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Hair Mineral Testing


work in progress
N. California
Thanks Adster for your post. :thumbsup: I understand both sides of the issue, which you have articulated well.

AT this point it's up to Christine how she decides to proceed around here, or not. Too bad if she doesn't, though I would understand why.


Senior Member
planet earth
Kina has just contacted me via private message stating that I am advertising by listing my company website. First you want to know who I am, now that you know, you won't let anyone new contact me. Then she corrected my listing of CSF/ME instead of ME/CSF.

I quite. Good Bye everyone.

God bless you in your work. Thanks again Christine. Sorry things went so sideways here.



Senior Member
My interpretation was different.

Go back and read posts starting on #86 for a more accurate account of the events. Unfortunately the post was edited 2 days after which changed the context dramatically.

what a mess...

Jarod. Post number 86 was not edited to change the context. The post was edited to remove a personal attack made by another member. The quote was edited, not what I wrote in the post. There was no context change.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I remain skeptical about hair analysis. It's a test that hasn't helped me at all in the past and I struggle to see how it can deliver a full picture of a person nutritional status.
I dont know of any test that delivers a full picture of a persons nutritional status. A blood test doesnt. A urine test doesnt. Each is better for some things than others. Combining tissue and blood tests for potassium told me that I was getting it into my blood but not into my tissue, so taking more supplemental potassium was not the answer.

Actually my tests havent helped me a lot so far, but that may be a matter of interpretation. Christine is seeing things in them that my current dietitian did not see. Christine has convinced me not to do something that my dietitian also told me not to do, but the dietitians reason was not convincing to me. Since lack of understanding of ME by medical practitioners is par for the course, I decided to do what looked best to me. Christine gave me a reason that made sense to me and may have saved me from making a serious mistake.

I've just experimenting with B2 and I must admit that it's been making me feel pretty crappy, depressed in fact, which is unusual for me. So there must be something there.
Christine stressed to me that I should not take enough B2 to make me feel crappy. She said if I was feeling bad one day, to cut back on or skip the B2 the next day.

I also agree with her conclusion that we with CFS are in a chronic fight-or-flight status.
This sounds similar to Dr. Cheneys minor seizure disorder (up-regulated autonomic nervous system).

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Kina has just contacted me via private message stating that I am advertising by listing my company website. First you want to know who I am, now that you know, you won't let anyone new contact me. Then she corrected my listing of CSF/ME instead of ME/CSF.

I quit. Good Bye everyone.
Like I said before - damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Christine had to clarify her offer. It caused confusion and bad feelings. That's a fact.
I think

"So to those few people that I've offered some general suggestions via private email, I will offer this - if you contact my company through my website ................., my company will do a current hair test for you free of charge. This will allow my company to offer more detailed supplement suggestions."

would pass the reasonable person test for clarity. Unfortunately this board is frequented by people who are prone to cognitive dysfunction and confusion. Christine did not know this.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Regarding the reliability of hair mineral testing:

My physician referred me for hair mineral testing when I told her I wanted to test my zinc level. She said that it was the best test for zinc.

One study said that Most reports contained computerized interpretations that were voluminous, bizarre, and potentially frightening to patients. Most is not all. My report contained just under six pages of interpretation that I found neither bizarre or frightening. Actually, what Christine had to say to me was more frightening.

Unfortunately, the quality and consistency of hair mineral testing labs does vary. So does at least the consistency of thyroid testing labs, according to my physician. She insists that I drive an hour and a half to get my thyroid test done at the hospital where she works because she says she does not know how other labs do the test or how to interpret their results. Maybe the AMA should advise against thyroid testing.

I can recall when allopaths said chiropractors were frauds. They have pretty much given that up. The amount of hair mineral testing that is being done despite the AMAs objection should indicate that the case against it is not as cut-and-dried as the AMA would like you to believe.

Why are those of you who do not believe that hair mineral testing is useful even reading this thread? The title is very clear about the subject. Ill bet I could find some threads here about treatments that I do not think are useful. I do not spend time looking for them and railing against them. I am too busy looking for things that might help me.

It looks those of us who want to work with Christine will become a private club. Those of you who are undecided will now have to make up your mind whether or not to join on very little information. I fail to see who wins in all of this. Even the grinches who think that they have, have not really gained anything of real value for themselves.


Senior Member
This is true, why would anyone who does not believe in HMT want to read this thread? I certainly have not got the energy or time to go onto threads which are about treatments I am not interested in and what on earth do people get out of debunking them?

We are alll capable of researching treatments that interest us to look at both sides, and the side debunking MHT forget that this test is used extensively in forensics.

Christine has a gift in interpreting the results and she has given me more usful information about my health than anyone else ever. To have my sleep restored after over 25 years of severe insomnia is like a miracle to me.


Senior Member
Midwest USA

The topic of this thread is Hair Mineral Testing and the most recent posts are still veering way off topic.

If a post makes you feel the need to defend yourself or someone else, the post should be reported to a moderator immediately. If you respond to a post in an inflammatory manner or with personal attacks against other members, then you become part of the problem and not a part of the solution. At that point, no one is "right" or "winning" and we ALL lose a bit of the dignity and respect for one another that makes this community work so well.

Please help keep this thread on topic and a source of useful information for members and guests to view in the future. This will be the last reminder before the thread is closed for a breather.



Senior Member
Hi Brenda,

Thank you for giving us updates on how things are going. I am so happy for you that sleep is being restored. This is huge toward your healing. I am in the process of getting my hair tested and can't wait to see my results. I am really sorry that Christine has left. Her information was very interesting. Some things are beginning to make sense in my own health issues now. Please keep us posted on your progress!



Senior Member
Christine has a gift in interpreting the results and she has given me more usful information about my health than anyone else ever. To have my sleep restored after over 25 years of severe insomnia is like a miracle to me.

Brenda, this B2 thing has probably been one of the most helpful intervention's I've ever tried as well. Early days, but I am very encouraged. Amino acid tests point to hypochloridia , so I am thinking that maybe the B2 depletion is due to gut issues, what that link called protein energy malnutrition. I wanted to mention that I suspect that I think the improved sleep might be due to improved oxygen transport. Just a guess. I wish you continued improvement!


Senior Member
Hi folks, as some of you know I started taking B2 (as riboflavin) aswell just this past week...Ive no idea if I am deficient or not, as Ive not had any tests to show that and the only deficiency symptom that I seem to get is very itchy eyes every now and then. Anyway I was very curious about Christine's ideas after reading about Brenda's and aquariusgirl's responses, so like others just decided to try as an experiment... on the first day I took 100mg and felt pretty awful the next day...aswell as quite irritable and had orange stools too. Oh I was more itchy too, but I do get that symptom sometimes anyway.

Since then ive been taking 25mg twice a day and have mostly stopped taking my B complex. Some things Ive noticed since taking the ribo are feeling more relaxed at times....ive also been producing more mucus. Also like Brenda and Aquariusgirl my sleep is noticeably better...i'm sleeping *much* longer and harder than usual. I also wondered if it was to do with oxygen, or the effect on neurotransmitters via folate/b12/b6 metabolism. I've been having HBOT too for a few months now but my sleep has markedly improved since being on the B2, which I hadnt noticed on HBOT alone. Anyway I'll be interested to see where this takes me and others.

The point about protein malnutrition is very interesting aquariusgirl...also i wonder if B2 deficiency is the reason why some people have done so badly on ARVs since the article also mentions that certain ones deplete B2?


Senior Member
Is anyone trying to increase B2 while still taking a b-complex?

Wondering if similar effects can be achieved?


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Is anyone trying to increase B2 while still taking a b-complex?

Wondering if similar effects can be achieved?

Yes, I have tried 3 different schedules so far.

1. B2 along with my normal schedule of 2x B-complexes a day (1 in morning, 1 in evening).
2. B2 with no B complex
3. B2 with 1/2 cap of B complex twice a day (so 1 capsule B-complex total).

[I take one 100mg B2 capsule daily, divided over 4 doses]

I have to say, so far I seem to get best results on Schedule 3 - i.e. reducing/halving my B-complex, but not eliminating it entirely. I suspect I am not getting enough B vitamins from my diet to completely drop the B complex. I definitely think there is something to what Christine was saying about high dose B-complex "interfering" with B2, since I seem to do better on half-dose of B-complex than full-dose.


PR activist
Yes, I have tried 3 different schedules so far.

1. B2 along with my normal schedule of 2x B-complexes a day (1 in morning, 1 in evening).
2. B2 with no B complex
3. B2 with 1/2 cap of B complex twice a day (so 1 capsule B-complex total).

[I take one 100mg B2 capsule daily, divided over 4 doses]

I have to say, so far I seem to get best results on Schedule 3 - i.e. reducing/halving my B-complex, but not eliminating it entirely. I suspect I am not getting enough B vitamins from my diet to completely drop the B complex. I definitely think there is something to what Christine was saying about high dose B-complex "interfering" with B2, since I seem to do better on half-dose of B-complex than full-dose.

Garcia, how much is half-dose B complex? They vary considerably in strength.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Garcia, how much is half-dose B complex? They vary considerably in strength.

Adreno, this is the one I take:

