emergency report from China


Senior Member
Hi Hanchuchu,
I sent an email to the Seattle school of TCM that people have mentioned. I asked them to read this link and see if they can help you.

Thanks. I will put the sysptoms on later, so they may have a better idea of this disease.

I find some links I put on previously were invalid today. I hope you can access the links below as soon as possible or you may let the Chinese-American to search with the key word of the Chinese equivalent of "unkown virus or indentified virus" and "China" in google. You will find many links.

more links:



Senior Member

The people I emailed for you are not looking at this board. If you want them to help you, you need to email them directly:



Senior Member
Here's a little bit of her links in English (translation by Babelfish):

Sohu blog > weakwhoop > diary > kind of AIDS virus
2008-10-12 | [transfers]Chinese unknown virus, epidemic situation spread
Label: Unknown virus
The unknown virus, four evil human bodies, violation all living things, the epidemic situation spread, the people wanted to sober
Infected person symptom
1. Has a fever (low fever/high fever possibly to occur)
2. Whole body reproductive organ damage (liver, gallbladder, kidney, lung, intestinal tract, bone)
3. May infect by the sex act, but non-reproductive organ infection symptom
4. Body-wide roseola
5. Tongue coating white thick, tip of tongue red spot
6. Eye hyperemia
7. The mouth does, the oral cavity ulcer
8. Backache back hurts
9. Body-wide joint ache
10. The nervous symptom, the whole body muscle beats (hands and feet four limbs to be numb, cerebrum has a headache about reflection to be slow,)
11. Body weight drop
12. The whole body lymph ache is tumescent
13. The gum is swollen and painful
14. The palm, the sole sheds skin
15. Abdomen sore diarrhea
16. In has not received the treatment under the premise not the self-recovery, the symptom duration length different, may reach above several years
17. Is had the weight difference the infected person symptom
18. The virus does not hide, sustained attack body each spot continues certain years (to wait for research)
19. Other symptoms

The symptom specificity, the infection person possibly will not have by no means the complete symptom which said that but the symptom will appear after high-risk, one by one or will also appear, and will continue to manifest suddenly repeatedly.

Dissemination way:

1st, body fluid (blood, seminal fluid, secretion);

2nd, saliva, sweat gland dissemination. Many fellow patients reflected between after entire family symptom, the child infection as well as the friend eat meal, has the similar symptom the situation. This way is highly doubtful infects, are more than the HIV dissemination way. Therefore fearfulness propagation velocity, must want the country and the nationality takes seriously.
With HIV center of similitude
1. Destroys the human body immune cell
2. All symptoms and HIV symptom same (attack human body intestinal tract, immune cell, creates body-wide reflection)
With HIV diversity
1. The symptom continues certain years, at present is not clear
2. The HIV biggest characteristic is ambush certain years symptomless destroys the immune cell slowly, but this is newly in the direct short time creates the human organs damage and the bone inflammation, as if does not have the so-called incubation period
3. HIV produces disease is after destroying immune cell's opportunity infection, but this virus as if is itself creates each spot directly the infection
This viral most terrorist place lies in - - - the saliva also possibly to infect (all relatives and friends to eat meal together drinks water can direct infection).

Because the fellow patients are not study the medicine, states uncertain specialty, but is true, this is the attainment experience which the long time indisposition suffers. Accurate situation, but also waits for scientific circles confirmation. But on the patient blog group understands truth http://blog.sina.com.cn/searchthefact


When you go to the blog listed, there is one testimony that is understandable:

My official diagnosis: € Viral syndrome of unknown etiology'

I believe that I have a form of AIDS that is going undetected by standard HIV screening. Two+ years ago, after a heterosexual sexual encounter, I became seriously ill with what looks like the natural disease progression of AIDS. After an € acute infection stage € and a € period of asymptomatic health €, I have fallen extremely ill to an unrelenting, progressively-worsening physical demise. Whatever I am currently dealing with, it strongly resembles classic € early stage € HIV disease. Upon review of my medical files, it would be reasonable to suspect that I will be an HIV-Negative € AIDS € patient with a bleak future.

As my blood indicates, my body is reacting to its undiagnosed foreign invader with: altered CD4:CD8 ratios; a rapid decline in lymphocyte percentages; a decline in CD3s; inflated LDH, CH50, Cortisol and

Anyway, it sounds like an awful disease. I wonder if anyone has tried taking AIDS drugs for it?


Senior Member

The people I emailed for you are not looking at this board. If you want them to help you, you need to email them directly:


Mary, can you direct me to a specific person? Or you leave your private email address to the private message, in case this web is blocked? I wrote to many institutions without any reply. Only Judy said she would help, but I don't know how and when.


Senior Member
Here's a little bit of her links in English (translation by Babelfish):

Sohu blog > weakwhoop > diary > kind of AIDS virus
2008-10-12 | [transfers]Chinese unknown virus, epidemic situation spread
Label: Unknown virus
The unknown virus, four evil human bodies, violation all living things, the epidemic situation spread, the people wanted to sober
Infected person symptom
1. Has a fever (low fever/high fever possibly to occur)
2. Whole body reproductive organ damage (liver, gallbladder, kidney, lung, intestinal tract, bone)
3. May infect by the sex act, but non-reproductive organ infection symptom
4. Body-wide roseola
5. Tongue coating white thick, tip of tongue red spot
6. Eye hyperemia
7. The mouth does, the oral cavity ulcer
8. Backache back hurts
9. Body-wide joint ache
10. The nervous symptom, the whole body muscle beats (hands and feet four limbs to be numb, cerebrum has a headache about reflection to be slow,)
11. Body weight drop
12. The whole body lymph ache is tumescent
13. The gum is swollen and painful
14. The palm, the sole sheds skin
15. Abdomen sore diarrhea
16. In has not received the treatment under the premise not the self-recovery, the symptom duration length different, may reach above several years
17. Is had the weight difference the infected person symptom
18. The virus does not hide, sustained attack body each spot continues certain years (to wait for research)
19. Other symptoms

The symptom specificity, the infection person possibly will not have by no means the complete symptom which said that but the symptom will appear after high-risk, one by one or will also appear, and will continue to manifest suddenly repeatedly.

Dissemination way:

1st, body fluid (blood, seminal fluid, secretion);

2nd, saliva, sweat gland dissemination. Many fellow patients reflected between after entire family symptom, the child infection as well as the friend eat meal, has the similar symptom the situation. This way is highly doubtful infects, are more than the HIV dissemination way. Therefore fearfulness propagation velocity, must want the country and the nationality takes seriously.
With HIV center of similitude
1. Destroys the human body immune cell
2. All symptoms and HIV symptom same (attack human body intestinal tract, immune cell, creates body-wide reflection)
With HIV diversity
1. The symptom continues certain years, at present is not clear
2. The HIV biggest characteristic is ambush certain years symptomless destroys the immune cell slowly, but this is newly in the direct short time creates the human organs damage and the bone inflammation, as if does not have the so-called incubation period
3. HIV produces disease is after destroying immune cell's opportunity infection, but this virus as if is itself creates each spot directly the infection
This viral most terrorist place lies in - - - the saliva also possibly to infect (all relatives and friends to eat meal together drinks water can direct infection).

Because the fellow patients are not study the medicine, states uncertain specialty, but is true, this is the attainment experience which the long time indisposition suffers. Accurate situation, but also waits for scientific circles confirmation. But on the patient blog group understands truth http://blog.sina.com.cn/searchthefact


When you go to the blog listed, there is one testimony that is understandable:

My official diagnosis: € Viral syndrome of unknown etiology'

I believe that I have a form of AIDS that is going undetected by standard HIV screening. Two+ years ago, after a heterosexual sexual encounter, I became seriously ill with what looks like the natural disease progression of AIDS. After an € acute infection stage € and a € period of asymptomatic health €, I have fallen extremely ill to an unrelenting, progressively-worsening physical demise. Whatever I am currently dealing with, it strongly resembles classic € early stage € HIV disease. Upon review of my medical files, it would be reasonable to suspect that I will be an HIV-Negative € AIDS € patient with a bleak future.

As my blood indicates, my body is reacting to its undiagnosed foreign invader with: altered CD4:CD8 ratios; a rapid decline in lymphocyte percentages; a decline in CD3s; inflated LDH, CH50, Cortisol and

Anyway, it sounds like an awful disease. I wonder if anyone has tried taking AIDS drugs for it?

The translation looks a little bit strange. But I think people still can understand. The thing is we cannot get AIDS drugs, because we are HIV-free. We don't have any specific medicines to take except some traditional chinese medicine enhancing the immune system. People have get infected more than 6 or 8 years ago and the number is multiplied very rapidly. We seek assistance from various organizations without any feedbacks. I think the only way to let the world know is to report to the WHO. I sent emails almost everyday to WHO, but no one really answers us. Can anyone forward me an email address which can reach the general sectary of UN?


Retired account
I remember someone posting a youtube clip on another forum about an "HIV-like virus spreading through China". What the clip showed was a news agency (I forget which one) who was actually describing the spread of an unknown virus and the symptoms that you, Hanchuchu, have described.

I've checked back and the video has been "removed due to terms of use violation." No surprise there as the great "firewall" of China blocks youtube, doesn't it?

I wish I could help but I am at a loss for words let alone ideas. Good luck. :(


Killer, Clown, Priestess
"I wish I could help but I am at a loss for words let alone ideas."

I have been following this thread and feel the same way. I have no ideas.

Peace and Good Luck,


Senior Member
For Hanchuchu

I am sorry, I do not know personally anyone at the Seattle Oriental Medicine Institute. I only found the "info@soim.edu" by "googleing" them. I have not received a reply from them.

I wish I knew of something to do but I do not. Perhaps there is a Chinese/American health advocacy group in a large city who could speak with you by telephone?

I will keep googling but that is all I know to do.


Senior Member
response from NIAID Office of Communications and Government Relations" <niaid@AIR.ORG

This is in response to your inquiry dated November 3, 2009, to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), notifying us of a potential infectious disease outbreak. Your inquiry was forwarded to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the NIH Institute with primary responsibility for research on HIV and other infectious diseases, for a response.

Thank you for notifying us of a possible HIV-like virus infection appearing in people in China.

We would urge you to report this information to public health officers in China through the World Health Organization (WHO) office there. Contact information follows:

The WHO Representative in the People's Republic of China

401, Dongwai Diplomatic Office Building

23, Dongzhimenwai Dajie

Chaoyang District

Beijing 100600


Email: who@chn.wpro.who.int

Web site: http://www.wpro.who.int/

In the meantime, we will forward your email to the WHO Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response.

We hope this information will be helpful to you.


Correspondence Specialist

Legislative Affairs and Correspondence Management Branch

Office of Communications and Government Relations

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Senior Member
I am sorry, I do not know personally anyone at the Seattle Oriental Medicine Institute. I only found the "info@soim.edu" by "googleing" them. I have not received a reply from them.

I wish I knew of something to do but I do not. Perhaps there is a Chinese/American health advocacy group in a large city who could speak with you by telephone?

I will keep googling but that is all I know to do.

Mary, I know you want to help. I have reported this to WHO and can wait for their response for a few days. The only purpose I am here is to seek assistance from the international community. I wrote emails everyday, but very few reply. Yes, they just don't believe. I don't believe this either until the day I find I am one of the victims. We are "invisible vampires" in real life. Nobody knows who is the next one we are going to bite. But the truth is what if people continuously ingore us and deny the existence of such an unkown infectious virus. OK. Denial, ingorance, indifference... People just don't wake up until they become victims like us. I am not afraid of death. One day, we all become dusts.But no people want their beloved to become the next victim, right? Just imagine the pain we are experiencing now. How to get rid of this-one is asking for outside assistance, another is suicide. I am taking the first option now. But what if I cannot tolerant this life anymore? I am not writing for myself. There are thousands of people active in the online chatrooms, exchanging views everyday on what Chinese medicine should take and what is the next move we are going to take. The disease came to the surface more than 6 year ago, but until today, and people are not aware of the situation and the danger they are exposing.


Senior Member

This sounds awful for you and your fellow sufferers of this disease. I read down the symptom list and many symptoms seem to fit several known diseases, including ME/CFS/XAND. So don't rule out XMRV. I am at a loss for how to help you. Do you have a group or organization for this disease? Is it censored or blocked by your government?

In order to rule out all other viruses and establish that your virus is unknown, I would think that patients would have to be studied using a viral gene chip.

That will be the fastest route to exclude all known viruses. The tongue coating is interesting, and gives a diagnostician something to collect and culture. Could be Candida or Papilloma, indicating an immune disorder, its a start.


What do the SARS experts in your county think? Are they dismissing these patients? Best of luck.

a viral gene chip--very helpful. I googled it online. I find it is not easy to find a hospital to take the test in China. I don't know whether they have such kind of gene chips or not to rule out all the known virus.

My whole mouth coating is becoming thicker and whiter day by day and the Chinese traditional medicine doctor told me I am really seriously ill. Waiting for God taking me away...


Senior Member
the virus has crossed the border

Dear all,

I still hope someone can introduce this to an influential media. One guy in the online chat room told us, he got infected in China but now he is in Europe. This is it. People move frequently nowdays and the infected cover many highly educated people. I graduated from a famous university as well. I am sure the virus will hit other areas in a short period. If the outbreak happens in the US, I believe the government will take action immediately. If people only believes the proven things, why "in God we believe"? Again, please take this seriously.


Senior Member
say thanks to Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences

One Medical officer in Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences has initially agreed to take samples from us for research purpose in one or two months. Our efforts start to yield some result.


Senior Member
Hanchuchu.... As others here...I too, am seriously concerned for your plight.

On this coming Monday (Nov. 9) I have my follow-up appointment (I go every 3-4 months) with my Infectious Disease Doctor.

I have printed out some of these posts and will take them with me to my appointment...and leave the information with him.

I can't guarantee the outcome/interest...but he is a well-known/well-respected doctor (as well as Chinese).

He sometimes advocates the use of various antivirals as well as the addition of immune-modulators (such as "Oxymatrine" or "Marine" - from the Sophora plant, which is being used extensively in China as treatments for Hepatitis, cancers).

In the US, we can now get a product called "Equilibrant" instead of the above (I have not used this, as yet).

These are just a few of the treatments he suggests for treating Chronic Enteroviruses which he feels are implicated in ME/CFS.

This is the only "help" I can offer. I will post here after my appt. with any information/comments.

with sympathy, jackie


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
Hi Hanchuchu,

That disease sounds terrible and I'm glad you're warning people about it and trying to to find help to treat it and prevent it. Although it shares some symptoms with CFS is does not sound the same to me. This is really frightening. Prayers to you.


Eric Johnson from I&I

Senior Member
Why do you say AIDS? One of the posts mentioned altered CD4:CD8 ratios, but if you have active AIDS your CD4 count should be not just be altered, but instead be alarmingly low, just like any "normal" AIDS patient with HIV. You should also probably see people dying if it's AIDS. Our CDC says:

"For men diagnosed with AIDS in 1984 to 1985 [when there was no treatment], 50 percent had survival times of less than 11.6 months."

Also, unless you are in a really rich area of China, there should be a pretty large amount of tuberculosis around. AIDS patients usually get TB easily, and I assume they have the usual, very obvious TB symptoms such as coughing up blood.

If you just feel incredibly horrible things, but good doctors using scientific medicine can't find anything, that is consistent with CFS. More than 60 epidemics of CFS have been documented worldwide, although most people who have it did not get it in an epidemic. So, if you think you might have CFS...

I was once severely ill like you, and thought about suicide repetitively for hours each day -- because my attention was not strong enough to control what I was thinking about, even though I was not psychotic. I had CFS and still have it but I am 90% better -- not suffering at all really, just tired and slow-moving. I took lots of antibacterials. These might have helped me. Or it might have been a coincidence. There is very little high-quality evidence that antibacterials can help. Just a little bit. And aggressive programs of multiple antibiotics (three different ones, every day, for months or years) have never been tested. There is a fair amount of anecdotal evidence for these aggressive programs helping, although this evidence does not prove the value of the treatment. I usually took doxycycline (400 mg, which is a lot) plus tinidazole (2 g) every day, and sometimes rifampin, co-trimoxazole -- basically whatever, up to three or four drugs at once, for years. Most of these I ordered from China, Thailand, and India actually, because it's hard to get a doctor to work with you on these unproven treatments here.

Most antibiotics are a lot cheaper and easier to get than most anti-virals, at least in much of the world. I don't know about China in particular.

It's quite possible I have XMRV, but the virus led to secondary infections with bacteria that caused most of my severe suffering. Or, my recovery might have just been a coincidence.

So in summary, this treatment isn't proven. You might also damage yourself by accident if you don't know much about using antibiotics correctly and don't have a doctor to help. Tinidazole is slightly risky even when used correctly (avoid alcohol with it). And of course there might be legal risks in China for possessing antibiotics without authorization -- I have no idea. (Here in the USA it is nominally illegal to have antibiotics, but there is no actual penalty.) So I'm not saying it's a good idea to take them. But if you want to jump off a cliff and die, which I can certainly understand, it's probably better to try antibiotics.

Here in the USA, and Western world generally, the government didn't ignore the outbreaks that have happened, but for the most part they just considered the people to be harmlessly and mildly crazy, basically, and spent very little money researching the whole thing. Basically, when this happened to me seven years ago, no one could help me at all, though a few tried. They didn't even diagnose me. I could barely think or sit up for more than 10 minutes. I felt virtually zero hope that I would get better, and was almost sure I would wind up killing myself -- but to my total shock I did later get way, way better.

By the way, just so you know, I'm not a doctor or a professional biologist, I am just an amateur scholar.


Senior Member
Hanchuchu.... As others here...I too, am seriously concerned for your plight.

On this coming Monday (Nov. 9) I have my follow-up appointment (I go every 3-4 months) with my Infectious Disease Doctor.

I have printed out some of these posts and will take them with me to my appointment...and leave the information with him.

I can't guarantee the outcome/interest...but he is a well-known/well-respected doctor (as well as Chinese).

He sometimes advocates the use of various antivirals as well as the addition of immune-modulators (such as "Oxymatrine" or "Marine" - from the Sophora plant, which is being used extensively in China as treatments for Hepatitis, cancers).

In the US, we can now get a product called "Equilibrant" instead of the above (I have not used this, as yet).

These are just a few of the treatments he suggests for treating Chronic Enteroviruses which he feels are implicated in ME/CFS.

This is the only "help" I can offer. I will post here after my appt. with any information/comments.

with sympathy, jackie

Jackie, thanks a million! I hope people can know the truth, especially doctors, although doctors can not really help us since this disease has not been diagnosed. We are also taking the herbs similar to Sophora plant with the name Salvia Miltrorrhiza, which is really helpful.
Again, thanks for following up of this post. God bless you.


Senior Member
Why do you say AIDS? One of the posts mentioned altered CD4:CD8 ratios, but if you have active AIDS your CD4 count should be not just be altered, but instead be alarmingly low, just like any "normal" AIDS patient with HIV. You should also probably see people dying if it's AIDS. Our CDC says:

"For men diagnosed with AIDS in 1984 to 1985 [when there was no treatment], 50 percent had survival times of less than 11.6 months."

Also, unless you are in a really rich area of China, there should be a pretty large amount of tuberculosis around. AIDS patients usually get TB easily, and I assume they have the usual, very obvious TB symptoms such as coughing up blood.

If you just feel incredibly horrible things, but good doctors using scientific medicine can't find anything, that is consistent with CFS. More than 60 epidemics of CFS have been documented worldwide, although most people who have it did not get it in an epidemic. So, if you think you might have CFS...

I was once severely ill like you, and thought about suicide repetitively for hours each day -- because my attention was not strong enough to control what I was thinking about, even though I was not psychotic. I had CFS and still have it but I am 90% better -- not suffering at all really, just tired and slow-moving. I took lots of antibacterials. These might have helped me. Or it might have been a coincidence. There is very little high-quality evidence that antibacterials can help. Just a little bit. And aggressive programs of multiple antibiotics (three different ones, every day, for months or years) have never been tested. There is a fair amount of anecdotal evidence for these aggressive programs helping, although this evidence does not prove the value of the treatment. I usually took doxycycline (400 mg, which is a lot) plus tinidazole (2 g) every day, and sometimes rifampin, co-trimoxazole -- basically whatever, up to three or four drugs at once, for years. Most of these I ordered from China, Thailand, and India actually, because it's hard to get a doctor to work with you on these unproven treatments here.

Most antibiotics are a lot cheaper and easier to get than most anti-virals, at least in much of the world. I don't know about China in particular.

It's quite possible I have XMRV, but the virus led to secondary infections with bacteria that caused most of my severe suffering. Or, my recovery might have just been a coincidence.

So in summary, this treatment isn't proven. You might also damage yourself by accident if you don't know much about using antibiotics correctly and don't have a doctor to help. Tinidazole is slightly risky even when used correctly (avoid alcohol with it). And of course there might be legal risks in China for possessing antibiotics without authorization -- I have no idea. (Here in the USA it is nominally illegal to have antibiotics, but there is no actual penalty.) So I'm not saying it's a good idea to take them. But if you want to jump off a cliff and die, which I can certainly understand, it's probably better to try antibiotics.

Here in the USA, and Western world generally, the government didn't ignore the outbreaks that have happened, but for the most part they just considered the people to be harmlessly and mildly crazy, basically, and spent very little money researching the whole thing. Basically, when this happened to me seven years ago, no one could help me at all, though a few tried. They didn't even diagnose me. I could barely think or sit up for more than 10 minutes. I felt virtually zero hope that I would get better, and was almost sure I would wind up killing myself -- but to my total shock I did later get way, way better.

By the way, just so you know, I'm not a doctor or a professional biologist, I am just an amateur scholar.

Johnson, not only the abnormal ratio, but also the count is lowering with the passage of time, which lead us to believe it is a HIV-like disease. I am not a medical person and cannot use precise wordings here to explain.

If it is TB, it shall be detected easily today since thousands of people take numerous tests in different hospitals nationwide.

XMRV--I don't think it is so infectious as the virus in our body.

antibiotic--some of us take this. But I don't. I only resort to traditional chinese medicine, which does works for us, although it cannot cure the disease.

life and death--I am newly infected and still have some hope. But possibly I will kill myself when my health deteriates to some extent. Our life is miserable--separation from family, break-up with girlfriend, indifference from society... We don't have the right to choose to be born, but God gives us free will to kill ourselves.

Some people doubt us. But if he has the ball to share a cup of water with us, let's see what will happen in 7 or 10 days. This virus does not have a dormant or transitional period like HIV and it will attack very shortly after being infected. I have said we are invisible vampires in the crowd. Anyone can become a next victim.

thanks for reply.


Senior Member
Leroy Hood

"Hood invented the genome sequuencing technology that led to the decoding of the human genome in 2001. He is a pioner of systems biology and medicine and founder of the Institute for System Biology in Seattle, Washington."

Can anyone help me to find his contact number or email in the US?

Still no response from WHO.