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Game-Changing "Leaky Gut" Treatment (Larazotide Acetate) will soon be available


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I keep debating if I should take more.

As for safety I don't think anyone knows.

I believe I took 4 500mcg caps a day and felt better. I'd rather take 3 though.

Recently have had a bit of a relapse but not sure why yet.

As for profound healing no idea. I'd assume it works quite fast. But once a day is unlikely to be enough you're certainly not replicating the phase 1 trial. Phase 2 should complete soon which would give you more data.
I'm not sure about Europeans ones, but there are a couple of good Chinese vendors that ship to Europe. And by good I mean that people from this forum bought their products, tested it at a lab, and it came out as a high grade product.
any hints or links as where to find said vendors?