For some reason Drs who pooh-poohed the value of Vit D (which is actually a hormone) preciously, suddenly decided that the way to deal with adeficit was to prescribe 50,000 iu at a time, which is hella dangerous in some people.
5000 iu i a far more sensible does, and if you're deficient at say 20 ngL in a blood test, then you could up that by 50% and still be on the safe side.
Absolutely right. One of the main things that it immediately depletes is magnesium, which is required for hundreds and hundreds of actions and conversions in our bodies, and when needed, will be pulled from bones and soft tissues to make up the short-fall. No need to yammer on about what that would do to the human body over a fairly short period of time ....
Ionized calcium is simply calcium bound to proteins or other minerals, and is also known as 'free calcium'. The problems with this can be resolved by MK-7, which is paramount in proper utilization and storage of calcium, and eliminates the problem of loss thru excretion in urine.
My husband DB, God bless him, brought home my second dose of COVID this week, and that's pretty much the protocol we're both using, altho I've always been vigilant about cramming both of us with Vit D, C, magnesium, zinc, calcium .....
So far, as crappy as we both feel, it's nowhere near as debilitating as my first bout with COVID was, about 2 years ago. So there must be something to the protective effect of those, and the fact that if you DO get COVID, those adjuvants will mitigate the effects considerably, along with shortening the duration.
That said, thinking is about 20 times harder for me than usual (with just normal ME) and DB is starting to understand my functional limitations when I'm going thru a bad ME spike ....
I'd be careful with fluvoxamine. Google some of the side effects and then decide if it's worth it, particularly for your wife ....
PS ... what's a 'together group'?