Hi Nina, Welcome to the forums

My treatment, as I am quite fragile, did not include some of the elements of traditional PK (for instance we left out the emetic portion, and did fewer enemas).
A good practitioner will know what to include and disinclude.
Ayurvedic enemas are far less depleting and more restorative than medical ones. The oil and herbs help maintain balance and important mucosal integrity.
I was on a diet of almost exclusively kitchari one week prior, all during, and one week after treatment. I found PK to be a
very relaxing and restorative process, and I even had elimination of intestinal worms without the usual die-off yuck.
Of course we hope you will not be working or doing other stressfull stuff during treatment, and that includes over-exposing yourself to the elements, like sun/wind etc. Best, if you are able, to take the time to really relax deeply
and allow he treatment the best possible environment (internal and external) to have the most beneficial effect.
Good luck!