emergency report from China


Senior Member
Maybe you can travel to another country that's closer, to get tested.

To be honest with you, nobody wants to lend hands to us if they don't think they can rule it out. There must be a good reason there. If nobody really helps, the virus will spread to every corner of the world in 30 or 50 years, just like HIV today. Anyway, people will pay the price for their ignorance. Possilby this batch of people can survive for few years, but more people will get infected and follow up.
Yes we live in a crazy and sad world. Screwed up priorities. Other governments don't want to look bad either.

Somewhat related, personally if I had not travelled to Asia about 27 years ago, I may not have had my life ruined (by XMRV or whatever triggered CFIDS/ME).


Senior Member
Yes we live in a crazy and sad world. Screwed up priorities. Other governments don't want to look bad either.

Somewhat related, personally if I had not travelled to Asia about 27 years ago, I may not have had my life ruined (by XMRV or whatever triggered CFIDS/ME).

I don't think all the virus are Asia-origined, just like hiv, foreigners bring it to China. It is said some virus is man-made to destroy other nations. What do you say...

The reason you get infected is that you didn't have the awareness to protect yourself from dangers. people die everyday, earthquake, plane crush, car accident...

Nobody cares about us except ourselves
I am devastated

I haven't been posted here anything for a while. I am from Eastern Europe. 4 years ago as a result of sexual intercourse I contracted some hiv-like disease. I stoped to have sexual relations with my wife, she left me. I did it although I was told it was all in my mind. I made many different antibody and PCR blood tests.

Recently I have met a girl. I told her my story, I wanted to believe the whole medical world is right, it was all into my mind. We had unprotected sex.

Now since several days she has severe night sweats, exactely the same as I had at the begining of my disease.

I'am devastated - now I ruined not only my life, not only my relation with my wife but also life of some innocent person. Don't know what to do whom to ask for any help.

Stres, anxiety, rumours, regrets this all is excluded wrom her case.

All the best to all
THIS IS A NEW VIRUS gety a clue if you caught it you would feel the difference I caught this crap a year ago and it does mimic the big A, swollen glands were my first sympton then I became much sicker, after a few months I started feeling better than about 9 months after my glands started to swell again with some fatigue, this is not hypocondria it is real and I hope not deadly..
I completely believe you, I caught it last year and am still suffering, I hope someone finds some good info to fight this disease...
This is not hysteria chief!! This is and will continue to be a ongoing problem i have had it for a year and i caught it here in e washinton state!!! Seattle is the gateway to the orient. No one is prepared for this! You need to listen to the chinese they are correct!!!


Senior Member
The USA dousnt have that kind of power, to shift a Mantle, even if you use multiple simultaneous underground Nuclear explosions near the plate, that would still have little to no effect on the chance of where the earthquake would hit.

The biggest problem is not getting infected with this bug, instead, it is the ugly politicians want to cover it up and silence the media and scientists. We have the tech to rule this out! But who will do the work for us is the key issue. No one cares and more and more people get infected.

It could be curable if scentist finds the origin.
don't be so hard on yourself

I'am devastated - now I ruined not only my life, not only my relation with my wife but also life of some innocent person. Don't know what to do whom to ask for any help.

All the best to all

I kind of understand how you feel, but don't be so hard on yourself, we all cauht it from somebody else. The disease is everywhere and if she didn;t get it from you, she would have got it from somebody else. Many people do recover too after intial onset. I would reccommend not talking about it worrying her too much, that in iteself could make it grab hold. I would also reccommend her taking some Lauricidan. a natural anti-vrial. Good luck,


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA

You are brave to keep trying to get answers from the government.

Thank you for posting. Many people have read this thread and are thinking of you.



คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
hanchuchu, are you still looking for scientists? I came to this thread late and have not read all the pages (although I read about 1/3). I know Judy Milkovas is helping you, but don't know if you have anyone else as well. I saw you ask for contact info for Leroy Hood. Is this who you meant?
There is contact info on the page, but if you can't view the page,
Contact information:
Phone: 206-732-1201
Office: 219
lhood (at) systemsbiology.org

Another good virologist to ask is Dr. Ila Singh:
contact info on that page, too, but if you can't view it,
Email Address: ila.singh (at) path.utah.edu
Office Phone Number: 801-213-3737

Dr. Kenny de Meirleir,
professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Free University of Brussels)
and Director of the HIMMUNITAS Foundation Brussels

Belgium seems closer if any of you are wanting to travel to a doctor who takes on unusual health problems (whether or not you think it's ME/CFS or something similar) and takes patients seriously. Dr. De Meirleir seems to be a fabulous, intelligent, and caring physician.

I'm having trouble tracking down any actual contact info for him, though.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
Also might try Richard Bryant at OHSU infectious disease clinic
bryantr (at) ohsu.edu

and Frank Ruscetti (Cleveland Clinic and National Cancer Institute) (he was involved in the Lombardi paper with WPI finding XMRV in ME/CFS patients)
Ruscettif (at) ncifcrf.gov

Needs more than one scientist working on this because any findings must be replicated.


Senior Member
I am not looking for any scientists anymore. It is useless now. So many medias reported and are reporting this outbreak. The Ministry of Health just denies everything. They want to cover it up. Once the truth is discovered, many officials in the CDC and MOH may face criminal chareges for the cover-up. So they want to beat it down for as long as they can.

The cooperation with UCSF will never happen. It is just a lie from the Chinese CDC.

Anyway, more and more people get infected now...it is a serious public health issue.

We need the help from international human rights group or a news report from CNN or other influential medias.



คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
I am sorry you are discouraged. I understand because we have bad treatment like this, too. It seems worse in your case, though, because it seems more contagious. Difficulties like this are a long war, not a short battle.

Please don't give up. Human rights groups may not know what to do with medical abuse because it's not something they generally deal with. Do contact whatever groups you can think of and maybe someone will have an idea, though.

News doesn't like to contradict the government (even in a free country) without extraordinary proof, because the government has the responsibility and the resources to have the right answer, so they assume it does.

In my opinion, good science is truly the best option there is. Not through your CDC. Independent science. Not sure where the funding would come from, though. I really think Dr. Singh will be interested. Ruscetti may as well. They would probably have an idea where to get grant funding. Not super sure about Hood or Bryant, but it can't hurt to ask. I have an incomplete understanding of the disease and no way to contact anyone who could get blood samples to them, or I would ask for you.

What does Dr. Judy M. say?

All the best,


Senior Member
southern california
I am not looking for any scientists anymore. It is useless now. So many medias reported and are reporting this outbreak. The Ministry of Health just denies everything. They want to cover it up. Once the truth is discovered, many officials in the CDC and MOH may face criminal chareges for the cover-up. So they want to beat it down for as long as they can.

The cooperation with UCSF will never happen. It is just a lie from the Chinese CDC.

Anyway, more and more people get infected now...it is a serious public health issue.

We need the help from international human rights group or a news report from CNN or other influential medias.


You need to get international help and media exposure to pressure the chinese government. Your communistic government can cover and deny anything they want. It is only international pressure that can expose the truth. the same is being seen with the UK government's denial and resistance to treat or study CFS/ME as anything but a psychological disease. When a government runs your entire healthcare and media, the people have no say and no power. You need international help.


Senior Member
Is there no Study into this? I mean this could be an outbrake of HGRV? I wonder why there is no scientist from the east showing interest. Did anyone write one of the XMRV / CFS related scientists?

What about wikileaks? As far as I remember they are not kjust interested in Stuff from the USA or military but in generall Information that is kept as a secret and needs to get out. Problem there maybe that you would need official stuff to release on this.

The only chance I see is to get this out and hope that other countrys pressure china to investigate.


Senior Member
Is there no Study into this? I mean this could be an outbrake of HGRV? I wonder why there is no scientist from the east showing interest. Did anyone write one of the XMRV / CFS related scientists?

What about wikileaks? As far as I remember they are not kjust interested in Stuff from the USA or military but in generall Information that is kept as a secret and needs to get out. Problem there maybe that you would need official stuff to release on this.

The only chance I see is to get this out and hope that other countrys pressure china to investigate.

I was told several days ago that the blood samples have been delievered to UCSF from the Chinese CDC, but I don't have any details about this. Even UCSF found out what the bug is, the infected still may not know the truth, because the findings will be kept as confidential between the UCSF and the Chinese CDC, which might be the condition precedent to the cooperation between them. I don't think people can be saved soon, it is still a long way to go, and many people will die in the long run.