Kim was not a moderator. Just as I am not a moderator.
Neither of us were/are prepared to deal with the type of bashing that comes with the moderating job.
I hope that people will be done now with criticizing our moderators. Shouldn't take too much more of this before we may be in danger of losing them.
And whatever anyone thinks of our mods this forums can't run without moderators. It would take very little time for the bullies and the manipulators and the spammers and the loud mouths to take over the place. Because if we lose our mods, then that leaves me and Cort to run this enormous site.
And I wil not be a moderator on these forums.
I wonder what kind of chance we'd have of finding new moderators to replace the ones that got used up and burned out here. I wonder who would be willing to step up and take this thankless gruntwork, especially knowing how easy it is for some members of our forums to bash them.
Some have found a few of our moderators to be heavy handed. That's regrettable. I have just been thinking over the past few days of watching things unfold, that maybe they haven't been heavy handed enough.
The amount of rudeness that has been pouring out of some quarters has been astonishing to me.
I am astounded by the amount of fury and angst that has been sparked over thefreeprisoner's personal story. She's another of my mods by the way. Can't believe how many people have used her experience to turn into a platform for their own religous or non-religous views.
And if you don't like Trish's expression of her beliefs? I am tired beyond belief of how a handful of members have flogged this situation and ... for what? Their right to be heard?
This is a forums. This is not the Free Press. If people need drama in their lives I wish they'd look for it and drum it up somewhere else. Because the people that have been doing this have been wearing my mods to a frazzle. Keeping them jumping, having to make decisions about ludicrous hurtful posts.
I expect there are some who will fill their lungs with much air ready to accuse me of taking some stand or other because of some religious views of mine or other. Don't waste your time.
Nobody here knows my religious / non-religious views. Anything I've ever posted on that score is only a small part of my beliefs / non-beliefs. And frankly I don't need anyone here to validate or approve my beliefs. They're not an issue on these forums and never have been.
I understand that some people don't like the red pen. I know the reasons the mods were using it were reasons that they thought would make things simpler and clearer. Apparently that's not so. Well and good. We need to know that.
I will say though, that some of you on this thread -- and a few others lately -- have not needed a red pen to be offensive and rude in bashing my mods.
I have really seen enough. And don't bother telling me how incensed you are about it. I really don't care.
It's good for me to try to understand how you feel, Jody. I haven't seen all the mod bashing you have. I see people criticizing Trish's style of moderating. I don't call that bashing. And it's a given that some people are better at some things than others. I haven't been a mod, but I have had the opportunity to do and try many jobs. I always appreciate constructive criticism. I don't see a way here for people to really feel comfortable providing constructive feedback.
I'm a pretty easy going person. It's hard to ruffle my feathers, but I have felt the need to speak up in someone's defense several times when Martlet is moderating. I've been a manager and a director for many many years and dealt with conflict and moderated various situations. Sure it's not the same as on a forum like this, but that experience isn't needed to see when someone could improve their moderating skills. It's also tough because Robin is a tough act to follow when it comes to moderating. The contrast between the two is stark.
A moderator needs to check their ego at the door and also toughen his/her skin. And as you've said many times it is a thankless job. So that's a given and one knows that going in.
You have my deepest admiration Jody. I simply do not see this community as rude, or insensitive or in any way as you have described here. Quite the opposite. Of course I can't see it from your perspective, only mine. I just dont see what you see. I hope you can take a step back and rest, because this is obviously as wearing on you as it is for many of us.
Kim's post did nothing to change my admiration and opinion of you, Cort or any of the admin/mod team. Do I think Martlet shouldn't be a moderator? No, however I do think she could reflect a little, and try to look at what's been said as constructive criticism. She could improve. I believe she is doing her best and doesn't have a mean spirited bone in her body. If I'm not mistaken she mentioned that she's moderated a religious site before. Some of what she does may fly there, but is simply inappropriate here; this is a very diverse community.
The issue with thefreeprisoner was very difficult for many of us. It's difficult for some people to see the situation as separate from the person, however most posters were able to do that. We tried to spare Rachel's feelings. Even the person who asked some hard questions, for the most part asked reasonable questions. Something to think about. All of the questions were reasonable, with the exception of questioning her character. It was a difficult situation because CFS is what it is. And because we are trying to establish this forum with an internet presence that will show up on Google. In fact, Rachel was supposed to assist us in developing strategy for making the most of our potential as a presence and ways to use the internet to our advantage.
It would be wonderful if that happens, however as someone who is healthy now, and hasn't experienced 10, 20 or 30 years of this, I wouldn't blame her if she moved on to other challenges. I believe it was Martlet who said you don't need to be ill for 30 years to have insight, and I believe it was Koan who said it would be a mistake not to have respect for insight those of us afflicted with this disease have gained over so many years. If we ignore either, we do so at our own peril.
This week has been a difficult experience, but growth and good has to come from it, unless we throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are many lessons in this experience. No one wants to have an unmoderated forum. But to not listen to what people are saying about how moderating could be improved is a mistake. And that is what it is. It is not bashing. Could it have been done more constructively? Absolutely. We need an avenue to do that.
Well I have more to say, but I've quite run out of steam. And I think this is quite enough for now.
I'm sorry Jody, and I hope you can feel better soon.
With deepest admiration,