I had a hair mineral analysis done by a different practitioner several months back. She also used ARL, and ordered the test for me. So it came back to her and she made her recommendations and sent them to me.
Her fee was $195, slightly less than Christine's, but she also added an additional $290 for about 8 supplements that she insisted I needed, for a total of $475. I ended up not being able to tolerate 6 of them, and each time I spoke w/her, she had a different explanation, and suggested different dietary recommendations.
Christine was kind enough to take a look at that test -- for free -- and give her recommendations, based on her own hypothesis and research. I've cut my supplements down from more than 15-20 a day (plus was taking a lot of betaine HCL with each meal) to needing a TOTAL of four capsules, in divided doses, that last all day long. Probably will cost me $10 a month. Her interpretation makes a lot more sense to me, and while I can't speak for others, no one held a gun to my head to choose this path, nor has anyone coerced me into buying any additional products.