whereas got stuck in my brain
Whereas the difficulty getting diagnosed and finding appropriate treatment for these Unexplained Illnesses causes undue financial hardship while patients are shunted from one practitioner to another getting inadequate care and having to pay out-of-pocket in an attempt to find a diagnosis and gain minimal relief from debilitating symptoms.
Whereas the length of time and frustrated attempts to receive the designation of "disabled" for these Unexplained illnesses for the purposes of medical insurance and social security disability benefits, which remains a gauntlet of denials and unnecessary disqualifications, causes further financial hardship, delay in treatment that might slow the progression of the illness, and unnecessary vexation.
Whereas lack of legal, financial, medical and social support for persons with Unexplained Illnesses constitutes discrimination in all realms of their lives and disallows the application of the American's with Disability Act to apply to said persons.
Hey Levi, whereas got stuck in my brain. It turns out that I can be good with big words but don't know by the end of the sentence if said words add up to my intended purpose. I must say, though, they're just as understandable as what I read in contracts. I'll let you sort it all out. That's what you're getting the big bucks, I mean the big thanks, for.
Must move on. Don't like legalese. No more whereas.