$$$ for WPI vote daily now in Vivint Round 2!


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Interesting results for IACFS and Nightingale on Aug 4 - looks like we are splitting our votes between the two:

WPI 49496 + 872 = 50368
Be Perfect 13722 + 129 = 13851
Surfer Healing 8721 + 65 = 8786
Hailey mayz 6900 + 87 = 6987
Next Gen 4306 + 13 = 4319
Invisible 5480 + 48 = 5528
Jumpstart 4034 + 20 = 4054
King Bellflower 4520 + 40 = 4560
Sean Vernon 3308 + 30 = 3338
Partner Living 2386 + 8 = 2394
Shared Hope 2785 + 32 = 2817
Austin's House 2751 + 41 = 2792
Trevor 1097 + 1 = 1098
Dream 1200 + 17 = 1217
Courage 1768 + 46 = 1814
Ameriface 1635 + 43 = 1678
Prader Willi CA 546 + 6 = 552
Gets Better 5214 + 32 = 5246
Tinnitus 366 + 2 = 368

IACFS/ME 167 + 37 = 204

Light & Love 26754 + 377 = 27131
St John Hospital 10726 + 148 = 10874
ME/FM Action 7680 + 131 = 7811
Prader-Willi 6645 + 126 = 6771
Nightingale 303 + 38 = 341


  • vivint 08-04-11 1244 hrs.pdf
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And also if it were to not work out this time, being number three in Canada surely made a good number of people aware of the organisation, that's not bad either.

True and we very much appreciate the awareness this contest has afforded the organization. We will be back next year - we've learned alot and made many new connections even if it hasn't translated into the votes we need.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Well what a difference a day makes - votes are tipping towards the IACFS now....

Stats for Aug 5:

WPI 50368 + 854 = 51222
Be Perfect 13851 + 132 = 13983
Surfer Healing 8786 + 50 = 8836
Hailey mayz 6987 + 60 = 7047
Next Gen 4319 + 10 = 4329
Invisible 5528 + 28 = 5556
Jumpstart 4054 + 19 = 4073
King Bellflower 4560 + 39 = 4599
Sean Vernon 3338 + 33 = 3371
Partner Living 2394 + 13 = 2407
Shared Hope 2817 + 20 = 2837
Austin's House 2792 + 26 = 2818
Trevor 1098 + 1 = 1099
Dream 1217 + 4 = 1221
Courage 1814 + 17 = 1831
Ameriface 1678 + 24 = 1702
Prader Willi CA 552 + 3 = 555
Gets Better 5246 + 28 = 5274
Tinnitus 368 + 2 = 370

IACFS/ME 204 + 68 = 272

Light & Love 27131 + 482 = 27613
St John Hospital 10874 + 111 = 10985
ME/FM Action 7811 + 134 = 7945
Prader-Willi 6771 + 122 = 6893
Nightingale 341 + 11 = 352


  • vivint 08-05-11 1268 hrs.pdf
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Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
What has shocked and baffled me is that in an instant 5,000 votes suddenly became available. Can you see how this would be confusing and upsetting when we have been begging for just a few votes? And for these votes to go to organizations not even really participating? No one thinks that everyone should stop voting for WPI. That would be a very bad idea. But for 5,000 votes to come out of nowhere ... that kind of blindsided us.
This all makes me sad. I DON'T know that we will be able to get 5000 votes in 3 weeks. It is only a hope, and we can only try our best. I have control of 30 votes. That is 170 short of what we would need to get to our goal to get a second group in the draw. We all feel the same frustration, and I wish I could make it different....and for the lurkers reading this thread- don't ever think you don't matter. We need your help, we need your vote.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
I had been using my vote and the 1-2 votes I control or influence to vote ME/FM AN, because I really appreciate this organization and I strongly wanted to get it into a guaranteed win spot.

But I have shifted my votes to IACFS/ME because I think it is more attainable to get 5,000 votes to get a third org eligible for the wildcard drawing (the odds really are not at all comparable to lottery or raffles; it's definitely not guaranteed but it's also not a bad strategy) than it is to get almost 20,000 just to catch up to what the region leader has now, much less reach what the region leader will have by the time we get to the end of the contest.

It's not about which org I like better; it's about which strategy I think is best chance overall.

Like Helen said, please vote. Vote however you think best, but in any case, we need your help!


Senior Member
The two votes from our house are now going to IACFS/ME. To me it seems they have a better chance than Nightingale of making it into the drawing. I see no way that ME/FM can win in the Canadian Region and I see no way the WPI could take the grand prize. I check the vote counts before I vote to be sure there have been no major changes. I am voting for the organization which I believe could stand a chance of making it into the drawing and having a shot at the $25K.


Senior Member
The National ME/FM Action Network are now 20,000 votes behind and the size has increased every day, AFAIK. As I'm doing the figures in my head, assume that the gap doesn't change by the end of the day. Then they would need to get 1,000 more than Light and Love Home- Vancouver gets each day; so if Light and Love Home- Vancouver averaged 400, that would be 1,400. Light and Love Home- Vancouver have got up to 700 in a day before so would likely increase if challenged. So the National ME/FM Action Network would need to average around 1,500. They have only topped 200 once I think when they got 220.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Daily Stats Aug 6:

WPI 51222 + 797 = 52019
Be Perfect 13983 + 114 = 14097
Surfer Healing 8836 + 59 = 8895
Hailey mayz 7047 + 51 = 7098
Next Gen 4329 + 10 = 4339
Invisible 5556 + 15 = 5571
Jumpstart 4073 + 10 = 4083
King Bellflower 4599 + 22 = 4621
Sean Vernon 3371 + 19 = 3390
Partner Living 2407 + 5 = 2412
Shared Hope 2837 + 5 = 2842
Austin's House 2818 + 24 = 2842
Trevor 1099 + 1 = 1100
Dream 1221 + 13 = 1234
Courage 1831 + 6 = 1837
Ameriface 1702 + 23 = 1725
Prader Willi CA 555 + 3 = 558
Gets Better 5274 + 26 = 5300
Tinnitus 370 + 5 = 375

IACFS/ME 272 + 64 = 336

Light & Love 27613 + 398 = 28011
St John Hospital 10985 + 100 = 11085
ME/FM Action 7945 + 111 = 8056
Prader-Willi 6893 + 107 = 7000
Nightingale 352 + 6 = 358


  • vivint 08-06-11 1292 hrs.pdf
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Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Some may have missed this gracious message of July 26 from Lydia Neilson, Founder & CEO of National ME/FM Action Network, so I have posted a section of it below. She is a class act and is clearly working for the good of all sufferers, not just for her own organization.

Again I must stress that the National ME/FM Action Network appreciates you voting for us but will not take any aggressive stand on this issue. This contest is doing what other methods have been unable to do, we are getting the best advertising exposure and bringing awareness to those who are not normally exposed to ME/CFS or disability in any way. For that reason alone, the Vivint contest has been a success.

Winning the contest of course would be very useful but it must never be at the expense of others who may have a different viewpoint or loyalty. Go with what you believe is the right thing to do but remember that a vote to a charity who has no chance of winning is a vote lost that could have been used to help another whose goals are as important as the one you are presently voting.




Lydia E. Neilson, MSM

Founder & Chief Executive Officer.


I agree that we should use our votes in whatever manner that will benefit us the most, for that reason I am voting for the IACFS/ME now.

I am an American and haven't known much about the National ME/FM Action Network before this contest, but I have gained an immense amount of respect and admiration for them especially through this message. How refreshingly honest, humble and caring!

I will be looking forward to ways of supporting them in the future.


Senior Member
I agree that we should use our votes in whatever manner that will benefit us the most, for that reason I am voting for the IACFS/ME now.

I am an American and haven't known much about the National ME/FM Action Network before this contest, but I have gained an immense amount of respect and admiration for them especially through this message. How refreshingly honest, humble and caring!

I will be looking forward to ways of supporting them in the future.

Ditto for me! And I am hoping so hard that ME/FM will be one of the wildcard winners!


Senior Member
Maybe somebody could set up a Facebook event for voting for the IACFS/ME. Then it could be advertised - sort of like an excuse to advertise it.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
We definitely need a little advertising for IACFS/ME, they have now passed Nightingale with a total of 399. Daily stats for Aug 7:

WPI 52019 + 858 = 52877
Be Perfect 14097 + 94 = 14191
Surfer Healing 8895 + 62 = 8957
Hailey mayz 7098 + 53 = 7151
Next Gen 4339 + 9 = 4348
Invisible 5571 + 36 = 5607
Jumpstart 4083 + 11 = 4094
King Bellflower 4621 + 20 = 4641
Sean Vernon 3390 + 26 = 3416
Partner Living 2412 + 10 = 2422
Shared Hope 2842 + 8 = 2850
Austin's House 2842 + 25 = 2867
Trevor 1100 + 0 = 1100
Dream 1234 + 4 = 1238
Courage 1837 + 15 = 1852
Ameriface 1725 + 22 = 1747
Prader Willi CA 558 + 3 = 561
Gets Better 5300 + 21 = 5321
Tinnitus 375 + 4 = 379

IACFS/ME 336 + 63 = 399

Light & Love 28011 + 353 = 28364
St John Hospital 11085 + 117 = 11202
ME/FM Action 8056 + 120 = 8176
Prader-Willi 7000 + 103 = 7103
Nightingale 358 + 4 = 362


  • vivint 08-07-11 1316 hrs.pdf
    84.6 KB · Views: 22


Senior Member
We definitely need a little advertising for IACFS/ME, they have now passed Nightingale with a total of 399. Daily stats for Aug 7:

WPI 52019 + 858 = 52877
Be Perfect 14097 + 94 = 14191
Surfer Healing 8895 + 62 = 8957
Hailey mayz 7098 + 53 = 7151
Next Gen 4339 + 9 = 4348
Invisible 5571 + 36 = 5607
Jumpstart 4083 + 11 = 4094
King Bellflower 4621 + 20 = 4641
Sean Vernon 3390 + 26 = 3416
Partner Living 2412 + 10 = 2422
Shared Hope 2842 + 8 = 2850
Austin's House 2842 + 25 = 2867
Trevor 1100 + 0 = 1100
Dream 1234 + 4 = 1238
Courage 1837 + 15 = 1852
Ameriface 1725 + 22 = 1747
Prader Willi CA 558 + 3 = 561
Gets Better 5300 + 21 = 5321
Tinnitus 375 + 4 = 379

IACFS/ME 336 + 63 = 399

Light & Love 28011 + 353 = 28364
St John Hospital 11085 + 117 = 11202
ME/FM Action 8056 + 120 = 8176
Prader-Willi 7000 + 103 = 7103
Nightingale 358 + 4 = 362
All the others in Pacific were below 100 I see.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Daily Stats for Aug 8 below. IACFS/ME went up nicely by 74 today. Starting tomorrow, we will need an average of 239 votes/day in order to reach 5,000. This is attainable for us.

It Gets Better jumped by 508 votes today, has been running below 50 in the recent past. I'm not worried about them though, they would really have to bring it in order to be a threat. Also, they have jumped like this in the past and then declined just as suddenly again.

WPI 52877 + 870 = 53747
Be Perfect 14191 + 144 = 14335
Surfer Healing 8957 + 76 = 9033
Hailey mayz 7151 + 67 = 7218
Next Gen 4348 + 13 = 4361
Invisible 5607 + 47 = 5654
Jumpstart 4094 + 15 = 4109
King Bellflower 4641 + 41 = 4682
Sean Vernon 3416 + 25 = 3441
Partner Living 2422 + 16 = 2438
Shared Hope 2850 + 10 = 2860
Austin's House 2867 + 38 = 2905
Trevor 1100 + 6 = 1106
Dream 1238 + 14 = 1252
Courage 1852 + 22 = 1874
Ameriface 1747 + 24 = 1771
Prader Willi CA 561 + 0 = 561
Gets Better 5321 + 508 = 5829
Tinnitus 379 + 3 = 382

IACFS/ME 399 + 74 = 473

Light & Love 28364 + 344 = 28708
St John Hospital 11202 + 148 = 11350
ME/FM Action 8176 + 144 = 8320
Prader-Willi 7103 + 109 = 7212
Nightingale 362 + 8 = 370


  • vivint 08-08-11 1330 hrs.pdf
    84.7 KB · Views: 19


Senior Member
I don't have any major ideas. But generally I think if people are told about the draw, some may vote - I'm not sure if many people know about the possibility.


Senior Member
I sent an email to Dr. Fred Friedberg at the IACFS/ME website and to Dr. Lucinda Bateman and explained that some of us are trying to get the IACFS/ME into the Wildcard Drawing. I had a brief response from Dr. Bateman saying that she would pass the info on. I also left a msg. for Dr. Nancy Klimas on her Facebook page, but I doubt that she checks there often. She has no wall.


Senior Member
I sent an E-mail to a list earlier pointing out people could consider voting for the IACFS/ME and the state of play in terms of the votes they need. The president of the IACFS/ME wrote back and thanked me. So that's a different response to the one from the Nightingale Research Foundation.