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First Draft/First Round of Legislation


Senior Member

:confused: I am confused. I thought "Rep Reevy Wessley" was a fictional person

No, I was the one who was confused. I knew this was a fictional person the first time I read it. The second time I read it, I thought it was such a brilliant idea that I forgot it wasn't real.

So, to summarize possible collaborators:

Lyme Disease organizations
Gulf War (and other?) vets
Women's groups
Pharmaceutical companies (?)
Post polio?

I added Lyme. There's a representative or senator Smith in New Jersey who has introduced legislation for people with Lyme.

So, Levi what did you have in mind? Doing a poll on this website? Would the purpose of the poll be to get input? To find out which whereases people liked best?

Then circulating a (worldwide?) petition? Then trying to find a congressperson to introduce it? Then trying to get other congress people to co-sponsor it? Is that how it works?


happy to be here
mountains of north carolina
Hi Levi & everybody. Happy new year! So I keep coming across the phrase "illnesses of uncertain etiology" in my research. It's how Komaroff describes CFS. I think it might be a better phrase to use for the joint resolution than "unexplained illness", which seems, in the medical world, to mean something more like unexplainABLE illness, ie all-in-your-head. Thoughts?