Does that mean I should cut back on the folate? I really have no idea how much I need, it is all guess wrk at this point. How much do you take?
Not actually diagnosed with CFS but I'm sure that is what I have, although the diagnosis was fibromyalgia. Maybe I have both. Anyway fatigue is my biggest problem right now as I'm on medication for the pain and it helps for the mostpart. I work part time but I don't have energy for much else. I wasn't housebound though, except for the very beginning when I got sick in 2012.
I haven't seen a big improvement so far, but I would say a little more energy, a little clearer maybe. Less dizziness I think.
Folate can be taken upwards of 30,000mcg a day with no issues so you should be fine, the only thing is cost if you feel you want to save some then cut back.. Just be sure to use enough to avoid paradoxical folate trap either way. I take about 10,000mcg of folate a day, 10,000mcg of methyl b12, and 10,000mcg of adenob12, as well as 1,000mg of carnatine. Recently however I lowered the b12's to both 5,000mcg a day. I was talking to someone else on the forum and they mentioned not wanting my body to become dependent on these supplements and shut down the natural enzymes my body produces for these vitamins.
I think this was pretty important advice to consider, though it is also important to remember with these super high doses it is not actually what is absorbed. You really are only getting a small percentage of these doses, the rest just gets flushed out, unless you are doing injected forms which would concentrate the entire dose. Either way with doses of at least 5,000mcg of each that is more then enough for most people unless a person has pernicious anemia.
Okay well at least you are methylating correctly and your de tox pathways are strong now, this will help to flush out any toxins you may currently have in your system. Now its a matter of finding the issue, There is a strong possibility that you may be dealing with an underlying infection or overload of certain toxins. I myself developed fibro type pains and chronic fatigue with all kinds of other weird stuff about a year and a half ago, previous to that I was healthy as anyone could possibly be and never had a health problem of any kind minus some anxiety things.
I was trying to get proper treatment and answers and eventually even found my way to this forum trying to figure it out, I did however find that I had lyme disease and looking back it was so obvious! Lol, I had all the signs and symptoms and was exposed to ticks in an ex girlfriends ranch in Pennsylvania. I also grew up in New Jersey and hiking and exploring in the wilderness had been a big part of my life since I was a little kid.
I had to go to an LLMD, Lyme literate medical Doctor to find a real answer though, I got tested through the only lab in the U.S. sensitive enough to pick up on all the strains of borrelia bacteria and with people that understand it enough to read results correctly. A lot of people get tested through Elisa, or Western Blot and show negative results and all treatment possibility would end right there for most doctors.
Unfortunately Western blot by CDC standards is an extremely sup par test and does not catch all the possible cases of infection, also it poses the issues of testing for antibodies which the people that are most immune comprimised always come back negative. This is because their immune system is already using all the antibodies up in the infection that there is nothing left to show up on a test, a blood smear is a more accurate test to do because it checks for spirochetes instead of antibodies but not many places do this, it is also pretty pricey.
I had to go to a proper LLMD and get the IgeneX test which even their came back negative for the main result; again because of CDC standard issues, but luckily there was positive anti body activity found in different strains of the test, just not enough to state CDC positive. The fact I was never treated before for Lyme and I had active antibodies proved active infection and I was able to promptly start treatment, I was lucky to find the info I did or I could have went decades with a wrong diagnosis like many other people I have talked to, sadly it is very common.
If this is a possible issue for you I would suggest trying to get in contact with an LLMD and making a test appt to be run through IgeneX labs to see what comes up, though this is just one possibility I just find really important to rule out! The damage the infection can do can get progressively worse if treatment is never started so not worth the risk. The other things you could look into are mercury illness, if you have mercury amalgams or were exposed to a lot of mercury in your life time, alongside other heavy metals, parasites could also be an issue worth checking out,alongside yeast, mold mycotoxins, and a few other things.
A pretty easy way to tell if lyme is an issue for you is to get a strong anti bacterial herb like Olive Leaf Extract, Cat's Claw, Samento, Wild Oil of Oregeno, Isatis, Sida Acuta, Teasal, Banderol, Cinnamon Bark, or a few others I cannot recall off the top of my head. However, if you have a "herx reaction"- worsening of symptoms and reaction then this can easily point to Lyme and co infections as it is pretty unique to that disease.
here is a good list of sites I have used for information and treatment options of Lyme - Dr. Buhner Protocol. -Dr. Jernigan Protocol -Dr. Cowden Protocol -very informative site with lots of tips and advice worth checking out.
These are all the things I looked into myself and I am using the Buhner protocol, alongside a few things from Dr. Jernigan under the care of my own LLMD. The things I showed are all natural herbal approaches to the treatment of Lyme, some others prefer antibiotics but I think these are too toxic on the body and with a very sub standard success rate with long term use. I have spoken to many people that have used I.V. antibiotics for years with little improvement, and then slow but drastic changes on different natural approaches within a period of a year for some, others even quicker, and a few maybe a bit longer.
I think antibiotics are also pretty helpful and sometimes even necessary to bring down the bacterial load at times, however the idea of relying strictly on the antibiotics with no other lifestyle changes, or de tox support seems to have a poor outcome, since this is a multi level and multi system disease it takes an entire lifestyle approach to fully come out of. Some people do also get gradually better with IV and long term antibiotics but it seems for many others they are too toxic as a result of infection and need other ways of assisting their recovery. So this is my take on lyme disease anyways.
Another thing worth checking out is Dr. Shoemakers protocol for Mold Mycotoxins, which also helps clear out other possible bio toxins ALA the CIRS protocol. There is also a book called Mold: the war within, this is about a family getting very sick from black mold and how certain dietary habits helped to starve off the mold in their system.
Here is a Dr. Shoemaker's great and informative site at
and here is the book I mentioned!
For heavy metal toxicity/Mercury Andy Cutler is the only chelation protocol I would ever trust, though just getting the amalgams out and giving it time is usually more then enough. There are minor potential of risks with any chelation protocol. Personally I better enjoy Dr. Wilsons approach of "nutritional re balancing system approach"
Andy Cutler -
And Dr. Wilson
Now for Parasites and Tape worms I do not know a whole lot about that but this article covers it pretty well! I ust treat it using specific herbs that are known to treat the coinciding possible infections. Note* do not touch wormwood, this is a common herb used in the treatment of parasites but a potential neurotoxin with sometimes fatal side effects, though the interaction is not really common without absurdly high doses way above what is used for treatment it is still not worth it. 99% of people do not have problems on it but even a 0.01% chance is never worth the risk!
I hope this all helps to discuss possible things with your doctor and to get you looking into possible directions for treatment! Keep in mind I am not a medical doctor and am not advising treatment lol. Just giving you things to look into yourself and see if anything might ring a chord and put you in the right direction!
Talk soon,
P.S. my reaction to the methylation protocol has been similar, I can still only work part time but feel much less herxing and my body feels much better internally. For me it will just take strengthening my body a bit more, de toxing some, and treating these underlying issues before I get my health back. I have noticed huge improvements for a lot of stuff on Fred's protocol though! Previous to that I was even having hallucinatory things, all kinds of weird dementia type feelings, and other really weird stuff from the lyme in my CNS and brain, as well as my heart. Over all the bulk of those symptoms has gradually diminished and I am just left with a lot of fatigue and an increased need for sleep, with the occasional really weird and unexplainable symptoms that still come and go lol.