the sheet at me and told me that these types of things never happen. I am not saying that there aren't any good MDs out there, but they are hard to find now and it takes a lot of searching.
In my journey, I have found that studies are only as good as the researcher and that studies are manipulated all in the name money! For every bit of information that research proves, you will find other studies that contradict those results. So, who are we to believe? We, as the patients, have to be our best advocate and decide what is best for our own health. I have seen so many doctors, both allopathic and naturopathic, that couldn't figure me out. I have spent thousands of dollars trying to find my way back. None of the treatments were helpful, actually sometimes harmful! I am not against research all together, just cautious. Obviously, we have a great researcher here on board. He truly cares about our community and wants to help in the worse way. Thank you Rich! And for all those other researchers and doctors trying to find us a cure, they are still learning. They even admit they don't have all the answers!
It wasn't until I took charge a year ago and found myself getting better. Reading recovery stories of various illnesses (not just about ME/CFS) helped me find my healing path. So, I feel that Christine is right as far as it's about putting the body back in balance that helps correct all types of illnesses. Listening to my inner voice and following my intuition was when I started finding my health improving. For me, alternative care has been my best medicine. It took a while to find the best path to follow, but I feel like I am finally on the road to recovery. Allopathic medicine will still have it's place in my life, but will only be used for emergencies in the future.
As far as Christine, I want to give her a chance. There is something about what she is saying that is resonating with me. Having Christine and Rich get together on this would be so beneficial. Even my current practitioners that have helped me with my recovery, (who are not MDs or NDs by the way), feel I am making a wise decision to proceed with her. We feel this is a missing link. Like Brenda said above, some of the best medicine comes from people who are not MDs.
Again, Christine never solicited anything from me. I approached her, actually begged her to share more information and for her to have me tested. At first, she declined and said that I needed to find a practitioner who used this lab that she utilizes. She then said I could send her the results and she would take a look at them. But I wanted her to help me, and she finally agreed! (Btw, I am not challenging the decisions of the moderators here, just telling my side of things.)
Like DB and Brenda, I won't blindly follow her advice. What I take and what I do is my decision. If it sounds right, I am going to give it a shot!