Dr MyHill's License in Jeopardy


The game is afoot
The GMC and Dr Andrew Wakefield - another witch hunt

When the one person in the UK whose lead has proved enormously helpful to so many (from an MCS perspective at the very least) is being hounded in this way, and when patients are all saying her treatments work and the official ones don't, then yes, it's very hard to get your head round it. If you're not careful, you can get boggled by considering the trail of implications of these facts - trust me on that one! - so my suggestion is: don't get boggled, get better! :D And defend friends...


This is from the British Society of Ecological medicine of which Sarah is a trustee.


On Thursday 28 January, the GMC hearing concerning Dr Andrew Wakefield and colleagues concluded, with a finding of guilty on several charges[1]:

- that he acted unethically and against the interests of children in obtaining blood samples as controls at a birthday party

- that he failed to state that the children in the Lancet study were part of a project to investigate a postulated new syndrome, many of whom he had actively recruited

- that he also failed to disclose that he had applied for a patent on a single measles vaccine nine months before publication of the Lancet paper

Dr Wakefield vigorously rejects these allegations; whether they are true or not, or reasonable judgements on his behaviour or not, none of them has anything to do with the science of the 1998 Lancet paper of which even the editor of the Lancet, Dr Richard Horton, said in the GMC hearing that it still stands.

Despite this, almost every single journalist or pundit writing on this topic has referred to the possibility of an MMR-autism link raised in Dr Wakefields paper as discredited. In our view this is manifestly untrue, and is merely spin. Ironically, yet another paper confirming some of Dr Wakefields findings appeared only hours before the GMC ruling[2].

In 2008 the British Society for Ecological Medicine submitted a statement to the GMC on this matter, signed by many of our members, reproduced below. We see no reason to change a word of it now.

Statement by the membership of the British Society for Ecological Medicine

In reference to the current GMC hearing of charges against Dr Andrew Wakefield, we submit: Dr Wakefield has a legal right to be judged by his peers.

We, the undersigned, are doctors with expertise in the area of ecological medicine (embracing allergy, environmental and nutritional medicine), and therefore consider ourselves to be his peers.

We share his concerns over possible causal links between MMR and Autism.

We further share his concerns that the incidence of autism is increasing, that it has an environmental cause, and the evidence is such that MMR vaccination may have a causal effect. It is our belief that, in response to his research and clinical evidence, he has behaved in a moral and honorable way, and, given the same circumstances, any one of us would have considered ourselves obliged to react in a similar fashion.

Our concerns are expanded in the attached editorial from the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine[3].

The following text summarises the relevant section.

I have yet to hear an expert on the radio who does not refer in disparaging terms to Dr Andrew Wakefields now famous paper in the Lancet linking autism to the MMR vaccine. Nor have I heard one who does not assert that the Madsen study on thimerosal use in Denmark proved once and for all that there was no link between MMR and autism. I have come to regard the Wakefield case as a shibboleth by which to judge pundits; their observations on the case and on Wakefield the man reveal their true colours.

Leaving aside the Madsen paper with all its faults, how can a doctor join in the persecution of a good man among his colleagues, whom they know to have acted honourably? They should watch the definitive artwork on this, Bertoluccis 1970 film Il Conformista (The Conformist).

1 At the time of writing, the GMC finding has not been formally published; we apologise for any consequent inaccuracies.

2 Krigsman A et al. Clinical Presentation and Histologic Findings at Ileocolonoscopy in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Chronic Gastrointestinal Symptoms. Autism Insights, 27 Jan 2010. http://www.la-press.com/autism-insights-journal-j155

3 Downing, D. Autism: are we entering the final straight? In memory of Bernard Rimland. Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, 16:3, 173 - 180 (reprints available from the Society)
Great idea below from fellow patient.

If your are living in UK, make Freedom of Information Act requests.

I made about 20 such requests last time - found out how much they had spent on solicitors etc but not a lot else (although I am pursuing a couple right through to European courts) but it did keep one of their staff busy for a long time!! The point is that it will clog up their systems.

Here is his email:
Dear Mr Bridge

Dr Sarah Myhill Case Reference: PB/C1-314994282

I am a GMC registered doctor (GMC 6144320) and I have just become aware of the complaint made against Dr Sarah Myhill regarding her website.

For the record I would like to state the following

As a medical doctor I find the website a useful source of information and from the pages I have viewed fail to see how patient or public safety is compromised.
I am very ill with ME, Dr Myhill has cared for me for a long time now and I have found her to be a kind, compassionate doctor. More importantly medically she is more than competent and I have never found any deficiencies in her practice. My health will be put at risk if you remove her licence to practice as no other doctor in the UK understands the complexities of my case as well as her.
I would like to attend her Fitness to Practice hearing, and give evidence. To this end please forward me a all details regard this complaint and the GMCs concerns about Dr Myhill please consider this a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act

I am aware this is not the first time the GMC has seen fit to bring unsubstantiated complaints against Dr Myhill. Every time the complaint is theoretical i.e. no patient or member of the public has suffered harm and on every occasion the complaint is dropped. It is noteworthy that not one of these complaints has ever been brought by a patient of Dr Myhills. As a relative outsider looking in there does appear to be a suspicious undercurrent of people who dont agree with Dr Myhills view and approach submitting frivolous and unsubstantiated complaints to the GMC. Whilst I appreciate the GMC has a duty to protect the public it also has a duty to sensibly assess these complaints and thus far it appears that has not happened on previous occasions (otherwise why were the complaints dropped?). I have concerns that my GMC membership fee is being spent inappropriately in this manner.

I do find it concerning that when Mr Charles Medawar of Social Audit, raised the possibility of a complaint against Dr Alistair Benbow of GSK for making false claims about Seroxats safety on the Panorama show he was told that no complaint could be made as no individual patient had been put at risk. There seems to be double standards operating here.

I look forward to receiving full details of the complaint and details of how to attend hearing.

Yours sincerely

Dr Andrew Isaac MB BCh

GMC: 6144320


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Yeah, sorry Fred, I shouldn't have said "the one person" of course, obviously there are others...and yes I've seen enough, in recent months, to realise that retroviruses can provably be transmitted through specific batches of infected vaccine substrates, and that such transmission would be expected to have the effects observed, and that all this is the case even when looking at the solid, officially accepted medical research, and that none of the studies debunking Wakefield's work come close to addressing the actual evidence or the condition he was actually investigating...I've seen enough to make me wonder whether all the medical staff in outbreaks like Royal Free (where doctors not patients came down with mystery illnesses) were vaccinated some time before the outbreak...and even though it's not a popular viewpoint, I am standing up for that one now too. And treating myself with ecological approaches, and getting better as a result, and learning to follow what works rather than what doesn't...

Jerry S

Senior Member
Here's the email I got back from Sarah Myhill this morning after I copied her in my email to the GMC:

Bloomin brilliant!

Thank you so much!

I have had so many lovely emails form all round the world it is all so hearteneing.

Every one we shall be printing off and taking to the Hearing for all to see!

In the interim be horrified by this:



I expect I will be hung over electrical sensitivity too!



The video is interesting. Who would have thought?


The game is afoot
Caution over using FoI requests

Great idea below from fellow patient.

If your are living in UK, make Freedom of Information Act requests.

I made about 20 such requests last time - found out how much they had spent on solicitors etc but not a lot else (although I am pursuing a couple right through to European courts) but it did keep one of their staff busy for a long time!! The point is that it will clog up their systems.

Is this necessarily wise? If too many FoI requests are submitted, the GMC, under certain circumstances, has the right to refuse to reply and/or the right to charge for the information.

If it ever came to court and multiple FoI requests were seen as merely having the objective of 'keeping their staff busy for a long time', the judge would not be too impressed with us.

It is much better for one person to submit a single request which covers all the angles and then have the reply shared with others.

If there are too many angles for one person to cover, then these, legitimately, can be shared between different people.

I just think we need to be very cautious on how we use the FoI Act. Its purpose is to facilitate access to information and not to hassle the recipient or 'clog up their systems'.


Senior Member
Dr Myhill and Sunday Independent

Does any in the UK have a connection to the press that could help get Dr. Myhill's story in?


I would love to win that one ;)

Just saw the front page of the London Independent on Sunday. This is the paper that broke the wonderful WPI news in October. The same paper that day had an editorial that lambasted the treatment of ME/CFS patients.

The story is about an NHS Consultant who was suspended for having the temerity to point out practises that were dere detremental to patient safety. Several other stories were cited in the article.

The journalist is Nina Lakhani, perhap she or the writer of the original editorial would be interested in Dr Myhills situation.

I'm still at work so can't check to see if the story is on the papers website.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
I can't even begin to describe the seething hatred that I have for the orthodox profit obsessed medical industry.

Doctors like MyHill put hard and seemingly sincere effort into helping the afflicted with alternative treatments that seem to work.

Meanwhile, Big Pharma is content to sell it's own, largely ineffective and often times dangerous "snake oil"...

BBC News- Drugs 'don't work on many people'

A senior executive at Europe's largest drug maker has admitted most prescription medicines don't work for most people, it is reported.

Allen Roses, of GlaxoSmithKline, is quoted in a national newspaper as saying more than 90% of drugs only work in 30-50% of people.

Mr Roses quoted research published three years ago by Brian Spear, an expert in medical diagnostics, which found that different drugs had vastly different success rates in treating patients.

Most drugs had an efficacy rate of 50% or lower.

I wonder what Dr. MyHill's "efficacy rate" is? I've noticed a small number of vitriolic complaints directed at her, on other websites, from people claiming to be former patients. These incidents are few in number. Hardly the 50% failure rate that is evident with these criminal drug pushers. Quit frankly, I am of the opinion that these complainers are agents of Big Pharma sent out to defame her anyway.

We've seen time and time again, how Big Pharma, via it's cronies in various governmental groups, are quick to persecute alternative Doctors and claims made by supplement manufactures. Meanwhile, it's ok for them to aggressively push their largely ineffective, dangerous and overpriced "snake oil" by bribing Doctor's the world over with free trips and other perks.

The hypocrisy of these degenerates is simply mind numbing.

In my opinion, health care is a human right, not a commodity to be bought and sold for pure greed. Profit is one thing, but these people, like so many others in various big business sectors, have gone too far. They basically extort people on the pretense that you will pay any price to secure your health. When you factor in that they knowingly sell people drugs that have a failure rate of 50%, you are talking about the worst sort of criminality on an unimaginably massive scale.

Why do I have the misfortune of living on a planet where such horrendous miscarriages of justice are so readily accepted by it's largely apathetic inhabitants?

Perhaps you are right but we had no such problems last time.

We could all do independent letter and then post replies here?

The clause in FOIA states

14 Vexatious or repeated requests (1) Section 1(1) does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the request is vexatious.
(2) Where a public authority has previously complied with a request for information which was made by any person, it is not obliged to comply with a subsequent identical or substantially similar request from that person unless a reasonable interval has elapsed between compliance with the previous request and the making of the current request.

I guess we can make our minds up individually but note part (2) requires the reuquest to have been complied with before they can exercise it.

Remember the whole point is to keep Sarah at a (very) long arm's length from all this. She is orchestrating nothing here.



The game is afoot
Note also that they have 20 days to reply and this takes us past her hearing on 29th.

Note also that this site and its posting are totally public.

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your support.

Spindrift has been trying to get me to join PR for some time.

So I guess you win eh Spinny? First time I ever called you Spinny! Where did that come from?!!

I totally understand if you don't want to send copies to me - it is often a case of trust no-one I know.

But if you feel able to send copies to me then please do.

What Sarah and I are trying to achieve is a full and non-duplicated list of support communications. I will be co-ordinating with her soon about this anyway to collate it all and put the defence together. So, as long as you copy one of us that would be great.

I was trying to reduce Sarah's workload at a difficult time but fully appreciate you may wish to copy her not me. I am not at all offended. In fact quite reassured that we have such thoughtful people out there!

Best to you all.

We will win this one.

PS by all means ask Sarah about me -- . Been a patient since 2001. Helped on initial mito study. Was one of first 6 patients to go to have experimental mito tests.




The game is afoot
A post on Facebook page

These have been posted on the Facebook page by someone using a pseudonym. They are not my posts *REPEAT* They are not my posts - but I am interested in people's views.



However I have to agree with the GMC about Myhill. She too should be struck off. She exploits patients with unproven ideas, just as LP does. Mitochondrial dysfunction is not proven in the slightest. It is just a bandwaggon, a way to sell tests and supplements.

Furthermore Myhill has sent out dangerous drugs, without pharmacy labels to patients that she has never seen and never had tested after a phone consult. She is really quite reckless.

I think she does put patients at risk quite honestly. This is only my opinion but she is no different to Dr Peatfield, lets not forget that patients supported him too with vigour. Yet I know of several people he seriously harmed. He once suggested, despite all their thyroid tests being normal that an entire family had hypothyroidism. He gave thyroid to everyone! And even though he no longer has a licnece he continues to play at being doctor by telling patients to buy thyroid online.

The adrenal stress profile test you mention is highly inaccurate. This is because cortisol has a saliva and blood half life of 30 minutes but has a biological half life in the receptors of 8 hours. So catching the exact release of cortisol on 4 saliva tests is absolutely impossible. A 24 hour urine test is accurate as is the proper ACTH test. Neither of which Myhill does. If you have an adrenal tumor you need an MRI, and the proper tests immediately. Also part of the reason you were not believed by your GP is because Myhill is part of the quackary that has become ME. She is the other side of the coin to the psychiatrists.

In my view, Myhill, Peatfield, Andy Wright, Dr Hyams all exploit ME patients with dangerously unproven tests and/or treatments. Its not a witch hunt, its just a fact, I have seen all of the above. Like I said, dont all jump on me at once but I think that there is a case to answer here.


Now dont all jump on me at once, but Im sorry to say that I have to agree with the GMC. Dr Myhills licence should be withdrawn. Without ever seeing a patient or having any tests done, sent a friend ketoconazole in the post. Ketoconazole is the most dangerous of all the antifungals with a liver toxicity of 1 in 144. Quite honestly it is completely reckless. She originally suggested she take nystatin, but Myhill had some ketoconazole lying around and sent it to her, no pharmacy label, nothing! That is just reckless.

In addition she jumps on every bandwaggon going, I really dont call that being a pioneer, I call that being an exploiter of people with ME.

It has not been proven that mitochondrial function is an issue in ME, the test is a research test. Furthermore the supplements are not proven to help. There was even a study showing D-Ribose made people with ME feel worse.

It is true that L-Carnitine has a good safety and efficacy profile, but it helps many conditions such as MS and Cancer fatigue also. Since they do not have the same symptoms as ME, mitochondrial dysfunction does NOT explain all the features of ME at all. And one does not need an expensive mitochondrial test to find that out.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is pseudo science at best, it is no more proven in ME than the guys at Lightning process claiming there is adrenal or amygdala dysfunction.
Understood Fred.

But the 29 th may move.

Also the public nature of these forums is what made me leave them in the first place!!!!

I don't think anything here could be used against us yet



Senior Member
Firstly, I would ask how they know Myhill sent drugs, without labels or tests?

Also, how do they feel about CBT & GET, proven to be ineffective and dangerous. Should those who flog those methods not be struck off?


The game is afoot
Firstly, I would ask how they know Myhill sent drugs, without labels or tests?

The poster says that they are a friend of the patient who received the drugs without labels.

[/QUOTE] Also, how do they feel about CBT & GET, proven to be ineffective and dangerous. Should those who flog those methods not be struck off? [/QUOTE]

Good point.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Now dont all jump on me at once, but Im sorry to say that I have to agree with the GMC. Dr Myhills licence should be withdrawn. Without ever seeing a patient or having any tests done, sent a friend ketoconazole in the post. Ketoconazole is the most dangerous of all the antifungals with a liver toxicity of 1 in 144. Quite honestly it is completely reckless. She originally suggested she take nystatin, but Myhill had some ketoconazole lying around and sent it to her, no pharmacy label, nothing! That is just reckless.

In addition she jumps on every bandwaggon going, I really dont call that being a pioneer, I call that being an exploiter of people with ME.

It has not been proven that mitochondrial function is an issue in ME, the test is a research test. Furthermore the supplements are not proven to help. There was even a study showing D-Ribose made people with ME feel worse.

It is true that L-Carnitine has a good safety and efficacy profile, but it helps many conditions such as MS and Cancer fatigue also. Since they do not have the same symptoms as ME, mitochondrial dysfunction does NOT explain all the features of ME at all. And one does not need an expensive mitochondrial test to find that out.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is pseudo science at best, it is no more proven in ME than the guys at Lightning process claiming there is adrenal or amygdala dysfunction.

For some strange reason, I'm going to side with Rich Van Konynenburg Ph.D., who just posted a vigorous defense of MyHill on that FaceBook page, over someone like you.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Also, how do they feel about CBT & GET, proven to be ineffective and dangerous. Should those who flog those methods not be struck off?

Good point.

Or how about the BBC News article I linked to earlier, where Allen Roses, of GlaxoSmithKline, admits that most drugs sold don't even work 50% of the time?

By the way, my Girlfriend has been spending the last two weeks tapering off of Welbutrin, after a few days of psychotic episodes and suicidal thoughts. From what I gathered it's been banned in the UK and numerous other countries because it is considered so dangerous, yet is widely prescribed here in the US. I should have known better than to let her try that crap.

I don't see any hysteria over banning all the Doctors here in the US for knowingly pushing such dangerous drugs. No... the FDA and Big Pharma don't give a fuck about safety. Just profits. 90% of all these school shooters are know to have been on similar prescription meds. Where's the outcry? In fact, where's the media attention on these stories. They are complicit in covering up such facts.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, my Girlfriend's Doctor should by shot for putting her in danger. Fuck them all.


The game is afoot
For some strange reason, I'm going to side with Rich Van Konynenburg Ph.D., who just posted a vigorous defense of MyHill on that FaceBook page, over someone like you.

Just to recap my introduction to these posts:

'These are not my posts *REPEAT* These are not my posts'

Please refrain from shooting the messenger because he is sick enough as it is.

And if you want to lambast the author (Kermit the Frogspawn, or something similar), get over to Facebook. I'm posting it here for information only, not as a personal opinion.