@drmullin30 – thank you so much for taking the time to share all of this. So much good info here. So many questions …
That is pretty genius what you are doing with B12 and I am going to try it. I have been using some topical Mg lately and feel it has helped tight/cramping muscle problems that were not helped by Mg supplements. From what I have read, when taking Mg topically one doesn’t have to worry about overdosing because the body will absorb only what it needs. I wonder if that applies to B12 too? I may continue the 1,000 mcg oral B12 I have been taking and add some topical with your method.
You said that with large doses of R5P the potassium need is huge. How hugh? I have been taking a small dose of potassium powder. Probably not nearly enough. I just ran out of the Douglas R5P that I have been taking and started on the Thorne you mentioned (mine is 36.5 mg/cap). I am thinking maybe I will go with a full cap am and ½ cap later in the day, given your half life comment.
I am thinking I do need to try mfolate again, this time making sure I get plenty of mB12 to go with it. That quote from SNpedia (about MAOA and mfolate) that I shared with you I think is an outlier. Of all the research I did on MAOA I didn’t find any other sources stating that. I was contemplating whether to add mfolate to my folinic acid or replace. I definitely picked up on your comment that for you folinic acid interferes with methylation. Think I will stop taking it to give mfolate a real chance.
I have been taking the “B Minus” B complex from Seeking Health (Dr Ben Lynch) because it has no folate or B12, giving me the flexibility to add my own. I’m almost out of it, so may look into the AOR you take. I have some of Lynch’s mfolate only supplement (5-methyltetra… 1000 mcg folate ), so I can start off slow just taking ½ cap and work my way up. I have been taking Jarrow mB12. That may not be a quality source (?).
You mentioned oxalates, and I too have been wondering about those recently. From what I have read, I do think they are worth paying attention to, but right now I have so many dietary restrictions that I just can’t deal with another one. I have numerous food allergies, fear of gluten, lectins (Plant Paradox), excitotoxins (Yasko) and migraine triggers, just to name a few. And now this gut health protocol I just started (theguthealthprotocol, Herron) is soooo restrictive I’m not sure I am going to make it. Giving up sugar was hard enough, but he also says “no grains”. I have gone very low grain, and even that is true torture for me. But after only a week my poop is better than it has been in 20 years (20 years of chronic loose). Sorry – TMI.
So on Yasko – a little over 2 years ago I discovered her work and spent hundreds of hours devouring her online material (most of which I have forgotten due to my degenerating brain). Yet I had not read the book you attached, and I certainly will. Thank you. I did a Hair Analysis and Urine Amino Acid Test and got Yasko’s comments on them, and took her recommended supplements (which was quite expensive) for a couple months, but then got frustrated that there was really no way to follow up on her brief comments and some things didn’t make sense. The big one for me was that my HA showed Li off the charts high, yet the recommendation was to supplement with Li, because of “Li dumping” and keep rechecking levels with a HA. This just didn’t sit well in my brain. Incidentally, I had my doctor check my Li blood level and it was really low. So, I’ve been supplementing with Li ever since then. I haven’t checked it again, either way, but do wonder if the supplements have made any difference.
On MAOA SNPs – even after much effort a couple years ago to understand what the various SNPs mean, I don’t feel informed at all. I read soooo much about the MAOA, since of the genes that are important to Yasko, the MAOA R297R is my only homozygous SNP, so it seemed like the one I should pay most attention to. I had to really work at deciding for sure that my results of +/+ for this gene indicated a downregulation. You said that your MAOA is an upregulation. Which gene is that? Or are you -/- for R297R?
And then, despite great efforts, I never could decide what my two other +/+ MAOA SNPs meant. Whether those mutations were upregulations that might somewhat cancel out my R297R? It’s so frustrating, especially when my brain just doesn’t work like it used to.
A few months ago I started thinking about my MAOA again because I am experiencing such dramatic mood/energy fluctuations on almost a daily basis, and it seemed that maybe my downregulated MAOA could be an explanation. I still think that is a possibility, or it also may just be an elusive CFS thing. I had a revelation recently that my fluctuations were made worse by physical exertion. I would have a good day, starting with good energy/mood, so I would go for a hike. Sometimes I would start to physically crash toward the end of the hike, or afterward and my mood would crash with it. Next day would be terrible – mood, energy, a strange feeling of weakness. Next day not terrible but not great. Next day, start the cycle over again. I did get some good advice on PEM from my Introduction Forum post and picked up some more good tips on the PEM forum. So thankfully my crashes, and muscle problems are much improved lately.
I have experimented with limiting exercise for several days in a row, and this does seem to mean less dramatic fluctuations, but doesn’t resolve the problem either. What you shared about your symptoms sure does register with me too. I would have to say my worst problem now is anxiety, which just seems to be getting worse (I think COVID is not helping). I have a nagging feeling that some supplement I am taking is making that worse. SAMe is the most likely suspect, but I have been taking such a tiny bit of it.
Back to MAOA - I read an interesting thread on this website a few months ago (haven’t found it again yet). It was some very smart people arguing about whether the R297R mutation meant anything at all. I eventually became overwhelmed and went into a phase where I just didn’t have the energy to think about this stuff anymore. But now, you have inspired me to work up the energy to try again. So THANK YOU FOR THAT!
Well, I had better sign off. Sorry to ramble. This post probably turned into a serious TMI situation. I hope I’m not draining your energy with all of my questions, if you have energy issues. Thanks again for your time.