Dr MyHill's License in Jeopardy


The game is afoot
Email from the GMC ref hearing attendance

I have received this from the GMC ref attending Dr Myhill's meeting but I have not received a reply to my email of objection.

[Quote starts]

Interim orders panel hearing, 29 April 2010

Thank you for your email requesting a seat at the interim orders hearing for Dr Sarah Myhill on Thursday 29 April 2010.

We have done our very best to accommodate as many people as possible, however, seating for Dr Myhills hearing is limited and seats have been allocated on a first come, first served basis, and, unfortunately, we have not been able to allocate you a seat.

Due to limited space and the fact that there will be several other hearings taking place that day, only those who have been allocated a seat in the hearing will be able to come into the building.

Your name has been added to a waiting list for the hearing, which is now fully-subscribed. I have asked all those who have been allocated a seat to confirm their place by Friday 23 April. Therefore, if a seat becomes available for you, I will be in touch on Monday 26 April.

At the conclusion of Dr Myhills hearing, a public determination detailing the Panels outcome will be made available. One of the media team will email this to you once this has been made available on the afternoon of 29 April.

Kind regards,


Katie Taylor
Media Officer
General Medical Council
350 Euston Road
London NW1 3JN
0207 189 5454 / 5444 (out of hours)

[Quote ends]
It has been decided to stick with their numbers and if those who unfortunately have not got a place, could pitch up and make their voices known outside that would be great.

Sarah is asking for a video link to the outside and also to Australia --the Aussies have requested it.

Hope this helps
Some people are receiving the following email:

Interim orders panel hearing, 29 April 2010

Thank you for your email requesting a seat at the interim orders hearing for Dr Sarah Myhill on Thursday 29 April 2010.

We have done our very best to accommodate as many people as possible, however, seating for Dr Myhill’s hearing is limited and seats have been allocated on a first come, first served basis, and, unfortunately, we have not been able to allocate you a seat.

Due to limited space and the fact that there will be several other hearings taking place that day, only those who have been allocated a seat in the hearing will be able to come into the building.

Your name has been added to a waiting list for the hearing, which is now fully-subscribed. I have asked all those who have been allocated a seat to confirm their place by Friday 23 April. Therefore, if a seat becomes available for you, I will be in touch on Monday 26 April.

At the conclusion of Dr Myhill’s hearing, a public determination detailing the Panel’s outcome will be made available. One of the media team will email this to you once this has been made available on the afternoon of 29 April.

Kind regards,


Katie Taylor
Media Officer
General Medical Council
350 Euston Road
London NW1 3JN
0207 189 5454 / 5444 (out of hours)


It has been decided to stick with their numbers and if those who unfortunately have not got a place, could pitch up and make their voices known outside that would be great.

Sarah is asking for a video link to the outside and also to the Aussies who have requested it.

Hope this helps


The game is afoot
Hi, just a suggestion: could you keep all info about Dr Myhill in one thread? There's now five separate threads and my last surviving brain cell is struggling to keep up with them all. Thanks.


Senior Member
LOL. Good work with all this. They don't know what hit them.

If all the UK doctors who had made an unfounded claim about CFS which had damaged their patients were struck off then there wouldn't be many left.
Sarah is asking for a video link to the outside and also to Australia --the Aussies have requested it.

We certainly have requested it. Let's hope there's a live feed for anyone to view around the world.


Senior Member
Green, may I ask where you requested that live feed? If we sent in requests from all around the world they might actually do that.


Senior Member
I am gobsmacked so let me clarify this it was a member of Ben Goldacre smug little tribe of "oh we are ever so clever aren't" who have nothing better to do than go trash someones proffesional reputation in his/her lunch break and then find it all terribly hilarious and for our own good that brought this about. Then it deffinately is political and this much anger just isn't good for me :-(


I am gobsmacked so let me clarify this it was a member of Ben Goldacre smug little tribe of "oh we are ever so clever aren't" who have nothing better to do than go trash someones proffesional reputation in his/her lunch break and then find it all terribly hilarious and for our own good that brought this about. Then it deffinately is political and this much anger just isn't good for me :-(

Ben Goldacre was a colleague of Simon Wessely.

someone has posted this on the badscience site that it would be interesting to know just how inflated Dr. Myhill's persecution complex grows.

- any doctor who was threatened with suspension by the GMC six times would be justified in feeling persecuted, not have a persecution complex.


I am gobsmacked so let me clarify this it was a member of Ben Goldacre smug little tribe of "oh we are ever so clever aren't" who have nothing better to do than go trash someones proffesional reputation in his/her lunch break and then find it all terribly hilarious and for our own good that brought this about. Then it deffinately is political and this much anger just isn't good for me :-(

it's dreadful that such damage can be done by someone wtiting a speculative email during a coffee break, who is now boasting of how funny the situation is.


The game is afoot
Doctors' blog: Revalidating the GMC


N.B. I think 'impressed' in line 1 should read 'unimpressed'

[Quote starts]

This website is created by a number of doctors who remain impressed with the conduct of the General Medical Council. The GMC has the reputation of being the most dysfunctional regulatory body in the UK. Their long term attitudinal problem and serious professional misconduct in public office renders them inefficient, ineffective and unfit to practice.

The Shipman Inquiry blamed the General Medical Council for its faulty systems. The GMC in turn blamed the medical profession for Harold Shipman. This legacy currently continues in the form of revalidation. Sadly, there is no process whereby Finlay Scott or those that work for the GMC can be appraised or revalidated. The GMC was never held accountable for allowing a serial killer to remain practising in the UK for many years.

The aim of this website is to feature useful and and interesting information regarding the General Medical Council UK in a humorous and sometimes serious manner. We are not affiliated to the GMC . Our interest is primarily to inform the public and medical profession about the substandard, draconian and illegal manner in which the GMC normally acts. The Medical Act 1983 ensures the GMC can abuse their power and often does. The GMC continues to violate the Human Rights Act 1998 and there is no path of accountability for such a dysfunctional organisation. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any suggestions or information, please contact us gmcfitnesstopractise@gmail.com


The game is afoot
Protection of Human Rights in Public Law

This is from the website quoted in the above post.

[Quote starts]

More and more doctors are suing the General Medical Council for discrimination. The organisation behind the investigation into human rights abuses by the General medical Council is the new charity Protection of Human Rights in Public Law. Any concerns regarding human rights violations should be reported to the people below.

Protection of Human Rights in Public Law
47-49 Carnarvon Street
M3 1EZ

Tel: 0161 8340808
Fax: 0871 9004420
Email: info@phrpl.org
Web: www.phrpl.org

ETA: Someone is calling me back from this charity. I'll post further news later on.


The game is afoot
Article about the witch hunt against Sarah on About.com

Here's an excerpt from an article on about.com published 15th April.


[Quote starts]

Healthcare Travesty in the UK: British General Medical Council Witchhunt Against Dr. Sarah Myhill, Who Treats Thyroid and Chronic Fatigue Patients

The troglodytes at the British General Medical Council (GMC) are at it again, trying to destroy yet another doctor who cares about patients and is willing to tackle difficult cases of chronic fatigue syndrome and hormonal imbalances, including thyroid issues.


Senior Member
it's dreadful that such damage can be done by someone wtiting a speculative email during a coffee break, who is now boasting of how funny the situation is.

I know Min it makes me want to cry. Unfortunately this sneering attitude is becoming quite fashionable in the the UK. Meanwhile the women in my post office, on massive doses of warfarin was prescribed a painkiller in hospital which had she taken it would have triggered massive internal bleeding and in all likelihood killed her. This did not even cause a ripple of consternation. If only someone had the balls to shine such a harsh light on the NHS..........But then pretty soon they would be up before the GMC wouldn't they :-(