1) The diet works well for me when I do carb cycling, use C8 (brain octane) and take Cod Liver Oil. The fats REALLY count... ie, C8 is WAY better than coconut oil.
2) specific carb grams are stated above
3) typical macros = 60% fat; 10% carbs; 30% protein ... I started higher fat, (based on guidelines for keto diets rx'ed for MS patients per research in Pubmed) but it was too much for me, so I scaled it back down to 60%. Experimenting with WHICH fats are best for you cannot be overstated, IMO.
I'm not going to quantify b/c it would be nonsense....
1) There are too many variables with this illness... e.g.:
- I did a similar diet a few years back when I was much sicker, and it didn't have much effect ... when I'm like that, I just need a lot of rest... nothing else matters when I'm that broken...
- My gut is much better now, too.... the diet to heal your gut may not be the same diet to fix your broken energy / metabolism / nervous system / etc.
- I had covid for 6 wks this year, followed by a 6 wk cfs flare. worst joint pain of my life.
- The wildfires here in cali in august/september made me really sick (particulate matter are a big trigger). I got a sinus infection.
2) I can't always afford CLO, C8, or enough meat/fresh produce... Carbs are cheap, so when I'm broke, that's what I eat. Therefore, the "long-term" benefits/results can't be evaluated because, unfortunately, it's so frustratingly intermittent due to finances (in addition to the variables above)
For the first time, I feel completely normal between the CFS inflection points... e.g., after the covid/cfs flare, i was doing keto and felt normal and even great for the first time in years... I really bounced back to a better state than back to a crappy baseline.... After the wildfire pollution/sinus infection, I'm now bouncing back and feel normal. 2 long walks today, and feel refreshed and relaxed, not achey and exhausted...
The right fats really help my aches and pains, which then helps my fatigue. Cod Liver Oil has been amazing... I read in Pubmed that Vitamin A gets depleted w illness but your body needs it to recover from illness.. But, I can't tell you w absolute "100%" certainty that Vitamin A will work for you and make you "100%" better every day.
Keto has been significant for me, but I've done a LOT of tuning and tweaking over the past 1.5 yrs. (even more than I've mentioned here, but you don't seem interested...)