GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
no idea of canada customs rules, sorry

thanks lobba. so do i tell them its a supplement? do i have to pay duty charges? it wont have my name on the vial like a drug would, right?....i am still worried they will give me trouble at the airport. i cant stop worrying lol


Senior Member
enlanders office told me to put it in checked baggage or they will mail it...but i dont want to put it in checked baggage and they say they will not mail it frozen...i am going to carry it...i dont know what the heck is going to happen. enlander will give me a note i think, but without a prescription and my name on the bottle, what if they give me problems? if i try to explain that it is not really a drug, they will ask if it is a suplplement or what. what will i say? is it an OTC drug? if they find out its made with human blood products, they might take it away. i am really worried.


Senior Member
Phoenix, AZ
nobody ever said gcmaf is made from "human" blood plus maf314 has already made it clear that human blood is not needed to make gcmaf but bacteria is able to make it even better

as usual US is trying to ptnet and make money from it, wasted time.....i think US wont be able to steel money with its patents much long nowadays with the crisis, also it is not ethical if not horrible to try to patent parts of human body, gcmaf is an albumin and cant be patented.

many european countries have already rejected ridiculous US patents

Hi Lobba123,
I did say that GcMAF is created from human blood (post #2096). To be more accurate, real GcMAF is created using human serum from which they extract Gc Protein. Then a chemical process is used to partially deglycosylate (cleaving a sugar molecule) the Gc Protien. It is the deglycosylation of the Gc Protein that turns it into GcMAF. So it is my understanding that GcMAF is produced by first extracting Gc Protein from the blood of a human.
I am not a medical professional and am reciting some of this from memory of previous articles I have read. If anyone notices anything incorrect in the above statements, please correct me. Thx.

I also brought up the comment about patenting, but never said it was in regard to GcMAF. This university has created a novel substance (peptide mimetic) that they claim to have the same or better functioning than GcMAF. It is this substance they invented that they have patented.

I am not aware of the US trying to patent anything in regard to GcMAF. But I do believe there are many people and institutions, both private and public, around the world that have tried to patent GcMAF, or a modified version of GcMAF or something that functions like it.

I also believe that MAF 314 has a patent submitted on it. MAF 314 is very expensive and the patent holder will likely make money on it, as they should. Patents are used worldwide. I am not sure why you seem to be suggesting that patents are an evil tool of the US. I admit to not being a patent expert or know much about the history of the patent process, so please feel free to let me know if I am amiss in this regard.

Lastly, thank you for your input on the GcMAF thread. I greatly appreciate you sharing your personal experience with us. It is very generous on your part.

Best regards,


Senior Member
Gc Protein from the blood of a human....

unless you check the blood yourself before gcmaf extraction you cannot know if the blood used is human, there are other safer sources today that cannot carry diseases......i cannot say 100% they are using this way but this is very probable.gcmaf is not only in humans....

Hi Lobba123,
I did say that GcMAF is created from human blood (post #2096). To be more accurate, real GcMAF is created using human serum from which they extract Gc Protein. Then a chemical process is used to partially deglycosylate (cleaving a sugar molecule) the Gc Protien. It is the deglycosylation of the Gc Protein that turns it into GcMAF. So it is my understanding that GcMAF is produced by first extracting Gc Protein from the blood of a human.
I am not a medical professional and am reciting some of this from memory of previous articles I have read. If anyone notices anything incorrect in the above statements, please correct me. Thx.

I also brought up the comment about patenting, but never said it was in regard to GcMAF. This university has created a novel substance (peptide mimetic) that they claim to have the same or better functioning than GcMAF. It is this substance they invented that they have patented.

I am not aware of the US trying to patent anything in regard to GcMAF. But I do believe there are many people and institutions, both private and public, around the world that have tried to patent GcMAF, or a modified version of GcMAF or something that functions like it.

I also believe that MAF 314 has a patent submitted on it. MAF 314 is very expensive and the patent holder will likely make money on it, as they should. Patents are used worldwide. I am not sure why you seem to be suggesting that patents are an evil tool of the US. I admit to not being a patent expert or know much about the history of the patent process, so please feel free to let me know if I am amiss in this regard.

Lastly, thank you for your input on the GcMAF thread. I greatly appreciate you sharing your personal experience with us. It is very generous on your part.

Best regards,


Senior Member
Phoenix, AZ
Gc Protein from the blood of a human....

unless you check the blood yourself before gcmaf extraction you cannot know if the blood used is human, there are other safer sources today that cannot carry diseases......i cannot say 100% they are using this way but this is very probable.gcmaf is not only in humans....

I understand that GcMAF can be produced from Gc Protein that is extracted from non-human sources. That being said, I have not seen anything to suggest that it is safer or more desirable. I would very much like to see any documentation related to this, if you can easily find it.

I could be wrong, but I thought you were using GcMAF from gcmaf.eu. From statements on their website and conversation with Mr. Noakes, I was under the impression that gcmaf.eu produces GcMAF from human sera.
I do not know the source for BGLI, KDM, or the Israeli GcMAF, but I assumed it was from human sera. I am under the impression that sourcing from human sera is the most desirable, but I could be mistaken. Please share your details to the contrary.

Many thanks.


Senior Member
I understand that GcMAF can be produced from Gc Protein that is extracted from non-human sources. That being said, I have not seen anything to suggest that it is safer or more desirable. I would very much like to see any documentation related to this, if you can easily find it.

I could be wrong, but I thought you were using GcMAF from gcmaf.eu. From statements on their website and conversation with Mr. Noakes, I was under the impression that gcmaf.eu produces GcMAF from human sera.
I do not know the source for BGLI, KDM, or the Israeli GcMAF, but I assumed it was from human sera. I am under the impression that sourcing from human sera is the most desirable, but I could be mistaken. Please share your details to the contrary.

Many thanks.

I must agree with Dan, the Gc-Maf I receive is also taken and processed from human blood. My doctor confirmed this also, last week. He also told me that KDM is most likely getting his Gc-Maf from the same source as my doc's.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Does anyone know if GcMAF is considered a supplement or a prescription drug? I am not sure if I have to declare it and pay duties on it or not, when I bring it back to Canada from the USA. I think I will have a prescription for it, but one can obtain it without prescription and I am sure it won't be on any drug list

Does anyone know?

Thank you!

Hi Daff,

It is neither a prescription nor a supplement. If you are carrying it with you, try to avoid having customs question you about it. You should not have to pay any duty. At present, GcMAF seems not to be regulated. My statement from my doctor said something like that it was a natural substance produced by the human body and diluted with sterile saline. It also gave the dose and frequency that I was to take.

Just walk through customs and if they should question you, show them your note from the doctor.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
thanks sushi. if they ask i will tell them its like a vitamin. enlander's secretary said "if you try to carry it with you, you will not be let on the plane" (!) but i will try anyway.
i have now stopped the gc maf for 2 weeks.

Still am very very sick.
I have a really bad headache and tramadol or paracetamol etc doesnt work.
I really hate gc maf! and now i really never start it again.

(already had problems last year dec 2010-may 2011)

Never again!!!! Feel dead sick!!!!!!


Senior Member
Scotland, UK
i have now stopped the gc maf for 2 weeks.

Still am very very sick.
I have a really bad headache and tramadol or paracetamol etc doesnt work.
I really hate gc maf! and now i really never start it again.

(already had problems last year dec 2010-may 2011)

Never again!!!! Feel dead sick!!!!!!

I have no experience with GcMAF however there are people on the b12 protocol who run into problems with potassium levels dropping. This is because when healing gets started new cells are created and these new cells require potassium.

Symptoms can include migraine, itchy skin, heart palpitations, weakness, depression, anxiety, muscle spasms, feeling light-headed.

Do these symptoms sound familiar to you?

The general advice is to take 5 potassium tablets (=500mg) with plenty of water. Some people are needing to consume pretty large amounts of potassium to keep symptoms away.

Here are a couple of links where this is discussed further:-


Do you ever get basic blood tests including potassium? The reference range labs use isn't good enough. Seemingly you need to keep your potassium at nearer 4.5 or more.


Senior Member
Nabo..i am really sorry you re so sick. did your doctor say anything about it? do you get your nagalase tested?


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I'm also so sorry to hear that you have gotten so sick from the GcMAF, Nabo.
I wish you could have taken it in tiny doses like I do.
But now I hope you can recover, with time.
@ aprilk1869. Thanks for the info. I am going to read it.

@ Daffodil. Yes my nagalase is 0,93. So that is good

@ Forebearance. I did take tiny doses and still i am so sick cant do anything.

Thanks everyone!


Senior Member
so i guess its just a guessing game with gcmaf too....nagalase 0.93 and still so sick...wonder if i should spend the money on this treatment.

nabo....have you been sick a very long time? are you testing your c4a?



Senior Member
Anybody knows how long it takes roughly for side effects such as headaches, joint inflammation, fatigue etc. to subside?


Senior Member
Hi Xrunner, in my case the side effects would start to subside about a week later but they would take 2 full weeks to completely abate, following each injection. I have to say that I found the side effects pretty intolerable (severe depression and inflammation), and stopped gcmaf after 23 injections.


Senior Member
could someone who knows how several people have responded to gcmaf, comment on how long it can take the "die-off" to end? i see that there are so many who are still inflammed even afetr 25 injections.......are there people who started to improve only after 30? 40?

thank you


Senior Member
My doctor told me to quit gcmaf during my last apptmebnt when i told hiim about the inflammation. he said i had too many coinfections & they were activating the macrophages abnormally. I had about 8-10 shots...or around abt that number.

Hope to come back to it down the road.