GcMAF trial


Senior Member
Does anyone have good contacts to J.Mikovits or A.Whittemore ? If yes, it would be important to bring them in contact with Yamamoto in order to start-up trials with his Gcmaf. This would be of importance for both parties, I'm sure. Otherwise GcMaf might not reach the public, EVER! I had my 10th injection, with a less effective Gcmaf, and it did so many good things to me already, I'm sure this is the way to go.

But the world needs results and proof, so trials on gcmaf need to be conducted asap.



Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Hi Overstressed! Many thanks for your post. Are you one of De Meirleir's trial patients, or are you getting your GcMAF via the GcMAF.eu team (or some other route)?

Can you give some indication of how bad your ME/CFS is? I only ask because the responder that De Meirleir talks about in the youtube clip was working 2 hours a day (before she started taking GcMAF). So it seems to work for less sick patients. I'm wondering if it works as well for sicker patients.

Many thanks,

Does anyone have good contacts to J.Mikovits or A.Whittemore ? If yes, it would be important to bring them in contact with Yamamoto in order to start-up trials with his Gcmaf. This would be of importance for both parties, I'm sure. Otherwise GcMaf might not reach the public, EVER! I had my 10th injection, with a less effective Gcmaf, and it did so many good things to me already, I'm sure this is the way to go.

But the world needs results and proof, so trials on gcmaf need to be conducted asap.



Senior Member
Hi Garcia,

I'm not one of De Meirleir's patients, I get my Gcmaf through my doctor/homeopath, but don't know his source, although I'm sure he doesn't get it from the internet. I got ill 3 years back, you can read my story in the 'introduce yourself' topic, and was still working full-time, but was the last year less and less productive, maybe only 50%. I had much difficulties with cognitive function. I think I'm at the beginning of the illness, I guess.

I'm sure GcMaf can work for every single patient, maybe there is need for pre-treatment for very sick patients, but that's why it is important that J.Mikovits talks to Yamamoto in order to start trials and having good follow-up of the patients. Yamamoto keeps saying he cures CFS with 10 injections...

Take care,


Senior Member
All info i know, is that De Meirleir seemed excited about it, but not really about the synthetic version.
Has de Meirleir managed to cure anyone so far? As far as I know he's been using both real and synthetic version. Does anyone here know anyone who got treated with the "real" gcmaf?


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Has de Meirleir managed to cure anyone so far? As far as I know he's been using both real and synthetic version. Does anyone here know anyone who got treated with the "real" gcmaf?

Can someone please explain what the difference is between "real" and "synthetic" GcMAF?? Pretty please? I'm getting very confused here.
the only "real" one is made in Israel by pps company. They are using Yamamoto's original formula to make it. All other versions are fake and less effective, regardless of the fact they make it from human serum or synthetics.
He says that it is not a cure. It can give you your life back but it is not a cure. Thought you should know.
DeMeirleir said that? i'm not sure what he means by that. Is it possible to get rid of the virus with GcMAF then or not?
How can you have your life back if you're still carrying the virus?


Senior Member
You will always be carrying the virus. DNA viruses (like the whole herpes family including EBV and CMV) and RNA viruses(retroviruses) insert themselves into the DNA. It's a matter of
keeping their rate of replication to a minimum. You can't "kill" them, so far as I understand, though there may soon be ways to turn them off.
No. Check this from Yamamoto's paper on hiv:
Since latently HIV infected cells are unstable and constantly release HIV virions, the activated macrophages rapidly intercept the released HIV virions to prevent reinfection resulting in exhaustion of infected cells.
I'd assume it works the same way with xmrv.
Yes Leela is right. According to DeMeirleir we can put the virus to sleep with this GcMaf (+nexavir and artesunate) treatment but we won't be able to get rid of it.


Senior Member
de Meirleir is using artesunate...can you tell us more.. like dosage, frequency, in what circumstances he uses it?
I don't think I had heard this before....
Yes Leela is right. According to DeMeirleir we can put the virus to sleep with this GcMaf (+nexavir and artesunate) treatment but we won't be able to get rid of it.

Thanks. I'd like to know the reasoning behind this theory. That's not the way macrophages are supposed to work. Did DeMerleir test his patients for xmrv before and after the GcMAF treatment?


Senior Member
Hi Leela,

can you elaborate a bit more on your theory, because I don't understand it completely.

To Cansado: Can you also elaborate why De Meirleir does such claims ? How is he 'measuring' that the virus is put to sleep ? If it's just a 'theory', than it is just what it is, another 'theory'. Macrophages eat up infected cells, and that's exactly what needs to happen with XMRV infected cells, tmho.



Senior Member
Hi Overstressed,

I can't take credit for the theory, it is the current paradigm in virology. One "mistake" that the western medical model makes (this time in my opinion)
is the limited approach of kill kill kill rather than also focusing on bringing the organism into a balance that can handle a few random pathogens without them becoming disruptive. Even with bacteria or parasites, while we might take a wonderful antibiotic that dispenses with the majority of the lil' buggers, there will always be some left over hiding out here and there, waiting for the right moment to pop out again.

Anyhow, back to your question, whether endogenous or exogenous, viruses write themselves into your DNA so you you can never hope to "kill" them. But there is certainly hope, as the HIV community has proven, that you can get them under control, and restore the body and immune system's balance, so that the viruses just hang out in the background like
well-behaved hitch-hikers.
Here are two articles that explain in detail the viral process:

Did you know that only about 10% of the cells in our body are what we define as human? Even our mitochondria, the little power generators inside our cells, are hypothesized to have come from a protobacteria millions of years ago, and are in a continued symbiotic relationship with us humans.

Sounds off-topic but what I'm trying to say here is it might be useful to relax the us-and-them warlike attitude towards what's going on in our organism, and shift more towards a
"community management" sort of thing. Kind of like, your neighbors might be fricking annoying, but you're not going to gun them all down, just find the best way to cooperate and live together as harmoniously as possible--but call the police in if things really get out of hand....


Senior Member
Hi, Overstressed.

Please note that there are other viruses that remain in our bodies, also, which commonly stay in a latent state and don't cause constant problems. The herpes family of viruses is a good example. They are not retroviruses, like XMRV, but are DNA viruses.

The herpes family includes herpes simplex I (the cold sores virus), herpes simplex II (genital herpes), herpes zoster, aka varicella zoster (chicken pox and shingles virus), Epstein-Barr Virus (mononucleosis, aka glandular fever), cytomegalovirus, HHV-6 a (the one found in many people with CFS), HHV-6b (causes roseola in babies), HHV-7, and HHV-8 (causes Kaposi's sarcoma in people with AIDS).

People who have been exposed and developed an infection with herpes family viruses are usually able to put them into latency, and they stay that way unless certain conditions develop in the cells in which they reside that enable them to reactivate. This process is not completely understood, but activation of at least some of the herpes family viruses are favored if the ratio of arginine to lysine gets too high. Depletion of glutathione favors formation of glycoprotein B, which is a necessary part of the coat of all the herpes family viruses. A variety of stressors can deplete glutathione. A common one for the cold sores virus is exposure to ultraviolet light from sunshine.

Leela is right on. We can't expect to kill all these guys. We have to get our "terrain" into a status that tends to keep them in latency. That's the best we can do, at this stage of our abilities.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Thanks Leela and Rich for the clarification, though, I still don't understand the whole part. I always thought that it was not possible to put a virus like HIV under control, just because it changes so rapidly. With the current treatment options, it can be controlled, but not eradicated, yet. And yet, there are clinical trials underway to awaken these latent hiv reservoirs in order to kill the leftovers.

And if we go back to the thread subject, i.e. GcMaf, you should watch this interesting video:


Kind regards,