@Cnew2this don't worry about my time. It is truly a pleasure to help people in this community who have helped me so much.
DMG actually never did anything for me. I tried it briefly years ago but I didn't notice any impact.
The way I look at the long way and short way around the cycle is to prioritize the long way as you say. This is driven mainly by b12 and folate and with your MTHFR C677T SNP is even more important for you. I'm lucky in that I don't have that SNP and is one reason why I haven't had high homocysteine. The CBS upregulation is the other reason. However, my MTHFR gene is awash in red and I'm homozygous for 1298 so I still need to prioritize folate. As I mentioned above, in my experience I didn't think DMG had all that much influence so this is where I would disagree with Yasko.
For me, the short way around the cycle is important because of my CBS and BMHT SNPS . BMHT SNPs essentially act the same as a CBS upregulation. Because of this, I try to enhance both the shortcut (I take 1800 mg of TMG and 800 mg of PC per day) and the long way to minimize the wasting down the CBS drain. Since you don't seem to have this issue (indicated by high homocysteine), you can concentrate even more on the long way around and you might find that DMG works for you.
If you find that as you drive the full methylation cycle (through b12, folate and DMG if you use it), your sulfites/sulfates increase, you should also see a concomitant reduction in homocysteine. This would mean that you have opened the drain (upregulation) and may need to enhance the BMHT (short cut) pathway until the full cycle can ramp up and compensate. In this respect, the shortcut really is just that as it will respond much faster than the long cycle to supplementation in my experience.
My assumption, (and it may be wrong and not supported by Yasko) has always been that given all the necessary cofactors in abundance, the body will prioritize the long way around the cycle. Anecdotally this has worked in my case but I don't know if it would for everyone.
She also recommends NADH, B2, and adenoB12 to support MTR/MTRR (and limited ALA).
I also tried D-Ribose (to increase NADH) for awhile but it didn't do anything for me. Supposedly this means I don't have very serious problems producing NADH and ATP which fits with the fact that I don't always have CFS symptoms and why my main manifestation is anxiety and mental illness but, I have had PEM on occasion and there have been times in my life where I couldn't get our of bed for days due to fatigue and depression. This is also why I resisted the CFS diagnosis for so long but now I'm convinced that autism, CFS, some (or most?) mental illness, heart disease etc. may all be on the same spectrum of methylation disorders.
As we've discussed previously, B2 is an essential cofactor in the long cycle so Yasko is right about that. From my understanding adeno b12 need is mainly driven by ACAT SNPs but I may be wrong.
I believe Yasko's limiting of ALA is a precaution in case of CBS upregulation (ALA is high sulfur) and her concerns around heavy metal toxicity as well as ALA's ability to chelate good minerals as well. When I take more ALA I do notice an uptick in urine sulfur for a while until the cycle compensates I assume by speeding up the complete methyl cycle. In the beginning, I couldn't tolerate real doses of ALA without horrible anxiety so I had to do Cutler chelation for years. I literally started with tiny finger dabs of ALA and even that wasn't fun. This may also have something to do with my CPOX4 SNP which supposedly increases my sensitivity to the neurobehavioral effects of mercury, fun times!

Now I'm up to 300 mg of ALA per day with great results in my energy and mental clarity so it would seem that Cutler chelation has worked for me. I just pray they don't make a Covid vaccine mandatory because that will almost certainly have thimerosal as an ingredient and will set me back maybe years if I can't can't get an exemption.
I find Yasko sometimes mixes the effects of SNPs in her analysis (which may not be incorrect since it is a system it just makes things harder to follow) and since she focuses on Autism, she really emphasizes CBS SNPs which is the main criticism against her as many claim that this SNP is harmless but that is NOT my experience. Maybe if you don't have mercury or heavy metal toxicity it's not an issue.
I hope this helps you make your decision and I wish you good health and healing.