Fundraising and Commercial

Wausau, WI
So I'm pretty new to this site, and just wondering if there's been any headway made with fundraising efforts for expanding public awareness of ME (such as a low-budget, but nationally aired television commercial). Something to further fuel the fundraising fires, and to also spead the word for research purposes as well... I have lived with ME for 5 1/2 years, and many of you longer, and just cannot believe the rest of the world is so blind to our disease...


senior member
Concord, NH
Nice idea, but wouldn't something like that be very expensive, and how much could we really expect to take in from such an effort. Not familiar with marketing and fundraising. I would be interested in seeing some numbers. With this economy, it would probably take something really good to tear at the heart strings.

Wausau, WI
Yes, I am quite certain your presumption would be right on... A pipe dream, for sure, to make any headway. I just saw a simple ad the other day (it did use some B or C list actor though), with a simple message about bipolar disorder. Obviously trying to raise awareness. I wondered if maybe the same was in the works for ME. Again, wishful thinking :)


Senior Member
Yes, there have been some public service ads done in a limited way. Probably very little impact though. One by the CFIDS Association years ago, and one by the MCWPA (during the middle of the XMRV stuff).

What would be the best would be to be taken on by the Ad Council who supply professional ads/marketing for free, then run the ads relentlessly for several years. That's where you can get the well known actors involved. However, it's extremely difficult to get chosen by the Ad Council.


Senior Member
I've looked at the Ad Council several years ago and aside from the difficulty of getting chosen, the Ad Council requires a certain amount of money or size the org has to be in order to consider it. It's somewhat surprising to me but they are not the only group that has such a requirement. It just makes me wonder how small non-profits are suppose to grow? I guess money begats money.


Senior Member
Yes, there have been some public service ads done in a limited way. Probably very little impact though. One by the CFIDS Association years ago, and one by the MCWPA (during the middle of the XMRV stuff).

What would be the best would be to be taken on by the Ad Council who supply professional ads/marketing for free, then run the ads relentlessly for several years. That's where you can get the well known actors involved. However, it's extremely difficult to get chosen by the Ad Council.

Golly. Aren't a million of us in the USA big enough?