nobody ever said gcmaf is made from "human" blood plus maf314 has already made it clear that human blood is not needed to make gcmaf but bacteria is able to make it even better
as usual US is trying to ptnet and make money from it, wasted time.....i think US wont be able to steel money with its patents much long nowadays with the crisis, also it is not ethical if not horrible to try to patent parts of human body, gcmaf is an albumin and cant be patented.
many european countries have already rejected ridiculous US patents
Hi Lobba123,
I did say that GcMAF is created from human blood (post #2096). To be more accurate, real GcMAF is created using human serum from which they extract Gc Protein. Then a chemical process is used to partially deglycosylate (cleaving a sugar molecule) the Gc Protien. It is the deglycosylation of the Gc Protein that turns it into GcMAF. So it is my understanding that GcMAF is produced by first extracting Gc Protein from the blood of a human.
I am not a medical professional and am reciting some of this from memory of previous articles I have read. If anyone notices anything incorrect in the above statements, please correct me. Thx.
I also brought up the comment about patenting, but never said it was in regard to GcMAF. This university has created a novel substance (peptide mimetic) that they claim to have the same or better functioning than GcMAF. It is this substance they invented that they have patented.
I am not aware of the US trying to patent anything in regard to GcMAF. But I do believe there are many people and institutions, both private and public, around the world that have tried to patent GcMAF, or a modified version of GcMAF or something that functions like it.
I also believe that MAF 314 has a patent submitted on it. MAF 314 is very expensive and the patent holder will likely make money on it, as they should. Patents are used worldwide. I am not sure why you seem to be suggesting that patents are an evil tool of the US. I admit to not being a patent expert or know much about the history of the patent process, so please feel free to let me know if I am amiss in this regard.
Lastly, thank you for your input on the GcMAF thread. I greatly appreciate you sharing your personal experience with us. It is very generous on your part.
Best regards,