Dr MyHill's License in Jeopardy


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Fred, I got the same message; in view of what is coming to light about "Jason," this adds a comic / absurd touch to the tragi-comedy being laboriously worked through by this misguided outfit. Don't quite know what we can do about it--other than write another letter! Best, Chris


The game is afoot
Fred, I got the same message; in view of what is coming to light about "Jason," this adds a comic / absurd touch to the tragi-comedy being laboriously worked through by this misguided outfit. Don't quite know what we can do about it--other than write another letter! Best, Chris

Who is 'Jason'?


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Fred, sorry--you know how unreliable our CFS memories are! I meant the "Jonas" ( I am impressed that my mind created an anagram while misremembering!) who signed the stuff readable if you click on the link given in post #173 on this thread, and the subsequent comments linking this piece to Ben Goldacre and the "Bad Science" stuff generally. So on the one hand the info we request is denied on the grounds of preserving confidentiality, and on the other the self-proclaimed perpetrator boasts of his exploits, and lists the statements on Dr. Myhill's website he found objectionable. Absurdist farce laid over a potentially serious and damaging process--laughable nightmare. Chris
The information on that bad science forum is so ignorant it would be truly hilarious if it were not for it is trying to destroy a good doctor.

He says he is a junior medical professional, the offensive stuff on there strike me as harrassment and bullying, he seems to have been planning it for some time, i think he is the mouth piece (puppet ) for senior colleagues who have a vested interest in keeping CFS as psychiatric, illness, Simon Wesley anyone.

why is he anonymous, what is he trying to hide?

Also part of the pharmaceutical industry whittling away at any kind of nutrtion based medicinal practise.

Jonas does not have a clue about CFS,he is the one who is a danger as medical profession to CFS patients and is enouraging people who have not got a clue about CFS to complain about Dr Myhill.

Even if there are factual errors on Dr Myhill site but I can't see anything serious, that is an offence for losing your medical licence to practise

I have to say allopathicmedicine is the example of what is truly Bad Science

even the head GSK said the drugs don't work.

One person even referred to autistic people as being imbeciles

I wonder how many people at the GMC including chairman has shares in GSK and other pharma companies, ssri's are standard treatments for CFS and I had the most horrendous experience with ssri seroxat which has left me permanenly harmed and I belive but cannot prove due to the coma/seizure it gave me due to allergic reaction is linked to my mitochondrial failure and CFS symptoms and loss of short memory and IQ and organisational problems


The chairman of GMC case for Wakefield, Dr Kumar,has shares in Glaxo Smith Kline.


The whole thing stinks to high heaven

I have not joined the forum I would like too and call him out, but I have not got enough energy or stamina to cope with these people as well as trying to get my letter to the GMC



Off the fence
lotusflower, you are right. We need to choose our battles. Thus we can be effective. I can't agree that there is no good at all in conventional medicine though. In the right hands, used with wisdom, it is a powerful tool.

I had an interesting set of emails from the GMC today. The first was a standard reply, but typed in the middle of it in upper case was a paragraph to the effect that there are no more places free at the hearing on the 29th. It said this in no uncertain terms. I hadn't asked to attend, I haven't the energy. The second said
Fiona Garry (her phone no.) would like to recall the message, "Dr Myhill, case ref PB/C1-314994282".

The first email disappeared when I looked for it a few minutes later.

The third gave the standard reply again, minus the definite statement in the middle
Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Mr Niall Dickson, expressing your support for Dr Myhill. Mr Dickson has asked me to respond on his behalf.

Regrettably, we are unable to provide the information requested as to do so would be a breach of confidentiality and a breach of our disclosure policy. I appreciate that youre anxious we take on board your comments about Dr Myhill and her practice and I will ensure your email(s) are passed to the IOP. Your comments will also be seen by our case examiners who ultimately will be the ones to decide upon the outcome of the complaints.

Thank you for taking the time to share your views with us.

I did not request any information, I merely urged the GMC to drop this action and apologize to Dr. Myhill and her many patients, supporters and friends, after a lot of other factual stuff.

I do hope they do take on board the very real outrage at the Myhill witch hunt. While Dr. Myhill is not perfect, she is doing her best, and helps a lot of people that other doctors prefer to belittle and ignore.


The game is afoot
Looks like they're just sending out standard letters and won't respond to specific points. Jokers.


Plays With Voodoo Dollies
You can participate in demo without going there in person.

I am posting this for Craig who has internet problems at the moment. I apologize that the links
don't work:

The Silent Army and the Noisy Army will demonstrate outside GMC Offices London at 1.30pm on Thursday April 29th

This demonstration is not just about Dr Myhill. It is much more about how the ME/CFS community has been systematically down-trodden by the Medical Establishment for decades. Come and leave your mark!

If you are not well enough to come (and I do not want very sick people made more ill as a result of this day) - join the Silent Army! Send a picture of yourself by email to the demo organiser Ruth Myhill stenoa49@yahoo.co.uk with a short message to the GMC (no more than 8 words). These will be made public on the day.

If you can come - yippee! Bring an A3 size paper with a message from you to the GMC which can be read in a photo shoot! We will gather at 1.30pm. The Silent Army will amass ranks during the morning and be present for all to see. There will be a speech by Dr Myhill and at 2pm the GMC will deliver its verdict. This Dr Myhills champagne or chopping block moment! We will then disperse. Please tell Ruth if you can be there so she can keep you all updated.

We shall bring every single letter and email that has been sent to the GMC together with the online petition and Facebook. If you have not put your name to these - please do so now!

Petition - see WITCH HUNT OF DR SARAH MYHILL - this now has 2095 signatories!
Facebook: SUPPORT DR SARAH MYHILL 1,205 entries
One Click has done a lovely job - see Support Dr Sarah Myhill Campaign Launched. Ask to be put on the mailing list.
For directions to the GMC see [[1]]

Please keep in regular touch with this website - the GMC have changed the arrangements once and this has cause havoc already!

The Hearing is at 9.30am on Thursday April 29th . There are 24 seats available to the Public which have all been booked. Unless you have a seat do not come at 9.30! In the Public Interest we have asked the GMC to allow us to video record the meeting. This will go on-line as soon as technically possible. We will keep you updated on this website of details.

If you do have a seat booked for the Hearing but are not well enough to attend, please let us know at jane@doctormyhill.co.uk so that we can fill it.


Senior Member
Does anyone one know if Ben Goldacre actually sees patients he continually refers to himself as a Dr but....I can see him listed as research fellow in the phyc dept at Kings under Wessley but does he actually see NHS patients. Does anyone understand uk medical qualifications better than I? You can access some info through his wiki entry. I wish i had the energy to do some digging - I prefer to generally just ignore ego, derision and spite but given he gets an awful lot of airtime and credibility over here and yet that buried fact seems pivotal.
lotusflower, you are right. We need to choose our battles. Thus we can be effective. I can't agree that there is no good at all in conventional medicine though. In the right hands, used with wisdom, it is a powerful tool.

Yes I agree with you but it is good to be aware of the corruption of these companies as my son went into a coma after MMR and I have only recently realised there was an agenda against Dr Wakefield research by Glaxo Smith Kline, all the details are verifiable, but too long to go into every detail here, you have to listen to his interview with Dr Mercola, a real shocking eye opener. and this series in his own words about an hour over all , but essential if you want to understand the powers behind all this.

It is very sad the criminal villification of a man who is really a hero and hardly anyone is aware or will listen to him due to the media villification.

The hearing was a fraud with four member including editior of the lancet and head of Royal free perjured themselves and have already been served papers


The first batch of MMR was causing meningitis which is similar to what my son had I find out now it was withdrawn and then sold to the third world where it caused mass epideminc of meningitis and death

On september 14, 1992 two MMR vaccines (Pluserix & Immravax) were
in the UK after it was revealed that children had developed meningitis

The first version of MMR had a meningitis connection.

On september 14, 1992 two MMR vaccines (Pluserix & Immravax) were
in the UK after it was revealed that children had developed meningitis

"In 1990, scientists from the Queen's Medical Centre Nottingham found
some children developed a form of meningitis after receiving it. But
despite this the Government went on using it for more than two years.
The Canadian Government, also using the vaccine, immediately switched
to a safer version. It was not until September 1992 that the UK
Department of Health issued pharmacists with emergency supplies of a
safer brand with instructions to withdraw existing batches."--Sunday

Japan stopped using MMR because it was linked to outbreaks of
non-viral meningitis and other damaging side-effects.

"They began using MMR in April 1989 and by July doctors were already
warning of side-effects, but the government didn't take any notice
because it was not convenient for them. They kept using it for another
3 years, securing the profits for the manufacturers".---Shunsuke Fuji

Withdrawn years after they knew it was unsafe, and they then sold to Brazil knowingly where it caused a mass epidemic of meningitis.


also thimeserol ian ingredient in MMR s now linked to causing mitochondrial disorders, Hannah Poling one of several children with mitochondrial disorders have been awarded MMR damages and although they have been diagnosed with autism the key to winning is not mentioning the word autism in MMR damage.




Mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired oxidative-reduction activity, degeneration, and death in human neuronal and fetal cells induced by low-level exposure to thimerosal and other metal compounds
Authors: D. A. Geier a; P. G. King b; M. R. Geier c

Thimerosal (ethylmercurithiosalicylic acid), an ethylmercury (EtHg)-releasing compound (49.55% mercury (Hg)), was used in a range of medical products for more than 70 years. Of particular recent concern, routine administering of Thimerosal-containing biologics/childhood vaccines have become significant sources of Hg exposure for some fetuses/infants. This study was undertaken to investigate cellular damage among in vitro human neuronal (SH-SY-5Y neuroblastoma and 1321N1 astrocytoma) and fetal (nontransformed) model systems using cell vitality assays and microscope-based digital image capture techniques to assess potential damage induced by Thimerosal and other metal compounds (aluminum (Al) sulfate, lead (Pb)(II) acetate, methylmercury (MeHg) hydroxide, and mercury (Hg)(II) chloride) where the cation was reported to exert adverse effects on developing cells. Thimerosal-associated cellular damage was also evaluated for similarity to pathophysiological findings observed in patients diagnosed with autistic disorders (ADs). Thimerosal-induced cellular damage as evidenced by concentration- and time-dependent mitochondrial damage, reduced oxidative-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death in the in vitro human neuronal and fetal model systems studied. Thimerosal at low nanomolar (nM) concentrations induced significant cellular toxicity in human neuronal and fetal cells. Thimerosal-induced cytoxicity is similar to that observed in AD pathophysiologic studies. Thimerosal was found to be significantly more toxic than the other metal compounds examined. Future studies need to be conducted to evaluate additional mechanisms underlying Thimerosal-induced cellular damage and assess potential co-exposures to other compounds that may increase or decrease Thimerosal-mediated toxicity.
Keywords: autism; glial; lead; mercury; mercuric; neurodevelopmental

also another doctor says children some harmed by mmr vaccine also have mitochondria disorders


The Government had indemnified Glaxo Smith, Klien for their MMR!!! Why aren't these people in prison!!!

The Labour government said that Wakefield's evidence was not replicated - BIG LIE - the evidence was replicated over and over again in several countries. And they get away with it, and the doctors parrot on with the official lie.

The single vaccine had been availabe but the Government withdrew the single vaccine after the parents started to demand it - Big Pharma pulled on Tony's leash, and the MMR became the only vaccine available on the NHS.

His monkey study which showed the MMR causing similar symptoms in primates had been peer reviewed and due for publication was pulled by Elselvier. he discusses this in part 5 of the mercola interview on youtube The chairman of elselvier has shares in GSK, also the chair of the GMC on Andrew Wakefield has shares in GSK



Once you can understand this it might be clearer why Dr Sarah Myhill is a threat to the status quo

Edit. just found links I've place on how the studies got withdrawn have been removed what a surprise, you know it is really very depressing, what can we do when this kind of stuff is going on, still check out the rest while it is still there

and on part 6 of mercola and Andrew Wakefield on youtube he discusses who was behind the studies being withdraw which was elselvier publishing house of the lancet, and who those people are if it is still there

Also it is pretty blatant that the anonymous complainant on badscience goes by the name of jonas ie as in jonas and the whale given that whale is the biggest exposer of fraud of simon wesley


ME/CFS is recognised as an acquired organic, pathophysiological, multi-systemic neurological illnesss by the World Health Organisation, so why are the NHS allowed to continue to treat it as Psychiatric/psychological, this is wrong

The NHS does not treat it but Dr Myhill does and has treated it very successfully so why are they hounding her, the protocol she uses is similar to other mitochondrial specialists, even if her test is not what they use to test it because it is a groundbreaking test.

She even saved one patient life who had a severe life threatening adrenal illness addison's disease that had not been diagnosed on the NHS.

she deserves a medal and not being hauled up at the GMC

Many patients have complained about the Simon Wessley protocol and how it harmed them, but nothing happens to them

If Dr Myhill loses her licence we need to complain vigourously about the treatment and harm done to people in the UK with SW protocol and their failure to recognise that ME/CFS is an acquired organic, pathophysiological, multi-systemic illnesss
The emails and letters continue to come in.

Thank you so much. It is you who have made this campaign a success.

I have sent the first hard copy bundle of printed ermails to GMC - 700+ sheets of A4. I have read each one and we have responded to each one. Without exception, they are well thought out, well argued, informed and often heart rendering.

The online petition is well over 2500 signatures.

Sarah is due to post another update on her webpage soon.


Senior Member
London area
Complaint to GMC about Ben Goldacre:

I propose that we sound out the GMC and draft a multi page complaint about Ben Goldacre to them. If they are prepared to hold a suspension hearing over Dr Myhill because someone wrote a venomous attack of her in their coffee break I am convinced we can top that with our genuine concerns.

I would especially like to know where Goldacre works as a doctor if he does at all and why he attacks people more qualified and experienced than him.

As far as I understand he is not even a practising doctor and his website is highly offensive and carries an abundance of dubious sentiment.


Senior Member
Complaint to GMC about Ben Goldacre:

I propose that we sound out the GMC and draft a multi page complaint about Ben Goldacre to them. If they are prepared to hold a suspension hearing over Dr Myhill because someone wrote a venomous attack of her in their coffee break I am convinced we can top that with our genuine concerns.

I would especially like to know where Goldacre woks as a doctor if he does at all and why he attacks people more qualified and experienced than him.

As far as I understand he is not even a practising doctor and his website is highly offensive and carries an abundence of dubious sentiment.

I feel Very Very strongly about this too - he seems to be getting away with a lot. I cannot see that he actually sees any mediacl patients at all as far as I can see or understand, he is a research fellow at Kings college under wessley and his MA I believe was in medical philosophy!!. But you will find him a little quiet on the subjecy and it is difficult to find out. He talks a lot about bogus science and yet there is no worse offender of this than Wessley as far as I am concerned. Wessley I notice on his wiki page is starting to sound like he made some of the connections between POTs and ME and that he is a strong advocate for CFS. Beware this is starting to get sanitized and history is being rewritten. This is the same wessley who had a 12 year old boy sectioned in 1988 and was thrown into a swimming pool to see if his paralysis was made up. Shame on you wessley!!!! I understand this is a UK issue and other countries may feel it is taking up a bit too much airtime here but his influence has been insidious and far reaching. I am not political but I feel so strongly about their whole "Hale fellow well met" disingenuity if I can do anything to help highlight this I will - I am moving though and will be off line for about a week but I had to get this off my chest. Sorry to be negative when there is so much good stuff going on in the WPI but they are on the attack and difficult to ignore.:Retro mad:


Senior Member
London area

I don't think you are being at all negative. Also the Wessely Goldacre connection is one that really needs to be exposed. I sense Goldacres time is coming to an end anyway with the death of New Labour and the public awareness of government spin. We just need to bang in the remaining few nails of Ben Goldacres coffin as he can't complete the last few from inside the box, although he has made an excellent job so far.

If he really wants to see mud stick then lets give him a mud bath. He has to take responsibility for his site and the fact that it is a mouthpiece for absurdity and he is the main culprit. Its obvious that someone backed and financed by Lord Sainsbury who works closely with Wessely and is employed by the Guardian newspaper is a propaganda puppet for labour policy and cover up. All that within the guise of an exposee of bad science. Incidentally Wessley and chums set up that movement itself some 20 years ago. Amazing how a bunch of psychs can claim to be the guardians of science.

Everyone now knows they are the protectors of descent against poor and failed government policy and the keepers of their own paymasters in the insurance and benfits industry.

Incidentally Lord Sainsbury bankrolled the Labour party for over a decade. Lord Sainsbury himself was one of Tony Blairs most loyal ministers as minister of science. He has now decided to jump ship and support the conservative party and David Cameron just before an election when it seems the conservatives will win. Under Blair he was responsible for reviewing "science and innovation policies in the departmet of trade and industry.

"With an estimated personal wealth of between 1bn and 2bn, derived principally from his family's supermarket empire, the science minister has been able to spend vast sums in pursuit of his twin passions, science and politics". From BBC news online


The game is afoot
Apologies if I've missed it in this thread but has the GMC been informed of the 'anonymous complainant's' posts on the Bad Science site, i.e. the ones about his reporting Dr Myhill in his coffee break and being amazed that they actually launched an investigation on the basis of this?


I am totally shocked with the news and would like to say I will support in anyway I can. I have already called the GMC a number of times and sent a number fo emails too. This is an excellent doctor being subject to such awful treatment. As mentioned above there are VERY FEW doctors about!