FDA and NIH confirm WPI XMRV findings (report of leaked presentation)


Senior Member
i left a nice little message on ERV's blog in which i used the C word. wonder if she will delete it lol


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
I'm not feeling very good today, so if this comment is redundant or just super obvious pardon me, but did anyone else notice on slide 27 (the 1st un-numbered slide towards the end of the presentation) that it lists XMRV as a prioritized EID threat as of August 2009 and also says "The only barriers to rapid development and implementation of such diagnostic testing capabilities are regulatory, not technical." Regulatory, not technical??!!

Take a look at the box on the right titled "Blood Product & Tissue Safety Priority Level." It is color coded with High in red, Moderate in orange, Low in yellow, and then a blank box that is white. The only viruses in red are Dengue 1, 2, 3, 4. XMRV is in white.

I think in August 2009, XMRV did not make a priority level. At least that is how it looks to me. What is confusing, though, is that HIV is only a yellow. Maybe that is after they have already tried to screen out all possible HIV blood donors?

If none of this makes sense, I claim brain fog (although this is actually a pretty good brain day for me).

:Retro smile:​


Señor Mumbler
Take a look at the box on the right titled "Blood Product & Tissue Safety Priority Level." It is color coded with High in red, Moderate in orange, Low in yellow, and then a blank box that is white. The only viruses in red are Dengue 1, 2, 3, 4. XMRV is in white.

I think in August 2009, XMRV did not make a priority level. At least that is how it looks to me. What is confusing, though, is that HIV is only a yellow. Maybe that is after they have already tried to screen out all possible HIV blood donors?

If none of this makes sense, I claim brain fog (although this is actually a pretty good brain day for me).

:Retro smile:​

I followed you Gracenote (hopefully that's a vote of confidence :Retro smile:) although I didn't get as far as looking @ HIV for comparison. I was busy thinking. White = Off (the bottom of) the chart? :confused:

Perhaps not so much in June of '10.


Senior Member
Agree and disagree (once again)...

Hate to rain on the parade, but this is the key statement:

All the study or studies say is that people with CFS have a higher chance of being infected with XMRV. That could be the equivalent of saying people with CFS have a higher chance of having long toenails. Nothing yet has proved that XMRV causes CFS, or that XMRV is even dangerous in any way except possibly being implicated in prostate cancer. So perhaps this study or study to be released (?) by NIH/FDA will be a small step forward, but there still is no evidence that XMRV causes CFS or any of the symptoms.

I agree it's good to point that out -- that they're saying no causal association has been found. We need to keep in mind that more healthy folks have XMRV and are not sick -- and may never become sick -- all of that is unknown right now.

But I think this will be a big step forward, whether one is XMRV-positive or negative, because when this finally comes out -- there's no putting it back in the bag now -- the news coverage will be huge -- especially due to the blood supply issue that non-CFS folks would be worried about -- and so friends, family, and doctors will FINALLY start to take this -- and us -- seriously. That will be a big step in itself.

And then all the other good research will advance as well, while the bad will get less funding.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
As to Whittemore releasing info. Likely they are coauthors. So they aren't supposed to say anything.

Now, Dutch reporters and Dutch blood supply agency, they are independent.



Senior Member
As to Whittemore releasing info. Likely they are coauthors. So they aren't supposed to say anything.

Now, Dutch reporters and Dutch blood supply agency, they are independent.


According to Hillary Johnson's web-page:

The scientists who collaborated on this new study did their work entirely independently of the authors of last October's groundbreaking Science paper.


Phoenix Rising Founder
As to Whittemore releasing info. Likely they are coauthors. So they aren't supposed to say anything.

Now, Dutch reporters and Dutch blood supply agency, they are independent.


I don't think we want the WPI or Cleveland Clinic anywhere near this thing. We want totally independent labs doing it on their own to validate their findings - which appears to be what happened.

I'm really struck by the fact that the report said that two labs independently- each working on their own - confirmed the findings. That's strong stuff- a double validation study, basically two studies in one.

I hope we don't have to wait for weeks for the paper to come out.


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
Apologies if this has already been posted here. Annette Whittemore wrote this on facebook:

Andrea is the excited poster today. Sorry looks like there are embargo policies that need to be followed just like Science paper so I'm erasing anything to do with earlier info. But Hooray for Progress.

Eric Johnson from I&I

Senior Member
Anyone find any other info? Like, did this originally come from some kind of dutch information source? If so I can't seem to find it on google. ORTHO has a news page, and it doesn't have anything on this.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia

I have reposted this info tp many people in the last three hours. I just finished a call to someone who isn't on the internet to let them know. Viral is an understatement. I got the report 7 minutes after it hit facebook, but by then it was all over the place.


Fascinating to see a story get picked up by news services as it does. It is like watching something grow.
Ok, I just have to say. This news has gone viral.

Bwa ha ha ha.


Eric Johnson from I&I

Senior Member
Picked up by news services? I got nada on news.google, except the MMD release. Did anyone figure out what MMD Newswire, like, is? I googled it but the results were not informative.


Senior Member
Picked up by news services? I got nada on news.google, except the MMD release. Did anyone figure out what MMD Newswire, like, is? I googled it but the results were not informative.

Probably won't be picked up by the majors until the paper is published and the FDA/NIH make some sort of announcement. ?


Senior Member
After this study is released...

We can demand Congressional investigations into the CDC/CFS program and WHY funding for Retrovirus research was killed off in mid 1980's. Didn't NIH help kill off funding as well???

I want to see Reeves and all his buddies sitting in front of Congress wearing their DEPENDS. Then Prison. For life. Like us.

The Brits will have fun pounding on Weasel, White and the rest of the UK sociopath clowns.

Eric Johnson from I&I

Senior Member
I wonder if they will fess up, now that this leak is out. The journal in question may not want them to, I guess. This is massive, massive news, though. Possibly the gov will not want to be seen as "unresponsive" to the public or whatever, and will therefore spill their guts.

Eric Johnson from I&I

Senior Member
Actually, now that I think about it, they're going to have to come out in the open about this in the morning. Otherwise there will be speculation everywhere - no?


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
oh, (referring to comment about their being coathors)

As Emily says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3FnpaWQJO0

But, I guess I am thinking they might be listed if the FDA and NIH tested their samples? Or would they be listed even if FDA and NIH just used the WPI methods?

I thought I saw lots of names put on studies even if the contribution is minor.

But I know nothing of these sorts of things.



Senior Member
Clay, Alabama

Well, I have a reporter of a metropolitan newspaper that I am feeding information to. We'll see if this time he can do a story. He told me he is interested. He has a high school classmate with the illness. But, every day there are more immediate and less labor intensive stories that come up.

So we will see.
