Freddd's B12 Protocol and Skin Problems

Great discussion! It is very difficult to figure out what works for each of us, as there are so many causes and variables involved, but I appreciate you all taking the time to share your experiences and advice. I seem to do better on the higher does of folate, and I think my initial attempts at going slow did cause the paradoxical deficiency that Fred describes. I think my high veggie intake didn't help either. I don't eat grains at all so I eat a lot of meat, fruit and veg, as well as nuts and seeds, which are also fairlly high in folate.

My peeling skin has disappeared again. I had another insight as to why my skin may have been better in Cuba, in addition to the veggie intake being lower. I didn't bring the L-carnitine fumarate with me because I have the liquid form. Now, since I've stopped that and continued everything else, my skin has improved. Doesn't carnitine increase the efficacy of methlyation, perhaps increasing my need for MTHF?

It may also be the new moisturizer I bought, so who knows?!


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
@Martial: When giving advice about stuff like this it's important to not be too subjective. Everybody's different and some people simply can't do things the way we do them ourselves. Some people are more ill than we are or differently ill...I know you have Lyme but it's very possible that some people are even sicker than you are or have been. Some people don't have the physical energy or psychological wherewithal to "push through" heavy detox symptoms, or to do the research to give them the confidence to push through. Other people have responsibilities (kids, families, jobs, etc.) and are already doing as much as they can do with their existing physical limitations, so they don't have time to deal with the added complications that ramping up quickly can create, or any kind of heavy detox.

I personally believe in Freddd's philosophy and protocol, and am also of the same mind as you...pushing through and ramping up may be better for a lot more people than the experts like Ben Lynch and Amy Yasko allow. But it may also not be a good thing for others, and using Freddd's strategy for long term gain might make life fairly intolerable in the short term for some people. I myself got very sick and had to take a week off work, and while I felt better than ever after that, it might take longer for others, or they might not even be able to tolerate that week. This is why advising people to go low and slow or at least do more research so they can figure out the best approach for themselves is sometimes the wisest course. If people wind up feeling worse after something you tell them to do, and they don't understand what's happening, they tend to blame you. Further, they may go to their doctor and say what made them worse is some advice they got off a discussion board, which just solidifies in many doctors' minds the fact that supplements in the hands of lay people are dangerous and need to be regulated, blah blah blah.

Not to criticize, just throwing it out there for you to consider. :)

Of course not, thank you so much for your input! As I said before I am no expert on this stuff just going off from what I have learned so far, the one thing I wanted to point out before was the paradoxical folate deficiency issue as Fred mentioned this was an issue with many, again though different people each have their own uniqueness and this is never going to be a one size fits all kind of process!

You are absolutely right about the doctor stuff too, that would be very sad and scary! I would never want to ruin it for the greater people and create more FDA restrictions! I have just been trying to let people know of what I was told and read on my own, to be sure that they don't run into any dangerous situations like low potassium and paradoxical folate deficiency, de toxing can be very intense too and I would not want people to stress their body out too much. Of course people have other responsibilites too like you said! So i guess It is just a matter of people listening to themselves, and their own intuition first and foremost! All I try and do is inform people of the way Fred suggested I use his protocol for the best results and what to avoid, so others can do the same in that way. There are some important key things that Fred does not even cover though and should be known like the CBS mutation and if someone needs P5P, issues of too much methionine, etc. Lots of great articles by Rob Lynch, I hope eventually I am more well versed in this stuff so I can offer better assistance with a wider point of view and understanding behind the entire methylation process!

Thank you so much for your input again!


You are right, I suppose different people react in their own ways, I just don't know enough to act like I have knowledge in any of those topics right now. So far my advice and tips have just been strictly related to Fred's protocol and the things to watch out for. There is indeed far more out there too methylation and important things like I mentioned before about certain mutations needed to be attended too, correct nutrient absorption, having a strong BALANCE, and HARMONY of methylation is really important! Again it all comes down to personal experience, whatever works best for each person! This is again why it is so important to also get some kind of methylation test done so people know what mutations they are working with!

Thank you again for the great info and input in this conversation, I really appreciate that we can all try and look at the bigger picture here!

Also very helpful with the underlying issue stuff! I really enjoyed that thread, thanks again!

