I have noticed that my blood pH is completely normal in the fasted state:
Possible explanation:
Fasting produces ketone bodies which lowers blood pH
Fating lowers sympathetic nervous system which lowers ventilation > more CO2 > Lower pH [
Less stomach acid is produced in the fasted state > less alkaline tide (
Lolinda, thank you for introducing me with that phenomenon).
In order to find out if the alkaline tide has anything to do with it, I would do a measurement 3h after eating. The alkaline tide lasts ~2h after the end of the meal. I suggest the 3h to be safely out of it. Or, better: repeated urinary ph tests to see when you are out of alkaline tide. Be sure to buy a PH stripes with 0.3 graduation. every pharmacy carries these for kidney stones patients.
fasting and breathing: The strongest and quickest to ramp up CO2 and calm down the sympathicus is
5-2-5 breathing. I am curious what it does for you and for your PH measurements. if breathing and sympathicus is involved, I have buckets of tricks
Ketone bodies: it is difficult to get into ketosis. Was your fasting just as much as having not yet eaten breakfast? the body is programmed to avoid ketosis. Ketosis loses a lot of nutrients into urine. While ketosis may be a good therapeutic option today, it is only so because you can supplement. Where would you buy that Mg tab in stone age?
in any case, keto-teststicks will tell. But a simple overnight fast doesnt get anyone into ketosis... I think I needed a day or so, others need more or even fasting and then coco oil to kickstart it.
Another point is: imagine it like a big switch: you are in ketosis or you are not. but you are rarely a little bit.
certainly the best would be to arrive at sthg like vitamin x does the trick, as
@Gondwanaland suggested. In order to get a step closer, why dont you get a detailed test with not only the co2, bicarb but also the electrolytes, etc? I have a generally poor opinion of doctors' abilities, but they will be able to tell if it is metabolic or respiratory, and if there are different PH norms postprandially...