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Early stages of covid - what to do?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
inding for example a carnitine supplement which doesnt stink like fish is almost impossible.
I know what you mean. I use BulkSupplements mag oxide for random constipation, and much of the time, it smells like old fish. I dnt think it's a quality control issue, I think it has something to do with isolated aminos. Between the COVID and the ME, I just dont have the brain power to explain waht I mean, but somewhere in the jumble of my mind, I have a clear idea :lol::lol::lol::lol:....
maybe i got a gen polymorphism which enables efficacy for low serum levels. idk.
It's possible, and stranger things have happened ....
calcium was borderline low. mg low. sodium low (used to be high as well). potassium low.
In what I call my morning electrolyte tea, I use potassium gluconate, about 1/16th teaspoon of sea salt, MSM, bamboo extract great source of silica) and a boatload of other stuff to try to get my day off to a decent start .... have you tried adding in some potassium, in whatever form you tolerate?

Potassium is something we all take for granted, or at last we probably do until we develop ME. It's essential for the normal functioning of every cell in our bodies, for the functioning of muscles and nerves, it regulates our heartbeat, and without enough, we can't synthesize proteins or metabolize carbs.

It might be worth looking into ....

Hoping you find your answers. This is a great place to look for them :woot::woot::woot: :thumbsup::thumbsup: .... :)

Husband of

Senior Member
pelargonium sidoides is the other thing we bought,
but read the dosage in the label wrong so haven't been taking ad much as we were supposed to .

Makes me feel sick within five minutes r so f taking it, which I'm presuming is the immune system getting stimulated. Wondering if this is a bad idea for pwme.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
any recommendations?
I use BulkSupplements potassium gluconate. It's in powdered form, which allows me to titrate my dose daily depending on how I feel or how much I think I need at the time, which is why I prefer the loose powder to a capsule, where your dose is predetermined and changing the amount is a messy, time-consuming, tedious business.

I take it first thing in the AM, as I mentioned above, in what I call my AM Electrolyte Tea, which has grown in its contents to be something of a meal.

Husband of

Senior Member
@ Wayne thanks for the advice. It's not like I can easily and quickly access hydrogen peroxide though. Ps After looking at your linked thread and goi g off on tangents, i saw you got massive improvement from something, but can't remember what, I feel like it might have been spine related. Can you remind me if that the case?

@YippeeKi YOW !! how are you and DB doing?

My wife has had bad sore throat, cough, lost voice, some snottiness, hard to know other symptoms because they wouldn't be too different from normal ME symptoms. But she seems to be improving

, I was only mild and with different symptoms (never really went to nose, just mild sore throat and have had fevers and wiredness, feel sick and racing, pounding heart when I try and think too hard, are over stimulated, or walk to the kitchen too fast. Sounds exactly like ME right? I've always said ME is like being constantly sick with the flu)
but have not been improving.

actually I'm slightly worried I'm going to get long COVID, because I've been chronically stressed so prob have low cortisol, and because I'm not improving, which is what happened to my wife when she got MECFS (possibly, but probably not, from COVID). She got sick and just never got better.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
i saw you got massive improvement from something, but can't remember what, I feel like it might have been spine related. Can you remind me if that the case?

Hi @Husband of -- I did get massive improvements after starting a fairly simple thoracic extension exercise. I wrote fairly extensively about it in THIS POST.

I also believe a major reason I was able to improve so much is because of doing an atlas alignment procedure called AtlasPROfilax many years ago. I later learned how I could do this myself, and described it in detail in THIS POST.

I can easily see how a person can get lost on some tangents trying to follow some of my posts! But if a person suspects at all that their CFS might be caused by structural issues or misalignments, there's a lot to be gleaned from the many posts I've made on the topic.

It feels like I somehow came upon the right combination of things for me to do to improve so much. I often think that if I'd left one of them out, I might not have been able to make so much progress. In the end, the two main ones appear to be the AtlasPROfilax technique and the thoracic extension exercises, both of which are linked above.

Going forward, I have great expectations for what a variety of nebulization of various compounds can do for me, such as hydrogen peroxide, glutathione, etc. Which are all good for mold issues, chronic viral infections, COVID, etc.

Good luck to you and your wife!

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
It's not like I can easily and quickly access hydrogen peroxide though.
You can order food grade hydrogen peroxide (which is the ONLY kind you should use for inhalation or ingestion, and even then very carefully) from Walmart, of all places.

I'm still total crap, but I'll try to get back to you with the name of the only company Ive found that makes food grade H2O2 ....
actually I'm slightly worried I'm going to get long COVID,
Wait to worry. Not everyone does. You've got plenty on your plate right now....:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :hug:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I also believe a major reason I was able to improve so much is because of doing an atlas alignment procedure called AtlasPROfilax many years ago. I later learned how I could do this myself, and described it in detail in THIS POST.

I can easily see how a person can get lost on some tangents trying to follow some of my posts! But if a person suspects at all that their CFS might be caused by structural issues or misalignments, there's a lot to be gleaned from the many posts I've made on the topic.
Hey, @Jyoti .... I immediately thought that this might be helpful or at least of interest to you .... see all of @Wayne's post, above ....


Senior Member
Doc Name was Rory Johnston.
And I wasn't serious about getting your friend to steal us some Paxlovid
LOL - I know you weren't. I don't know how to do emoticons on the forum in a way I can actually see them! :)

I've heard nothing but good things about Rory. I know he tried to help you - he is famous for that at this point. Glad you wife is feeling a bit better, and I can only suggest that you try to take off work and rest proactively as much as possible. If you can manage to stay in bed or on the sofa until you feel fully well, you can avoid this crap. I only wish I had done that years ago.

A district nurse comes to see me each week for a few things and I wish I were shocked when she rang me today to say she would not be here on schedule. She sounded quite sick and has no idea what it is. Her supervisor told her to take panadol and be back to work no matter what her symptoms are. I told this nurse to refuse to do so or she might end up like me! Another district nurse told me the same thing at the height of covid a few months ago. She refused to endanger her own patients and ended up going back to England.

Came back to edit because I forgot to tell you my fave cough med - this you can get. It's called Linctus Squill. It has a little opium in it, which helps with the cough and also sleeping. My GP told me it's becoming more difficult to get because it has a little opium in it I guess - but it's so helpful for painful coughs when you just want to sleep through the night until you feel better. https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/regulatory/ProductDetail.asp?ID=10155
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Senior Member
Going forward, I have great expectations for what a variety of nebulization of various compounds can do for me, such as hydrogen peroxide, glutathione, etc. Which are all good for mold issues, chronic viral infections, COVID, etc.
Hi Wayne - may I ask how you get that glutathione to nebulize? A few of us are looking for a good source. Thanks. :)


Senior Member

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I also believe a major reason I was able to improve so much is because of doing an atlas alignment procedure called AtlasPROfilax many years ago. I later learned how I could do this myself, and described it in detail in THIS POST.

I can easily see how a person can get lost on some tangents trying to follow some of my posts! But if a person suspects at all that their CFS might be caused by structural issues or misalignments, there's a lot to be gleaned from the many posts I've made on the topic.
HEY, @Jyoti .... am trying again, because some sort of cyber-witchery seems to have happened, or you'd already have been here, @Jyoti. Now I'm wondering how many different ways I can weave in @Jyoti , @Jyoti ....:D:D :squee::squee::squee: ....


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi Wayne - may I ask how you get that glutathione to nebulize? A few of us are looking for a good source. Thanks. :)

Hi @Marylib -- I'm in the early stages of experimenting with glutathine nebulization. I ran across some references to getting some expensive brands that have sodium biocarbonate in it, to supposedly make it dissolve efficiently. But when I looked at a similar quantity in another brand, I realized I would rather try a $13 bottle and see how well it dissolved w/o the sodium bicarbonate. Turns out it dissolved just fine, and I didn't have to pay the $43 for the pricier one.

I plan on experimenting with different products. I noticed when I nebulize with diluted hydrogen peroxide, my sinuses clear up "wonderfully". When I do the glutathione, I seem to notice a slight congestion for a couple hours afterwards. Don't know what's going on, or whether that's a positive or negative indication. I do believe that if I find the right product that works well, it will be a boost for me going forward. Here's a LINK to a video that might give you a little more insight.

This POST has a great glutathione testimonial. I've read some remarkable testimonials about how nebulized glutathione (and NAC) wakes up the brain. Anybody interested??? :)
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Senior Member
Thanks @Wayne - that is very interesting. I've saved that video and at some point I hope I can afford to buy a nebulizer, etc. At the moment I have NAC in bulk form - it's quite sticky and quite sour - so I mix it to drink in something that disguises the taste a little. So I wasn't surprised that the woman in the video mentioned the sour taste of her nebulized glutathione. I guess for those IV glutathione products, they mix it up in sterile saline or something like that - it pays to know chemistry, that's for sure.

vision blue

Senior Member
Would be super helpful if people mentioned their age or range/approximation eg @Jadzhia OPs wife etc.
these are all such great posts

For those who are taking D, are you also taking K? I cant find any K i can tolerate.