The evidence is for your kidneys, not ME kidneys in general.
It is N=1 evidence. And it will probably remain N=1, unless we get some proactive ME/CFS patients focused on treatment experimentation attempting to replicate this possible anti-biofilm approach.
My anti-biofilm ultrasound experiment was done in the context of Dr Markov's theory that ME/CFS is caused by a bacterial dysbiosis in the kidneys, which leaks a range of bacterial toxins into the bloodstream, with these toxins causing the condition of ME/CFS.
So my aim is to try to break down the presumed biofilm that may exist in the kidneys, in the hope that this might result in symptomatic improvements in my ME/CFS.
Unfortunately I ran into this problem of the treatment making me feel terrible. Not just a lot more tiredness and brain fog, which I can cope with, but also a lot more depression, mental frailty, social withdrawal, feeling very uncomfortable even just talking to people, feeling too weak and feeble to even drink my morning cup of tea, etc.
So unless I can find a workaround which prevents these treatment side effects, I myself may not be able to fully test this treatment (which I expect may require perhaps many months of daily treatment for it to work). So it would only be others who could attempt it, assuming others did not get hit with such horrible adverse effects.
But I wanted to report these strange and horrible side effects, because I was astounded how some sound waves on my kidneys could trigger such a terrible PEM-like state. Well, more than PEM, because my regular PEM is not as bad as this.
If others did show interest in trying this treatment, and they too experienced similar adverse effect when the ultrasound is directed on the kidneys, but not when directed elsewhere in the body, that would actually provide greater than just N=1 evidence that the kidneys are playing a role in ME/CFS. And that would be a major discovery.