Fixing Leaky Gut = One Possible ME/CFS Cure

Hello guys,

I wanted to give you an update. This protocol can be dangerous if you go too fast. The danger comes when you utilize Glucosamine/Chondroitin and Calcium D-Glucarate because it will harden any essential sugar build up that you have on your intestines. You can cause intestinal blockage if you indulge too much. I feel everyone who is going to try this protocol should invest into this supplement...

This supplement is the only thing that can dissolve Glucosamine/Chondrotin and Calcium D-Glucarate once harden due to the Chitosanase enzyme. I am going to try a different and safer protocol once I get rid of this build up...


Here is the new and safer protocol:

1. Have a properly working Methylation Cycle... (Will talk about this more at a later date)

2. Heal any irritation that currently exist in the gut... Take the following supplements:

Twice Per Day
Proline 500 mg
Lysine 500 mg
Glycine 500 mg
Threonine 1000 mg
Serine 500 mg
Cysteine 500 mg
Glutamine 1000 mg (may cause constipation)

3. Add HARD protective mucin layer back to the gut that CANNOT be stripped away easily... Slow and Steady wins the race... Take the following supplements:

Twice Per Day
Calcium D-Glucarate 250 mg (once or twice per day with meals)
Glucosamine/Chondroitin 250 mg
MSM 250 mg

4. Add SOFT protective mucin layer back to the gut that CAN be stripped away at anytime... Take the following supplements:

Once Per Day
Immunopro (1 scoop)

Twice Per Day
Colostrum 2000 mg (between meals) (may cause constipation)


You guys see what I am doing right? I am trying to make this protocol safer by going with lower dosage of certain nutrients and splitting the original Step 3 down the middle into two completely new steps. I am going to see if we could just simply create a thin protective covering using the Glucosamine stack and just add soft padding on top of it that could be stripped away pretty easy if it had too...

The original Step 3 of the protocol is dangerous, but effective if done right.

Heavy essential sugar build up on the intestines + Glucosamine stack that adds a concrete layer on top of essential sugar build up = Possible Intestinal Blockage

If you look at my protocol now, I am sequencing the nutrients to see if I can make it safer. I am not sure if it will work, but I am going to try...



Your Lab Rat,

Hello guys,

Let me tell you about my latest ordeal over the last few days... Remember I warned you guys about how dangerous this protocol can be? Well, I had too much of the SOFT protective mucin layer stuck behind the HARD protective mucin layer which resulted in my colon being obstructed, along with not being able to absorb nutrients that well from too much padding. This experience is why I quickly rewrote this protocol a few days ago so you guys don't have to deal with this terrible problem. I will tell you that my colon was very, very protected. Outside of collagen specific enzymes (Collagenase, Elastase, Hyaluronidase, and maybe Chondroitinase ABC) which are not widely available and drinking something acidic that would probably induce Leaky Gut again, I didn't think anything would get through that protective barrier in an evasive way, not even the Interfase formula couldn't penetrate that barrier in some areas.

Your boy almost didn't make it. I was getting ready to write my will, and then off myself. I was so disappointed that I got myself in this dire situation after all the health issues I have personally fixed to get to this point. Or, I was getting ready to go to the ER and explain to them that alternative medicine is the reason I am there. You know traditional doctors don't understand and are scared of alternative medicine. The ER probably would have elected to have surgery to strip off the barrier, remove my colon, or something, which is why I was preparing a detailed report about this issue describing the supplements used and the possible fixes (the collagen specific enzymes or other serine proteases).

When all hope was lost, I decided to do one last ditch effort, Free Radical Therapy. You guys do know that too much oxygen is bad for you right? It will age your body (oxidize). Basically, I was planning to oxidize my digestive tract hoping it would degrade this protective barrier in some way. I had several of the following options laying around the house from the time I caught a staph infection:

  • Aerobic Life Mag O7 - Not really staph infection-related, but a good oxygen-based colon cleaner
  • Water Ozonator (purchased from: - Very gentle on the body, but powerful oxidizer
  • Earth's Bounty Oxy-Caps - A Sodium Chlorite-based oxidizer. It is easier to take than ozonated water, but when I followed the directions on the label it gave me a loopy feeling in my head and I didn't want to further damage my body at this point. If you take this supplement, then take less than specified on the label.
  • 3% Food Grade Peroxide (1 - 3 drops in 8 - 16 oz of spring water) - Very corrosive on the body, but powerful oxidizer

I decided to try a simple colon cleanse with Mag O7, and it worked! I could feel pieces of the protective barrier cracking, but not coming apart yet. Seeing that Mag O7 work, it gave me the confidence to try ozonated water. I drank two 8 oz of ozonated water back-to-back. It took four hours, but I felt pieces of the protective barrier floating away. I then decided that now is the time to take Interfase to eat away at the barrier while it was weak! It worked! I decided to treat myself to a big dinner because I think my body needed it from the possible lack of nutrients it got over the last few days and the stress it has been under. Equally important, I deserve it for avoiding a costly trip to the hospital.


Your F*****g Lab Rat,


Guys, I will take a few days break from this protocol. This whole ordeal has been stressful. I will be back and tell you the next step I am going to take...
Hello guys,

When I resume this protocol in a few days (maybe tomorrow LOL), I plan to do a few things differently on Step 3. I am going to take Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM, but not Calcium D-Glucarate. I think taking extra Calcium D-Glucarate is one of the reason why the protective barrier was so tough. Perhaps, relying on the body's own supply would be sufficient enough. Calcium D-Glucarate is needed to form several glycosaminoglycans such as Chondroitin sulfate and Hyaluronic acid. Without taking Calcium D-Glucarate, I would be taking the standard Glucosamine formula out there in the marketplace. I rarely hear people have problems with standard formulas, right?

On the other hand, I heard that taking Chondroitin is not recommended because it can build up in the body. Maybe I need to just need to take Glucosamine/MSM to match the standard GI supplement out in the marketplace? I already told you guys that taking N-Acetyl Glucosamine will not work a few posts ago, which is the reason I am taking Glucosamine.
If I were to go the Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM route, and discover that the protective barrier is not strong enough, perhaps adding Calcium D-Glucarate to the mix when I feel I have enough HARD protective mucin layer to solidify the layer would work.

I still need to do more research on Chondroitin to see if it is safe to use though. I will be back in a bit.
Hello guys,

Yes, it is me again! Yes, I am a bit of a chatterbox this morning. I just wanted to share this trend that I have noticed whether I took Mucin, GI Soother, or the Glucosamine stack (Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, and Calcium D-Glucarate). I noticed that the Transverse Colon is always where I experienced the most problems.


I can understand why blockages from my experiments would occur in the Transverse Colon due to its positioning, but I wonder if only the Transverse Colon is supposed to have a protective mucin coating. Think about it in regards to bile flow... The right and left colic flexure of the colon needs to be protected from the bile flow. Have you guys ever had that gnawing pain on the left side of your colon? That is because you lack protection in that area. Perhaps, nutrient absorption is only supposed to take place in the Ascending, Descending, and Sigmond Colons. I will have to do research. Please feel free to help in this effort.
Are there tests you can do that would check your leaky gut status from time to time to see gauge whether these supplements are having a good effect on your gut or not?
Are there tests you can do that would check your leaky gut status from time to time to see gauge whether these supplements are having a good effect on your gut or not?

Hello @LivingwithFibro ,

I think there are some tests that exist. For me, it is more of a feel approach. I determine success by comfort level while resting and bowel transit time. Thank you for stopping by! It feels like I am talking to myself sometimes, :(.
Hello @LivingwithFibro ,

I think there are some tests that exist. For me, it is more of a feel approach. I determine success by comfort level while resting and bowel transit time. Thank you for stopping by! It feels like I am talking to myself sometimes, :(.

Hmm, intuition isn't always correct though :( maybe that's what you are missing out. I respect your decision though! I haven't read the thread in its entirety but I'll drop in again and see you :D

Are you doing a diet to help with your issues too? Maybe something like GAPS or SCD? You also mentioned psyllium causing you problems at one point...Is it the same issue with things like cooked pumpkin for fibre?

Wishing you the very best, and please do keep posting and let us know where you are in your journey.
Hi guys,

Its your boy here. I have a few updates in regards to this topic that I am planning to post in a bit. I just wanted to bump this topic first.

If anyone have any updates of their own, then please share them.


Senior Member
@Hip @JAGuy

Thank you for sharing that info about Sialic acid, I have problems with a recurrence of bacterial infection in my GI tract and have tested positive for a form of Streptococcus in a test culture previously.

I'm definitely going to try this out at some point and report back.


Senior Member
Hello guys,
I can understand why blockages from my experiments would occur in the Transverse Colon due to its positioning, but I wonder if only the Transverse Colon is supposed to have a protective mucin coating. Think about it in regards to bile flow... The right and left colic flexure of the colon needs to be protected from the bile flow. Have you guys ever had that gnawing pain on the left side of your colon? That is because you lack protection in that area. Perhaps, nutrient absorption is only supposed to take place in the Ascending, Descending, and Sigmond Colons. I will have to do research. Please feel free to help in this effort.

I have a relatively constant gnawing pain on the left side of my colon. I am not sure I understand what you are suggesting to do to help it. Marshmallow root and castor oil seem to help. Slippery elm did not. Thanks for all of your sharing!