thank you for the continued updates BrightCandle
i think the experiment has been tremendously worthwhile in terms of identifying the location of something in the kidney that drives CFS symptoms
however, if the Markov theory is indeed the underlying cause - trying to think through it logically - i am not sure i would expect much more than short term perturbation of symptoms and perhaps mild improvement from biofilm disruption alone.
in my estimation, from what is know about biofilm communities, how resilient they are and how easily they reform if not wiped out e.g. with powerful oxidising chemicals ( eg oxidising and burning away to the bare substrate with hydrogen peroxide or bleach is required in chemical manufacturing plants - is necessary to avoid rapid grow back).
clearly we cant bleach the kidneys clean to their substrate - so i would perhaps expect some combination of other approaches to be needed - eg perhaps anti-microbial therapy, maybe anti quorum sensing approaches, maybe other things too would be needed - as each of these would in isolation only be expected to make a small dent - but perhaps all combined might have a good chance at really removing the biofilm permanently - or allowing the bodies immune system to have a fair chance of doing that.
we might also want to understand - if indeed the ultrasound broke up the biofilm - where did the pieces go and what happened to them - were they easily absorbed and digested by the immune system - were they passed out in the urine - or were they distributed and set up shop somewhere else - or some combination of these eventualities?
not to invalidate what you have tried at all - i think its valuable (and still think it would be valuable if other were to try to compare findings) but more just to add to the discussion
I have not seen a significant enough improvement to say the treatment has been anything other than minor, it at best could be considered a 0.5 improvement if its sustained and a new baseline.
could you perhaps clarify the scale of the 0.5 improvement ?