Hair Mineral Testing

You would have to consult a medical professional for blood test interpretation.

Hair tests are good, even if the hair is all of what you listed as long as you follow the sampling instructions carefully. Here are the instructions I provide:

About a tablespoon of hair is needed. The hair on the back of the head is requested (see ARL form). However, any part of the head may be used to obtain enough sample.

Hair Preparation: Make sure the hair has been washed with a mild shampoo. The sample should be taken between four and twenty hours after washing. Do not place other products on the hair such as hair cream/gel, hair spray or others. The hair should be dry when it is being sampled.

Tints, dyes, color rinses (such as henna) and highlighting: These can be on the hair when a sample is obtained for analysis. Exceptions are: Grecian Formula contains lead and should be avoided. Head and Shoulders Shampoo contains zinc and could elevate zinc readings. Selsun Blue Shampoo contains selenium and could elevate this reading.

Bleaches and Permanents: After a bleach or permanent, especially a beauty parlor permanent, it is best to let the hair grow out 6-8 weeks before obtaining a hair sample. The chemicals used can affect the hair structure.

Hair Sampling Instructions: Using stainless steel scissors, not clippers, take several small snips of hair as close as possible to the scalp, from the back of the head (see ARL form). Take several small samples from different spots and combine them. This will minimize bald places in the hair style. For short hair1 in length or lessuse the entire sample length. For long hairover 1 in lengthcut off and use 1 to 1 of the hair from the end that was next to the scalp. Discard the remaining length of hair.

Set up the cardboard weight scale by following the instructions printed on it. Placing the 1 to 1 long samples inside the circle on the card, continue sampling until the scale tips, indicating that there is an adequate quantity of hair for testing.

Once an adequate sample is accumulated, combine and place in the sample envelope. Write the patients name, age and sex on the envelope.
Nestle and Louie Now

The question was asked how are my dogs doing. They do not have any adverse symptoms. They are happy, soft and healthy. They run the fields every day twice a day. Louie had his shoulders re x-rayed and the cartilage is all perfectly normal. The orthopedic surgeon had told us he would have such severe arthritis by the time he was 9 if we didnt give him glucosamine/condroitin that we would have to put him down then. What I learned is you make your own glycosaminoglycans to grow your own cartilage with manganese, so this is why his cartilage is now fine.

Nestle and Louie are now 9 years and 7 months. Both of them eat every food they were allergic to, which is why I cook all the time because they eat so many things. (Grass fed beef from, organic chicken thighs and breasts, wild caught salmon, free range eggs, pork roast, a variety of vegetables and fruits, rice, wheat, homemade whole milk yogurt, raw milk cheese from France, various nuts and seeds and anything else they think they want.)

They run and play in all the environmental allergens they were supposed to be allergic to; no hives, itching, sneezing or asthma. Theyre never sick to their stomachs and their intestines and liver work fine. The livers were ultrasounded and have grown back to normal size, the microsized vesicles in the liver are gone and they do not exhibit shunts. Their diet is 300% protein with no adverse symptoms which also indicates good liver function. Thyroid function is normal, not on synthroid any more. Cholesterol normal, platelets back to over 250,000 and no more iron saturation. When we went up in the mountains last summer, they were able to breath without turning blue and gasping for oxygen as happened in the past so it would seem they make well oxygenated Red Blood Cells these days!

My vet says my financial contribution helped put his son through Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I didnt think this was very funny.

I dont know how long they will be with me, but for now, its a joy.


Senior Member
Dog Person: thanks much for the info. I will use it in case I do a hair test.

Aquariusgirl:I have always wanted to do a exatest, but it requires a doctor's order. My doc can't do that. I was thinking of doing Genova's. Spectracel is also good, but manganese, moly, and vanadium are not included in the panel.


Senior Member
Hi, Christine.

There's also pretty good evidence for low intracellular magnesium in ME/CFS. Do the hair analyses agree with that?




work in progress
N. California
The question was asked how are my dogs doing. They do not have any adverse symptoms. They are happy, soft and healthy. They run the fields every day twice a day. Louie had his shoulders re x-rayed and the cartilage is all perfectly normal. The orthopedic surgeon had told us he would have such severe arthritis by the time he was 9 if we didnt give him glucosamine/condroitin that we would have to put him down then. What I learned is you make your own glycosaminoglycans to grow your own cartilage with manganese, so this is why his cartilage is now fine.

Nestle and Louie are now 9 years and 7 months. Both of them eat every food they were allergic to, which is why I cook all the time because they eat so many things. (Grass fed beef from, organic chicken thighs and breasts, wild caught salmon, free range eggs, pork roast, a variety of vegetables and fruits, rice, wheat, homemade whole milk yogurt, raw milk cheese from France, various nuts and seeds and anything else they think they want.)

Hi Christine--

That was me who asked, and I am really glad to hear how well they're doing. And also, how well they eat. WOW! That is an amazing bunch of food that you prepare for them.

I am eager to do my hair test and see how it compares with the older ones. My guess is that my imbalances will be worse this time around, as I have been feeling overall worse since my big crash in 2009. But maybe... given the story of your dogs, there is a possibility for some real improvement.


Senior Member
Hi Christine

There are a few questions I would like to ask regarding the storage system of the company as to whether you have a privacy policy and if the computers are able to keeping such sensitive data able to be extracted from hair samples safe. We have such strong privacy laws in force in the UK and I dont know what they are in the US. Thanks



Senior Member
That is a shame, I would have been interested in answers to Rich's questions also.

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Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I believe it was the World Health Orginization that set up the imbalance, but all of you can judge for yourself after you read how I've put it together. I've touched on many of the reasons like taking too much of one kind of supplement. Most recent research even shows that possibly the amount of folic acid enrichment may have caused problems (I completly agree).

I do not disagree with you on any of this, however, it effects everyone. The question remains as to how those of us with ME/CFS got the way we are. I think a couple of useful pieces of information in your study might be type of onset and length of illness.


PR activist
Christine, I agree that food fortification, especially with folic acid, could cause problems.

I am not sure I am entirely with you on the variation factor, though. Most people I have known do not look at nutritional charts to balance their food intake.

Most people seem to have favorite foods, and variation doesn't seem pronounced. I would say that most people in western societies get their nutrients from mainly dairy and grains, especially wheat.

Also, the great variety of foods we see in supermarkets today, simply weren't available half a century ago. People only ate what they could find locally. And before farming was invented, people lived on what they could find in the local environment. Many populations of the world live on staple foods, like rice and beans.

I know chronic disease is on the rise in the industrialized world, but most people don't get CFS/ME. It is important that your hypothesis can explain why some people get CFS/ME, and others don't, when they eat the same foods.

One idea could be that genetic polymorphisms, poor nutritional status from birth (like your dogs), environmental insults, pathogens and psychological stesssors all combine to cause nutritional imbalance.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Thanks for the answers. Now another question, (sorry I didn't ask it before) - have you been taking B12 when you did the hair charts?

Do any of you know where in the world the incidence of CFS is highest?

Also, has there been any increases in the incidence of CFS since 2002 moreso than prior to 2002?

No I wasnt having B12 in any form for quite a long time before I had the hair test done.

Different countries seeing they all define CFS differently (even Australia has its own definition thou some also use the Canadian consensus defination). It would make it impossible to accurately compare the rate of CFS in many different countries.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I do NOT agree with the sites that Kina has listed. This is her words, not mine.

Your statement has really upset me. You could cause harm to people here if they went to these sites and tried what those people suggest because they think I believe in them! Had you considered this? I don't even know what to say at this point.

Take a few deep breaths. I think most of this community would of understood what Kina was saying her words were "Dog Person seems to base her theories" ... so hence was just therorizing where your info "may" of come from.

It appears that you are thinking everyone is attacking you due to the quite a few attacks you did get by some which would of put anyone a little on edge.

I suggest maybe take a break for a couple of days from the site if people are starting to get to you (many stressed people at this site, lol probably is nearly all of us... and distrusting of others due to all the crap we go throu).

If you do take a break for a couple of days to like reground and come back a bit stronger so unfair comments can bounce off of you easier.. Please thou come back and there are many of us interested in your theory and do want to explore more what you are exploring.

Comments asking for references are often just cause people are interesting and do want to try to check into things more themselves and most of us dont have the energy or brain right now to go trying to find out where info has come from, so need the references to check things.

(people usually arent asking cause they are trying to be difficult but asking cause they are interested and wanting to look into it more).

I dont not want to see you alienate yourself from this community just cause you arent truely understanding it or where people are coming from.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
All theory comes from somewhere. Dr Wilson seems to have been very pioneering in the work he has done in Hair Mineral Analysis, he might be the leader in this kind of work.

It is possible for people to come up with their own theories of things based on their own observations and hence for people to come up with the the same theories themselves in this way.

But one would think that if someone studied under someone even if they dont agree with the others views, their would still be some things they would still agree on and hence take from it.

My computer information is backed up every night offsite. It is completly confidential and safe.

To everyone,

I've had several emails thanking me for my kind off to do everyone's hair test for free. I appologize if this is what my offer appeared. I thought it was quite clear - for a very specific few. Free for all can not be the case as my company has never made but a small profit so it can not afford to pay for everyone.

As to your concerns about my needing to take a break. Yes, this is exactly what I have to do but not because I am affected by your forum. Yesterday, I was a bit overwhelmed with emails. I am only one person. So response times to emails may now be much longer than previous. I will not be posting on the forum until I finish what I want to write, (not what anyone else wants me to write).

My "theory" to your forum is only this; a theroy of mine. It is not a heavily documented, scientifically researched, scientifically proven, peer reviewed paper. That is only my intent for the paper I am working on with the professor of Animal Nutrition.

There will always be those of you that are "nay sayers" and not like or agree with what I am writing. That's fine. I have already given you my take on why it affects some people and not others. For example, look at twins or triplets born to the same mother. Her body allocates different amounts of nutrients to each baby. So one can be born and have all kinds of medical issues, maybe even CSF/ME and the other be very healthy. Nutrition can never be the same for everyone, because we contain so many different nutrients and each starts with a different amount of each and goes from there based on environment, attitude, food choices, exercise choices, etc. This is how it slants various imbalances to each person.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I just wanted to say that I have no problem whatsoever in paying Christine to intrerpret hair results. I am glad to do it and she should be compensated for her time and energy. No doubt her time is already stressed.

I'm also looking at it this way, it could save me some money in the long run. Maybe if I know more about what's going on with me, I won't be wasting money on other supplements that I only "think" might help me. I know I have spent a boatload of money over the years on supplements and if I felt better from them, I wouldn't even be here on this forum.


Senior Member
It really didn't occur to you to make your offer of free tests privately and specifically to those you intended? I wish you nothing but the best of luck in finding something that would help us, especially since the research is related to observations in dogs, whom I adore. But, honestly, after 20 years of watching things like this appear on the horizon, I'm deeply skeptical.

Please, everyone, before you spend another penny or ounce of energy on speculative advice or treatment, please hear what Christine is saying:

My "theory" to your forum is only this; a theroy of mine. It is not a heavily documented, scientifically researched, scientifically proven, peer reviewed paper. That is only my intent for the paper I am working on with the professor of Animal Nutrition.

We are nothing more than a curiosity, I'm afraid. Those of you who have shared the hair mineral analyses you paid for have been very generous in offering to satisfy that curiosity.


My computer information is backed up every night offsite. It is completly confidential and safe.

To everyone,

I've had several emails thanking me for my kind off to do everyone's hair test for free. I appologize if this is what my offer appeared. I thought it was quite clear - for a very specific few. Free for all can not be the case as my company has never made but a small profit so it can not afford to pay for everyone.