emergency report from China


Senior Member
Hi Hanchuchu! The day of my appointment has arrived and I will show my Dr. copies of these posts (he and his wife read/speak Chinese)...I'll post any response. I haven't gotten a response fron the first dr. (I generally see three!)

In addition, if you are able to investigate two more sources (I know you are very ill...but please try a bit longer and go to their websites, read and send an e-mail to both)

By the way, Fredd had a very good instinct in suggesting looking at Enteroviruses as a possible clue....so I've given you info for the new ENTEROVIRUS FOUNDATION and to EV MED RESEARCH (Dr. John Chia's research site...he is discovering EV viruses by way of stomach biopsies rather than strictly through blood tests)

1. info@ EnterovirusFoundation.org
268 Bush Street, #4044
San Francisco, Ca 94104
Ph# 1 (415) 393-9558
Fax 1 (415) 358-4222

25332 Narbonne Ave. suite 170
Lomita, Ca 90717
Ph# 1(310) 534-9700
Fax 1 (310) 534-9701
Lab Director: Dr. John Chia

Good luck (again!) jackie:)


Senior Member
Hi Hanchuchu! The day of my appointment has arrived and I will show my Dr. copies of these posts (he and his wife read/speak Chinese)...I'll post any response. I haven't gotten a response fron the first dr. (I generally see three!)

In addition, if you are able to investigate two more sources (I know you are very ill...but please try a bit longer and go to their websites, read and send an e-mail to both)

By the way, Fredd had a very good instinct in suggesting looking at Enteroviruses as a possible clue....so I've given you info for the new ENTEROVIRUS FOUNDATION and to EV MED RESEARCH (Dr. John Chia's research site...he is discovering EV viruses by way of stomach biopsies rather than strictly through blood tests)

1. info@ EnterovirusFoundation.org
268 Bush Street, #4044
San Francisco, Ca 94104
Ph# 1 (415) 393-9558
Fax 1 (415) 358-4222

25332 Narbonne Ave. suite 170
Lomita, Ca 90717
Ph# 1(310) 534-9700
Fax 1 (310) 534-9701
Lab Director: Dr. John Chia

Good luck (again!) jackie:)

Jackie, thanks. This disease won't kill swiftly and I can survive for about five years if not being infected with other virus. But the life is horrible. Too much pressure. Every morning when I open my eyes, I know another miserable day begins. I feel scared to be exposed to the sunshine and only darkness makes feel a little bit secure. I have bought what Fredd recommended and will try to take some and see the effect.

Since the doctor you are visiting can read Chinese, please let them google the Chinese key words "未知病毒" (unknown virus) and "中国" (China). I am sure lots of news will come up. China news (中新网) is an influential one.

The CDC has finished the selection of the infected to be tested. They will notify the selected the next Monday. I think Institute of Pasteur of Shanghai will select people as well in two or three weeks. We have hope. But the thing is that no one can ensure they can really find something. We don't have advanced labs as you have.

I will try the email address you posted.

Thanks again, Jackie.


Senior Member
more about the virochip

There is a way to find out what your infection is. It's called the Virochip and it was developed by Joe DeRisi. It was designed to detect every known virus. Eric just posted this video on another link. And here is the contact information for DeRisi's Lab.

Kim, can you kindly check out that whether virochip is publicly available or just limited to labs? If this virochip is available in hospitals, I will definitely fly to the US to do a check.



Kim, can you kindly check out that whether virochip is publicly available or just limited to labs? If this virochip is available in hospitals, I will definitely fly to the US to do a check. I cannot rely on the CDC only. Whether we can believe them or not is also a question, because it is a government agency.

hanchuchu, this is what I've been able to find out so far. I found an article from June 16, 2009 that says that the University of California, San Francisco has built a new diagnostic center called the UCSF Viral Diagnostics and Discovery Center. Charles Chiu, an assistant professor at UCSF and director of the new center, said, "the center is currently in the process of validating the ViroChip for clinical diagnostic use."

The center is open to collaborations with academic institutions, laboratories, and hospitals on viral pathogen discovery projects. These projects will help elucidate the viral causes of unexplained acute illnesses

You can contact them to see what hospitals they are collaborating with. To contact the VDDC, please contact Eunice Chen by e-mail at eunice.chen@ucsf.edu or by phone at (415) 514-8239.

Here is a more recent article about Virochip at the VDDC and below is a picture of the director Charles Chui:


From another article I learned that The Genome Institute of Singapore also is using the Virochip. Here is a link to their Infectious Disease Department, but I found nothing specific about the Virochip on their pages


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I think Peterson mentioned at the Sweden talks that that Stanford University Medical center uses a chip as standard procedure. If anyone is in touch with Peterson, maybe he/she can ask him about this, or for that matter, ask him where would be the easiest place for someone to get tested.


Senior Member
hanchuchu, this is what I've been able to find out so far. I found an article from June 16, 2009 that says that the University of California, San Francisco has built a new diagnostic center called the UCSF Viral Diagnostics and Discovery Center. Charles Chiu, an assistant professor at UCSF and director of the new center, said, "the center is currently in the process of validating the ViroChip for clinical diagnostic use."

You can contact them to see what hospitals they are collaborating with. To contact the VDDC, please contact Eunice Chen by e-mail at eunice.chen@ucsf.edu or by phone at (415) 514-8239.

Here is a more recent article about Virochip at the VDDC and below is a picture of the director Charles Chui:


From another article I learned that The Genome Institute of Singapore also is using the Virochip. Here is a link to their Infectious Disease Department, but I found nothing specific about the Virochip on their pages

Kim, we really don't know what we can give you in return for your continuous assistance. I have writen emails to the person you mentioned and hopefully they can reply my email, although with little chance. I don't know why people don't believe us and are so indifferent to us.

The good news is that the CDC informed us today they are in the process of liaisng some hospitals currently and will conduct the investigation at the end of the next month. We still have to wait for another month... I believe the CDC is using its best efforts to help us, given the flu is also a top priority now in China.

I think my lungs are under severe attacks from the virus now and the pain is extending...

I pray to God everyday and hope we can be reborn and given a new life...


Senior Member
Sorry to bolt into this conversation but..

I do NOT know what the real situation is in China with the H1N1. The CDC is NOT keeping real numbers of the sick and dead from H1N1 and have played games with the numbers and upped them overnight. It has been reported that even our seasonal flu numbers are not true and are computer generated estimates. At this point the US deaths from the Swine Flu range from 1,200 to a new CDC number of 4,000. This is in comparison to the 36,000 (about) seasonal flu deaths in the US - again, computer generated and NOT really tracked.
Let us pray that the H1N1 in China and other parts of the world is as mild as they say it is here in the US. Drink those fluids and watch out for the secondary bacterial infection that may tag along with this virus - or so that's what I have read. Good luck.


Senior Member
hi Hanchuchu! I saw the doctor on Friday. I printed out ALL the posts on this thread...sorted them and chose your first post AND all those that were in Chinese (my doctors wife is from China).

I was hoping that the chinese posts would attract his/her attention the most!

They were intrigued and they promised to read/research and go to the links.......and call me at home (which is unusual!) within a week.

I'm hoping they have some good suggestions...but remember, he is simply an American doctor (Primary Care/Endochronolgist).

Take care......jackie:)


Kim, we really don't know what we can give you in return for your continuous assistance.

Here's what you can do to in return for my assistance: Don't give up!

I have writen emails to the person you mentioned and hopefully they can reply my email, although with little chance. I don't know why people don't believe us and are so indifferent to us.

hanchuchu, there may be many reasons why you don't get a response. There are many wonderful things about the American culture, but there is a tendency for us to focus on ourselves - our joy, our suffering, our success, our failures. If your emails don't get a response, it may not be that they don't believe you. It's more likely that they are focused on their own life, their own work, their own health, etc. But I believe that someone that you reach out to will take notice and become concerned about you and all of the others in China who have become sick from this mysterious illness. Please keep trying.

I went back to the information about the UCSF Viral Diagnostic Center and see that this project was developed in partnership with a company called Abbott Diagnostics, a global health care company. They have a location in China - maybe you could find out if they know who in China is using the Virochip.

Abbott Laboratories Ltd., Diagnostics Division
28/F, Xian Le Si Square
388 Nan Jing Road West
Shanghai 200003
Telephone: (86) 21 3302 4777

I think my lungs are under severe attacks from the virus now and the pain is extending...

I pray to God everyday and hope we can be reborn and given a new life...

I am so sorry to hear that you are getting sicker. I will pray too.



One of the collaborators at the VDDC is Dr. Patrick Tang. He is in the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control in Vancouver. Maybe a Canadian researcher will be more receptive to your email. patrick.tang@bccdc.ca

Another collaborator at the VDDC is Dr. Donald Ganem. His lab at UCSF is studying viral respiratory tract infections using the Virochip and as your symptoms are now in your lungs, your situation may be of interest to him. ganem@cgl.ucsf.edu

And one more: This is the email address for the Lab Manager for DeRisi's lab: Lab Manager and Logistics:
Shana Katzman. shanakatzman@gmail.com


Senior Member
Another multiple co-infection disease?

Hello Hanchuchu,

I just found this thread and read through your posts and also looked at some of the Chinese articles.

As you may know, there have been many, many attempts to explain CFS and one of the most agreed-upon points is that people with CFS have multiple co-infections. So maybe the problems we have in characterizing CFS may be helpful to you and others in China struggling with your new mystery virus.

Like you many of us had a 'sudden onset' to our illness. But the strange problem is that many different types of illnesses and stresses are capable of triggering CFS.

The CFS community has survived for over 25 years now without a secure diagnosis of a specific infection. I do not want to discourage you, but I think you might benefit from learning more about CFS. Also you might benefit from learning more about Lyme Disease and its often strange symptoms that include rashes, psychological disturbance and depression (including becoming suicidal), many neurological and immunological symptoms, and even breathing problems (which may come from the neurological problems).

Much of what you describe has happened to me, and to others who now identify with the CFS label for our illness.

What makes the most sense to me is that different locations, such as China, may have a different mix of co-infections, so there are some areas of your illness that appear different. But perhaps this is not so different. If you have had this in China for 7 years, then any virus may already be in the rest of the world, so we also probably have some of this also in the US and Europe. And when we get those types of symptoms it seems to be from a combination of infections, or co-infections. For example, you may have some STD co-infections in China that are not being tested for or maybe that have mutated enough that they are not being detected, such as chlamydia pneumonia or syphilis. And they might add a burden to other co-infections you might have, creating this new disease. But all of these co-infections can be treated, many with anti-microbials, as has been pointed out already by Eric.

If you want to avoid drugs, there are many safe and natural ways to treat even severe co-infections. People in the US and UK and Germany in particular have been forced to find natural therapies because of the denial of this illness by our Governments. So there is much information out there besides TCM. I suspect that if you study alternative treatments for CFS and Lyme Disease you might find some good ideas to help with your situation.

I realize that you are seeking international medical assistance. And that is a political problem you are trying to help solve. But that international help might take a long, long time. They are fast when they understand the problem, such as the spread of AIDS, SARS, or H1N1. But they are VERY slow about problems that they do not understand. We have also been seeking international medical assistance for CFS, as well as help in the US, for many, many years. Do you have that much time to wait? I think trying to find treatments, and then helping other people learn those treatments for your illness, is important while you wait for a government solution.

This illness that perhaps we ALL have, is everywhere in the world. There are many faces of CFS, including Gulf-War illness, Lyme Disease, atypical forms of many other diseases, etc. In some regions of the world this illness may appear a little different but in many ways it is the same. Nobody has totally figured out what is happening, so we are sometimes forced to find safe ways to treat our symptoms ourselves while we work through traditional medical and government channels.

Do you have access to natural medicines in China besides TCM? This might be a very important point. For example, olive leaf extract, oregano oil, colloid silver, vitamin C, things like that? Also, do you have help with the social and mental distress this is causing you? In the US and Europe we often benefit from Eastern spiritual systems, including from China, that help us to accept and be at peace with being sick, and help us also learn to change our life to find happiness again. The psychological challenge of a mystery illness is very difficult for some people. I hope you find some answers.

Best Wishes,


Senior Member
hi Hanchuchu! I saw the doctor on Friday. I printed out ALL the posts on this thread...sorted them and chose your first post AND all those that were in Chinese (my doctors wife is from China).

I was hoping that the chinese posts would attract his/her attention the most!

They were intrigued and they promised to read/research and go to the links.......and call me at home (which is unusual!) within a week.

I'm hoping they have some good suggestions...but remember, he is simply an American doctor (Primary Care/Endochronolgist).

Take care......jackie:)

Thank you, Jackie. But obviously my health is worsening very rapidly. I almost fell to the ground several times today. The pain in my chest is really killing me. In fact, very little hope from the United States. But I will keep trying as long as I can type in front of the computer.

If any of them wants to find out more details, let me know. I can speak to them on telephone if they like.

Thanks again.


Senior Member
for Kim

Kim, I won't give up as long as I can breath. I know the culture is different and this is part of the reason I won't get replies. Well, sometimes people just don't realize the seriousness until they personnally suffer. Who knows there is such a virus so infectious? But it happened to us and is crazily spreading... I will keep trying although there is little hope.

Confirmed with the CDC, we are told that the only purpose of the coming test is to figure out whether we are infected with HIV. We are pushing them to find new virus instead of HIV-test. We are HIV-free. No one believes HIV can be spreaded so easily via savalia, no matter how it mutates. Most of the infected deny this point of view. We believe it is something totally different, because the virus doesn't have a transitional period and will continuously attack once get infected.

I believe Pasteur will assist soon.



Senior Member
for Kurt

Thanks for your advice. Some infected has the same opinions as you do. But most of the infected will say it is different. Although it develops silimar systoms as HIV or CFS, we all know these systoms are non-specific...

The extract is not easy to buy in China and I will let my American friends mail to me from America and try.

I don't think I can survive more than 5 years. I am 25 years old now. I used to have a decent job, a girl I love, a warm family... but I know everything is gone...I live separatly and seldom go to public places.

Well, I get well prepared for the upcoming end of my life. I know a co-infection may kill me very suddenly and that's it.

Anyway, there are hopes... but I don't know what will happen to me the next minutes...

keep trying and prepare for the worst.

Han.I think it is great you are being so persistant in trying to get help and warn people about your illness. I think even though the officials say they me testing you for "just HIV" I would think it is possible they will make note of who you are and where you are at, and keep the samples. which may prove helpful later on down the road if they get more serious about helping.

I think part of the problem is, there are so many problems in the world.
Politics, governments, and managing public expectations is part of it too. SO it is possible that many of these agencies are aware of your disease, and are studying it, or ignoring it. But they also may be trying to avoid some sort of panic that would bring the world economy to a screaching halt. I know none of this helps, but it may be comforting to realize that people are aware now with all of your hard work alerting people to the fact. No reason to give up, and you are not alone. I have been going thru something similar for 25 yrs. It is hard, but I am still surviving. We are aware, others are aware. Hang in there and try to avoid extra stress and figure out how to cope with living. We may all still be in for a long haul.


Senior Member
take a deep breath

Thank you, Jackie. But obviously my health is worsening very rapidly. I almost fell to the ground several times today. The pain in my chest is really killing me. In fact, very little hope from the United States. But I will keep trying as long as I can type in front of the computer.

If any of them wants to find out more details, let me know. I can speak to them on telephone if they like.

Thanks again.

Hi Hanchuchu,
Well, this sounds a lot like adrenal exhaustion. And maybe some glutathione depletion from all the infections. That would slow down your ability to detoxify the poisons from the co-infections or from your environment. Anxiety can cause chest pains, although if you have a history of heart problems you should have your heart evaluated by a doctor to rule out heart troubles. But I assume you know you do not have heart trouble, so perhaps some neurotoxins are in you causing pain in the chest, I know that is very frightening, I have that from time to time and so do many people with CFS. Generally I find it is related to immune and/or detox activation with this illness. When a person first becomes sick with CFS, Lyme, or one of these diseases, their hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system becomes unbalanced, dysregulated, sluggish and generally dysfunctional. This means the body is no longer able to respond properly to day-night changes, to temperature changes, to life stressors, to changing energy needs, or even to digest food properly. With a sick hypothalamus the body over-reacts to some things and under-reacts to other things, you lose your ability to adapt to the details of daily living. And if the amygdala or pineal gland also become dysfunctional you can become stuck in continual panic or anxiety states, and become over-sensitive to smells, foods, molds, EMF, certain social situations, or even some of your own metabolic processes, which further depletes the body's resources.

The brain is also affected by this and fears, depression, fatigue and pain become intertwined in a unique way. So then when you do not know your future, and your life has fallen apart around you, this seems like the end. But this is just part of the strangeness of this illness and usually is not the end. Did you know that the most common cause of death for CFS is suicide and not the actual co-infections? That is a reflection of poor social support for our illness, sadly. But most people live for many more decades after contracting a co-infection illness like CFS. There is time to take a deep breath and accept that you may need to spend a few years learning how to manage this on your own.

Thanks for your advice. Some infected has the same opinions as you do. But most of the infected will say it is different. Although it develops silimar systoms as HIV or CFS, we all know these systoms are non-specific...

The extract is not easy to buy in China and I will let my American friends mail to me from America and try.

I don't think I can survive more than 5 years. I am 25 years old now. I used to have a decent job, a girl I love, a warm family... but I know everything is gone...I live separatly and seldom go to public places.

Well, I get well prepared for the upcoming end of my life. I know a co-infection may kill me very suddenly and that's it.

Anyway, there are hopes... but I don't know what will happen to me the next minutes...

keep trying and prepare for the worst.

I understand this despair you find with a mystery co-infection illness that you have. And you are right, a co-infection could kill you suddenly. But that is ALWAYS a risk people have, also an automobile or bicycle accident could kill you any day. The truth is that you also might survive this, and so you also can prepare for the challenge and struggle to survive this illness. You are still very young, and when they get good treatment younger people often recover faster and more completely.

This illness can also give your life a new purpose, which is to learn how to recover, and maybe to help others. Or at least to show others that survival is possible. I am glad you are able to write to us from China, we are all related people on the same planet and we may need to help each other to survive. We have learned a LOT about CFS over the years, and about the co-infections and toxins involved, but we still do not have a solution. And China now has pollutions that probably are giving some of your people detoxification problems, like we have in the West, and you certainly have many of the same infections. So we are all in similar situations I think, maybe there are some different genetic variations that make the illness look different, but probably it is the same.

Maybe you can also teach us what works for a co-infection illness from TCM, that would be interesting for me anyway. I would like to know what is helping you right now.

And I would be happy to talk on email or over the phone, just send me an email (click on my name above for that).



Senior Member
good news from Charles Chui

Dear all,

Charles promised to help if they can take samples from us. It is our hope to find out the truth. But we have political obstacles to overcome. I am using my best efforts to make the collaboration between the CDC/ Pasteur Shanghai and UCSF happen. Anyway, we are moving forward. Thank you, Kim. Thank you all.


I will post the summary of TCMs tomorrow. I think the infected takes different herbs. But I believe they all can boost the immune system. I just need a little bit time to collect all the TCMs on the talk in the online chatroom.

Can you kindly advise the producer which provides the olive leaf extract, oregano oil of the best quality and with a competitive price?

Thanks Kurt.


So much to be thankful for

Dear all,

Charles promised to help if they can take samples from us. It is our hope to find out the truth. But we have political obstacles to overcome. I am using my best efforts to make the collaboration between the CDC/ Pasteur Shanghai and UCSF happen. Anyway, we are moving forward. Thank you, Kim. Thank you all.

hanchuchu, I have tears of relief streaming down my face. I have been praying that someone would listen to you. I know it's an early first step, but so promising. Please keep us updated.


Senior Member
Kim, it is all the people here make me come to this point

Dear all,

I don't know how to express my gratitute to all of you except to keep saying "thank you". Yes, it is good news.

I know it is hard to tell the truth and to fight someone you can never win. But I have no choice. I will die someday, one way or another. But I believe all the work I do is bring hopes to tens of thousands people, although no one knows me in real life.

My health condition is not optimistic. I am spending more time to communicate with other infected and making efforts to make the cooperaion happen, although I am exhausted and really tired...

The virus is spreading among common people. Some people get infected by their girlfriends or boyfriends kiss, as said in the online chatroom. No one can prevent a kiss-pass virus.

I will keep you updated. If I won't update for one or two weeks, it means something is not right.

Thanks again.


Senior Member


All the TCM we take can only boost the immune system instead of killing the virus.

In general, people take the following three:

1. TCM
2. Vitamin
3. anti-aids drugs

For the avoidance of any mistranslation of the names of TCM, I would put the names in Chinese and I am sure some of you can find a doctor to do the translation:

黄芪 丹参 麦冬 五味子 灵芝 红参 枸杞 何首乌 白术 地黄 淫羊藿 鹿茸 冬虫夏草 女贞子 当归 茯苓 阿胶 甘草 狗脊

This list is not comprehensive (some infected may take other TCM). I personnally take some extracts from these herbs. I think these TCM can activate your cells to generate more fresh blood. You can show your doctor these list and get the suggestion how to take and the dose. Although TCM is safe, you should be very carefully as well. A wrong mixture may kill people.

I think one anti-aids drug does worth mention--唐草片, which is the extracts from herbs purely and really effective, as told by many infected. This is made in China and I don't know whether it is avaiable or not in America. The CD4 will be increased if taking this medicine.

In addtion, people take various vitamins.

I also want to mention the diagnosis from the traditiona doctor--the dysfunction of spleen. I visited different doctors and the above diagnosis is the view they share. I was told by other infected that they receive the same diagnosis as well. But the doctor cannot cure us. The only thing they can give is TCM stimulating spleen and improving its function.

I hope you can tell me the producer of the extracts you mentioned earlier, so we can try to take it as well. It is worth trying.

Kurt, I am sorry to reply late. I hope you can understand. I got too much work to do to save myself and others.

Thanks for your patience.