Suzy/B tests
I was wondering what is the best way to test for the functionality of B vitamins.
Biolab in the UK will test B1,B5,B6 and biotin functionality, but is there another way.
Is it possible by checking the level of certain metabolites ? For example, I had high hippuric and oxalic acids on my organic profile and Rich said this indicated B6 deficiency.
Hi Suzy,
Thanks for posting. I am just getting my feet wet with this stuff, but find it fascinating. I recently asked my doctor for the MMA urine test and serum homocysteine to get a measurement of B12. I can provide some information out of the book "Could it Be B12" concerning B12 testing. I will post this in chunks since I just typed in a complete page which I then promptly lost.:Retro mad:
Serum Vitamin B12
1. Cost effective when used in conjunction with the more accurate urinary MMA test. Not sufficient when used alone, because of its high degree of inaccuracy (see points 2 and 3 below).
2. Can give false-negative results (elevated serum B12 levels in the presence of deficiency) in patients with the following conditions:
-active liver disease
-transcobalamin II deficiency
-intestinal bacterial overgrowth
-myeloproliferative disorders
-polycythemia vera
-chronic myelogenous leukemia
-acute promyelocytic leukemia
-chloral hydrate medication
3. Can give false-positive results (low serum B12 levels in the absence of deficiency) in patients with the following conditions:
-folate deficiency
-pregnancy (although we question the validity of this finding, because it is possible that B12 deficiency is under-recognized in pregnancy)
-multiple myeloma
-excessive vitamin C intake
-transcobalamin I deficiency
This book, of course, is written for the general public, not for CFSers. I still think it is a good resource.
Up next will be info regarding the Urinary MMA/Creatinine Ratio Test.
Take care,