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Sohu blog > weakwhoop > diary > kind of AIDS virus
2008-10-12 | [transfers]Chinese unknown virus, epidemic situation spread
Label: Unknown virus
The unknown virus, four evil human bodies, violation all living things, the epidemic situation spread, the people wanted to sober
Infected person symptom
1. Has a fever (low fever/high fever possibly to occur)
2. Whole body reproductive organ damage (liver, gallbladder, kidney, lung, intestinal tract, bone)
3. May infect by the sex act, but non-reproductive organ infection symptom
4. Body-wide roseola
5. Tongue coating white thick, tip of tongue red spot
6. Eye hyperemia
7. The mouth does, the oral cavity ulcer
8. Backache back hurts
9. Body-wide joint ache
10. The nervous symptom, the whole body muscle beats (hands and feet four limbs to be numb, cerebrum has a headache about reflection to be slow,)
11. Body weight drop
12. The whole body lymph ache is tumescent
13. The gum is swollen and painful
14. The palm, the sole sheds skin
15. Abdomen sore diarrhea
16. In has not received the treatment under the premise not the self-recovery, the symptom duration length different, may reach above several years
17. Is had the weight difference the infected person symptom
18. The virus does not hide, sustained attack body each spot continues certain years (to wait for research)
19. Other symptoms
The symptom specificity, the infection person possibly will not have by no means the complete symptom which said that but the symptom will appear after high-risk, one by one or will also appear, and will continue to manifest suddenly repeatedly.
Dissemination way:
1st, body fluid (blood, seminal fluid, secretion);
2nd, saliva, sweat gland dissemination. Many fellow patients reflected between after entire family symptom, the child infection as well as the friend eat meal, has the similar symptom the situation. This way is highly doubtful infects, are more than the HIV dissemination way. Therefore fearfulness propagation velocity, must want the country and the nationality takes seriously.
With HIV center of similitude
1. Destroys the human body immune cell
2. All symptoms and HIV symptom same (attack human body intestinal tract, immune cell, creates body-wide reflection)
With HIV diversity
1. The symptom continues certain years, at present is not clear
2. The HIV biggest characteristic is ambush certain years symptomless destroys the immune cell slowly, but this is newly in the direct short time creates the human organs damage and the bone inflammation, as if does not have the so-called incubation period
3. HIV produces disease is after destroying immune cell's opportunity infection, but this virus as if is itself creates each spot directly the infection
This viral most terrorist place lies in - - - the saliva also possibly to infect (all relatives and friends to eat meal together drinks water can direct infection).
Because the fellow patients are not study the medicine, states uncertain specialty, but is true, this is the attainment experience which the long time indisposition suffers. Accurate situation, but also waits for scientific circles confirmation. But on the patient blog group understands truth
When you go to the blog listed, there is one testimony that is understandable:
My official diagnosis: € Viral syndrome of unknown etiology'
I believe that I have a form of AIDS that is going undetected by standard HIV screening. Two+ years ago, after a heterosexual sexual encounter, I became seriously ill with what looks like the natural disease progression of AIDS. After an € acute infection stage € and a € period of asymptomatic health €, I have fallen extremely ill to an unrelenting, progressively-worsening physical demise. Whatever I am currently dealing with, it strongly resembles classic € early stage € HIV disease. Upon review of my medical files, it would be reasonable to suspect that I will be an HIV-Negative € AIDS € patient with a bleak future.
As my blood indicates, my body is reacting to its undiagnosed foreign invader with: altered CD4:CD8 ratios; a rapid decline in lymphocyte percentages; a decline in CD3s; inflated LDH, CH50, Cortisol and
Anyway, it sounds like an awful disease. I wonder if anyone has tried taking AIDS drugs for it?