severe anxiety, cramping, cold extremities, neuropathies,
Those are nonspecific reactions as they can be caused by other things. Cramping of one sort can be caused by too much potassium or calcium. Another distinctive form of cramping is caused by low potassium which is often caused by successfully starting a methylation program as cell formation goes into high gear. Severe anxiety often can result, for people who tend to have anxiety, from the sucessful mehtylation startup as the nerves start working better and differently from the shutdown state. Some feel it as energized, some as euphoria, some as nervousness and some as anxiety.
Neuropathies, I can tell you from massive experience, can intensify considerably with a large increase in paresthesias as to intensity, frequency and type making it appear that the neuropathies are worse. Also nerves that have ceased to function can send jolting pain all the way down the body as they come back to life. The neuropathic areas become very painful as they are returning to life and functioning. Often the intensified symptoms are run through backwards from the order they came on but a hundred times faster and more intense.
Cold extremities are often experienced as the neurology is undergoing changes, again from my own years of experiences. So I see nothing at all that actually shouts out "heavy metals" but instead says "start-up responses".
Why do you distinguish these as "heavy metal" inspired symptoms?. Methylb12 promptly removes tiny amounts of arsenic from the body removing the burden slowly but eventually.
Can you describe the cramping as fully as possible for instance, also the neuropathy changes though those when those are changing distinguishing worsening from getting better is very difficult and takes time. These might help distinguish more of what is going on. Good luck.
Hi Freddd,
Please note that I was bringing up the issue of the Metafolin, not methyl-b12.
You're correct that many of these symptoms can be due to other things, but mine only increased over the last year or so, after being prescribed a Thorne b-complex supplement that in hindsight I realized contained 2 'active' forms of folate and a few months later, Folacal.
I've also had 2 blood tests done during the last 2 years -- both showed elevated (but 'normal') levels of mercury and arsenic. I did the Doctor's Data Hair Elements Test, which showed several slightly elevated levels of several heavy metals, but also highly skewed minerals, or as Andrew Cutler describes it, "deranged mineral transport", which he says is caused (to this degree anyway) by mercury toxicity.
I also had the methylation panel done in August, and was found to have the partial methylation cycle block. (The NutrEval test confirmed this, and have since also found out from that, that I have a sulfation problem. I may have other detox pathway problems as well.)
So anyway, at my next appointment in October, I was prescribed several different forms of active folates, along with adenob12 and hydroxb12 drops. Within a week or so my anxiety, twitching, cramping, tingling increased DRAMATICALLY. I was suicidal on at least six ocassions during a 2 month period. I can't imagine going through that again.
Rich has commented that he thought the extreme reaction I had may have been due to probiotics I was taking were "remethylating" -- I think that was his word -- the folates, making my reactions even worse. My doctor's ART testing showed I was 'dumping metals' as a result of these methylation supplements.
In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, I also developed a symptom I have never had -- ever -- until about June of this past year, and that is 'skin shedding' or desquamation. My skin is very dry and flakes off. When I'm able to take a shower, my skin peels off when I dry off -- very scary -- I don't recommend it. It is listed as one of the 'common' symptoms of mercury toxicity:
"Common symptoms of mercury poisoning include peripheral neuropathy (presenting as paresthesia or itching, burning or pain), skin discoloration (pink cheeks, fingertips and toes), swelling, and desquamation (shedding of skin)."
And halfway down this page...'ll find a section entitled "What Mercury Poisoning Does to You". That description fits me to a 'T'.
Another unusual symptom noted on that page is that 'teeth feel loose and can be wiggled very slightly'. I have had this symptom off and on since a year or so after having my amalgams replaced back in 1988 (without proper chelation). Dentists have had no explanation for this, because my pockets are in good shape, but still my teeth can wiggle and my bite can shift, and this odd symptom has increased with the others, since the overprescription of the methylation supplements back in October-November.
Like many on this forum, my potassium is high in relation to sodium on the hair mineral test. Water, with a little sea salt added, helps this, albeit temporarily. It may be, as described above, that this is a result of mercury causing 'deranged mineral transport'. My calcium and magnesium balance is also messed up. I've almost never been able to take calcium or magnesium supplements -- and I've tried dozens of combinations over the past 13 years -- without increasing muscle twitching or sometimes cramping problems, again, suggesting that mercury has been skewing my mineral balances for years.
The cramping I've experienced since Oct-Nov is in my upper abdominal area -- just below my ribcage, but it moves around. I never had that before either, but fortunately it has subsided but happens maybe 2-3 times a week, especially as anxiety or tension increases.
Anyway, that's my story to date. I don't know what the answer is, just trying to figure it out. Cutler and those who have followed his chelation protocol, suggest that proper chelation of mercury will correct the methylation and other detox pathway problems, and also improve digestive intolerances and problems (like candida/fungal infections). Whether or not that is true, I don't know.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me like you came from a place of (near) paralysis, which is the opposite of many of us who are 'wired but tired', myself being 'extra wired'.
It's also interesting that you mention your father was a dentist and you were exposed to a lot of mercury when you were younger. Could it be that your symptoms are due to hidden mercury toxicity?
Best regards,