Great discussion! It is very difficult to figure out what works for each of us, as there are so many causes and variables involved, but I appreciate you all taking the time to share your experiences and advice. I seem to do better on the higher does of folate, and I think my initial attempts at going slow did cause the paradoxical deficiency that Fred describes. I think my high veggie intake didn't help either. I don't eat grains at all so I eat a lot of meat, fruit and veg, as well as nuts and seeds, which are also fairlly high in folate.
My peeling skin has disappeared again. I had another insight as to why my skin may have been better in Cuba, in addition to the veggie intake being lower. I didn't bring the L-carnitine fumarate with me because I have the liquid form. Now, since I've stopped that and continued everything else, my skin has improved. Doesn't carnitine increase the efficacy of methlyation, perhaps increasing my need for MTHF?
It may also be the new moisturizer I bought, so who knows?!
My peeling skin has disappeared again. I had another insight as to why my skin may have been better in Cuba, in addition to the veggie intake being lower. I didn't bring the L-carnitine fumarate with me because I have the liquid form. Now, since I've stopped that and continued everything else, my skin has improved. Doesn't carnitine increase the efficacy of methlyation, perhaps increasing my need for MTHF?
It may also be the new moisturizer I bought, so who knows?!