Dr MyHill's License in Jeopardy


Plays With Voodoo Dollies

Hi all!

He is a personal friend of mine whom I have known for a long time. I contacted him
and asked what he is doing. He has been a patient of Sarah's for over eight years and has
helped her with the GMC last time.

Here some quotes from our correspondence:

"I was also very involved in her defence the last time the GMC had a go. We successfully beat them and I am still pursuing them through the European courts of Justice on various Freedom of Information issues - they won't tell us who made any of the decisions or anything really. They just dropped all cases with no word."

"I am trying to co ordinate so that I can present to the GMC the number of such emails. Numbers is what scares these people from past experience and PRESS. If you know anyone anywhere who can get this out there in newspapers etc, please do, but please let me know so I can keep tracks on it all. This way the letters will count - I will make sure of it."

"Yes US sufferers can complain.

The webiste is international.

I am all over this.

No time.

Please muster as many emails as you can etc.

Numbers are what really counts in this.

Could you possibly get these people to copy me in on their emails - PERHAPS Bcc so that GMC don't know I am co-ordinating. Also could Bcc Sarah too if they wanted.

Thanks so much.

If you are still on dailystrength could you do the same there too?

Numbers Numbers Numbers is what counts - it beat them last time. We got 1500 in one week last time.

Go Girl please!!!"

The email to bcc are: and office@doctormyhill.co.uk

As you can see he is all about numbers, a mathematician from his head to his toes. :D

He is doing the coordination out of his home to help Sarah and you could help reduce the work load for
both Sarah and Craig if you BCC him.

Also please cross post this on any other ME/CFS forum that you can. :thumbsup:

Thanks everyone for your help,


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Hi, all, just a couple of quick notes. I am delighted that Spindrift can add her personal touch to confirm that Craig Robinson is a reliable repository for ammunition aimed at the GMC--my email direct from Sarah Myhill confirmed that too. The other thing is that Spindrift copied his email incorrectly-- (sorry, Spindrift!)-- there is an "h" in there-- so send to: craighrobinson@hotmail.co.uk , please. And so--more letters! go team! Chris


Plays With Voodoo Dollies
Hi, all, just a couple of quick notes. I am delighted that Spindrift can add her personal touch to confirm that Craig Robinson is a reliable repository for ammunition aimed at the GMC--my email direct from Sarah Myhill confirmed that too. The other thing is that Spindrift copied his email incorrectly-- (sorry, Spindrift!)-- there is an "h" in there-- so send to: craighrobinson@hotmail.co.uk , please. And so--more letters! go team! Chris

Thanks Chris, I just changed it in my post too. I had copied it wrong from you. I use his private email and didn't want to post it.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
My GP considers Dr Myhill's treatments weird and suspicious. I, on the other hand, have to observe the enormous improvements I experienced while following this line of treatment for a couple of years, in contrast to the complete lack of progress over many years of following the lead of my GPs. If we are talking about 'evidence', the evidence of my life strongly suggests that Dr Myhill has helped me enormously (indirectly, via other practitioners). I think the experience of patients like me shows quite clearly who is right and who is wrong here. Support Dr Myhill!


Plays With Voodoo Dollies
Too sick right now to write but can stand up and be counted: join Facebook group to support Dr. Myhill, here:


I am wondering if someone with fast fingers would be willing to type up a general email
that those of us who are to sick to type long mails (that would include myself at this moment)
could just copy, paste and mail? I think a sending a generic mail would be better than not
sending one at all.

Any volunteers? :Sign Please:


Senior Member
i just got this reply from dr myhill after i cc-ed her on my email that i sent to the the GMC (note the link at the bottom: it is a KEY website on what is happening to her.) -- rrrr

Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 07:07:55 +0100
From: "Office" <office@doctormyhill.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Case Reference: PB/C1-314994282

Lovely stuff! You are a star. If I survive this haring it will be because of
lovely letters like yours. I can't thank you enough

Best wishes


Updates on:

This is what I sent to the GMC. Obviously I stole some of the wording from an earlier letter someone wrote and posted on this thread (THANK YOU!!!).

Dear GMC and Mr. Paul Bridge,

Regarding Case Reference: PB/C1-314994282

The whole world is watching you as you persecute one of the few
doctors who has the compassion and expertise to actually treat the
medical condition of ME/CFS sufferers in UK. Case Reference
PB/C1-314994282 appears highly politically motivated. Please do not
take Dr Myhill away from the thousands of ME/CFS sufferers who depend
on her. In treating my disability of CFS/ME, my doctor and I have gotten
very valuable information from Dr. Myhill's website.

The whole world is watching your action on this case.



Senior Member
this is so shocking to read. it is from dr myhill's website
it is about her past dealings with the GMC

Meeting with Jackie Smith Head of GMC Investigations
From DoctorMyhill
30th August 2009

Jackie Smith Head of Investigations General Medical Council Euston Road NW1 3JN

Dear Ms Smith,

Record of our meeting on August 12th 2008

Further to the above meeting I attach a prcis of the discussions, which took place along with your responses to my concerns. Please could you initial each paragraph below to indicate your agreement that a true and fair reflection of our meeting has been Minuted in this way and then return the original to me. With regard to point 9 below and the final paragraph of point 8, I should like your opinion on the point raised.

Prior to the meeting

You refused to allow John McDonald QC, on whose Opinion the meeting was based, to attend this meeting with me.

I requested that the Case Officer who handled allegations against me, namely Patricia Collins, be present at the meeting. This did not happen. This meant that you were unable to respond to many of my concerns. Those concerns which you were able to pass comment on are listed below:

Details of the meeting

Subjects to be discussed revolved around Mr John McDonald QC’s Opinion, which I supplied to you prior to the meeting. You did not have a copy of this Opinion when we met.

When I asked you if that Opinion had given you any cause for concern, or reason to take further action, you stated that it had not.

In particular:

1. It remains a mystery as to where the Ritalin complaint came from. I can only conclude that this allegation was fabricated by the GMC and continued to be upheld despite me pointing out that it was simply not true. This did not concern you and you have no plans to investigate this further, or indeed find out who was responsible for generating this complaint.

2. As a result of GMC actions, I have been unable to obtain full medical insurance since 2004. This is of no concern to the GMC and furthermore, when I asked you whether a suitable letter could be prepared by the GMC that I could show to the Defence Unions to persuade them of my innocence, this was refused.

3. I have suffered unremitting stress as a result of unfounded allegations against me, all of which were dropped. This has cost me a great deal of time and money, but the GMC have no concerns about this. Furthermore, they have no plans for any sort of compensation.

4. I have suffered substantial losses as a result of unfounded and unproven allegations made by the GMC. In particular, these allegations have caused both a serious erosion of my professional reputation and also considerable damage to my practice and my relationship with patients. The GMC has no concerns with respect to this and has not helped to contain or reduce these losses. Further, the GMC has no plans to help restore my professional reputation.

5. The GMC obtained patients’ notes without patient knowledge, without patient consent, without informing patients that their notes had been taken, without anonymising their notes and without offering them the opportunity to appeal against GMC actions. You tell me that the GMC are empowered to do this as part of the business of investigating complaints and that you have no plans to change this practice.

6. The GMC are not responsible for checking the veracity of allegations from doctors and they have no mechanism for identifying vexatious complaints. One GP appeared deliberately to withhold a test result essential for my defence. It was only when I inadvertently discovered the existence of this test and after having prompted the GMC, who through their agent Field, Fisher Waterhouse made further enquiries, that this test result was made available to me.

Again these issues do not concern the GMC and you have no plans to investigate this further with a view to changing GMC procedures.

7. During the five years that I have been subject to these allegations, the GMC has spent 136,692.12 on external solicitors, in addition to their own internal costs. I suggested to you that the total cost to the GMC would be in the order of 500,000 which you agreed was likely. However, this did not cause you any concern and your view was that this was a responsible way to spend GMC resources and that no further action was required to look into this.

8. In response to each GMC allegation which I faced, I sent detailed and referenced responses. All of these responses were missing from the GMC files. They did not appear in Freedom of Information searches, neither did they appear in the final file of documents which exonerated me. Also missing were many additional letters of concern which I sent to the GMC. The only letter from me which I found was my letter to Sir Graham Catto, President of the GMC – this letter was unacknowledged and not replied to.

In particular the following letters to the GMC are all missing from my file:

To Rachel Syed February 24th 2006 – response to NHS L allegations September 5th 2006 – state of play regarding NHS L complaint

To Nicola Forshaw May 27th 2006 – concerns over allegations from Drs F and C about prescribing thyroid hormones

To Katheryn Tindle September 6th 2006 – arrangements for conference call

To Mark Elliot December 3rd 2005 – concerns over false allegations from T and W

To Neil Jinks August 15th 2006 – response to allegations from Drs F and C

To Barry Baines 22nd November 2006 – responding to website allegations from NHS L

To Patricia Collins Feb 23rd 2007 – request for information April 15th - please reply to my questions May 13th 2007 - request for further information June 20th 2007 – request for information Aug 4th 2007 – concerns over complaints from Dr N, patient notes taken without consent. Aug 12th 2007 – concerns about patients’ notes being taken without permission Aug 12th 2007 – request for further information August 12th 2007 – concerns about my medical indemnity cover Your ref: 2005/2757 – Sept 12th 2007 – my letter to Patricia Collins – did FFW or GMC prune notes? Sept 12th 2007 – concerns over allegations from Dr N Sept 12th 2007 – concerns about L report Sept 14th 2007 - concerns that I was not being judged by my peers Sept 27th 2007 – my letter to PC raising concerns over FFW handling of my case. Oct 2nd 2007 – my letter to PC – concerns that information was being withheld from me. Oct 7th 2007 your ref: PC/2005/2755/01 – questions to complainant

To Andrew Wood June 9th 2007 – concerns over patients’ notes taken without permission June 12th 2007 – responding to allegations Drs M and B July 1st 2007 – responding to allegations July 9th 2007 – request to postpone Sept hearing July 15th 2007 – request for information August 6th 2007 – concerns over unfounded allegations from Dr F

To Rebecca Faulkner June 11th 2007 – concerns over postponement of Hearing

To Rosemarie Paul FFW Sept 5th 2006 – concerns over GMC allegations October 7th 2006 – concerns over medical indemnity cover Feb 23rd 2007 – concerns over allegations which are incorrect Feb 4th 2007 – concerns over evidence against me Feb 18th 2007 – request for information March 2nd 2007 – information supplied re ET case March 19th 2007 – why have allegations changed with no new evidence? March 23rd 2007 – new evidence June 1st 2007 – new evidence given June 2nd 2007 – concerns over expert witness reports June 5th 2007 – requesting postponement of Hearing June 26th 2007 – concerns over GMC procedures July 1st 2007 – requesting reasons why allegations were dropped

To Professor L, which he then passed on to the GMC April 22nd 2007 – concerns over factual inaccuracies May 6th 2007 - ditto November 23rd 2007 – ditto – inaccuracies not corrected

You expressed surprise and disbelief that these letters were missing from my file. What actions do you propose to assure me that these letters were not filleted from the official record?

9. Tom Kark QC, who advised the GMC on 04.10.07 as follows:

“Dr Myhill’s good intentions are not seriously in doubt and it is known that she has very substantial patient support. Anyone who has had any dealings with Dr Myhill is not likely to doubt her good intentions. I find it very surprising that these four charges were persisted with for so long. If Dr Myhill had been interviewed at an early stage by a senior member of the GMC’s investigating team and proper records had been kept, the overwhelming probability is that all four of these complaints would have been dismissed in short order. This, in my opinion, is what should have happened”.

Do you agree with this opinion?

I look forward to receiving your responses to the above points in order that I can go ahead with other enquiries.

If you find yourself unable to initial your agreement to any of the above points, I would appreciate your comments as to why that is the case and also details of actions which the GMC proposes to take in relation to these points.

Yours sincerely,
Dr Sarah Myhill


That looks great rrrrrrr. I like the "my doctor" touch. And thanks for the link to the Dr Myhill update site.

Spindrift - people can use my letter or parts of it too if they wish. I'd just advise saying something like, "I am too sick to write my own letter. I am using the letter of a fellow ME/CFS patient as I endorse the ideas and requests in it." AND probably delete the witch-hunt reference.


Plays With Voodoo Dollies
UGGGHH!! The people on dailystrength.org aren't doing a thing. :eek:
That's why I left there to come here. I want everyone here to know that you
are a wonderful crowd to hang out with!

Rrrr, since my doctor encourages me to continue with the Myhill protocol, I
will endorse your email. Thanks in advance.


Plays With Voodoo Dollies
UK Press Connections

Does any in the UK have a connection to the press that could help get Dr. Myhill's story in?


I am trying to keep all this stuff on just one (new) email address so that we can collect all the letters and emails of support etc in one file.

'You are me' in PR and DS. Please try to get as many people on board as possible. I have had some great emails copied so far.So has Sarah.

I am doing other stuff of a more quasi legal nature and also trying to get PRESS on board. Any press coverage and I will love you forever and I will also join any online group you want and I will also do pretty much anything you want me to!!!

I would love to win that one ;)


Off the fence
FWIW, my email text - permission to borrow granted to all
Dear Paul Bridge,

Although I have had no direct dealings with Dr. Myhill, I am in touch with others who have received effective and helpful healing from her care, and I have been able to learn from her website.

She is one of the very few doctors at present to be offering any real treatment to people suffering from Myalgic Encephalomylitis (ME/CFS). All that is available on the NHS is based on the inaccurate premise that ME is a somatoform disorder, and the treatments available (GET/CBT) have been thoroughly discredited in many independent studies.

Current NHS treatments have led to greatly increased distress and suffering for many.
I refer you to Professor Hooper's work, Magical Medicine - an unfortunate title perhaps, but his arguments are compelling, researched, and referenced, unlike the so called evidence that the current NHS treatment protocol has any efficacy for people with Myalgic Encephalomylitis. I would also like to refer you to the current WHO guidelines, and the Canadian Consensus Definition.

I wonder if you are aware of the case of Ean Proctor or the case of Sophia Mirza? There are doctors practicing now that were involved with those cases. They deserve GMC discipline, and receive none. Yet, with one anonymous complaint, the GMC swings into action to attack Dr Myhill, and it is not the first time that you have done so.

I don't know if you are aware of the groundbreaking work being done by the Whittemore Peterson Institute, National Cancer Institute, the FDA, the CDC and others currently into XMRV. More and more hard scientific evidence is pointing to XMRV as being a causative or at least important co-infectious retrovirus, implicated in ME/CFS, aggressive Prostate Cancer, and possibly Autism as well as other cancers.

The fact is, Dr. Myhill is one of the few UK doctors to deal with the real physical problems faced by people suffering from Myalgic Encephalomylitis, and this attack on her looks like yet another attempt by a powerful lobby of deniers to suppress the truth. I urge you to drop this action and apologize to Dr. Myhill and her many patients, supporters and friends.

Yours sincerely,
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your support.

Spindrift has been trying to get me to join PR for some time.

So I guess you win eh Spinny? First time I ever called you Spinny! Where did that come from?!!

I totally understand if you don't want to send copies to me - it is often a case of trust no-one I know.

But if you feel able to send copies to me then please do.

What Sarah and I are trying to achieve is a full and non-duplicated list of support communications. I will be co-ordinating with her soon about this anyway to collate it all and put the defence together. So, as long as you copy one of us that would be great.

I was trying to reduce Sarah's workload at a difficult time but fully appreciate you may wish to copy her not me. I am not at all offended. In fact quite reassured that we have such thoughtful people out there!

Best to you all.

We will win this one.

PS. Been a patient since 2001. Helped on initial mito study. Was one of first 6 patients to go to have experimental mito tests.


The game is afoot
Patient Concern

Ref Press interest: Patient Concern may be willing to help. Details below. I may be able to phone them tomorrow but have crashed today and, as ever, don't know how long it will last.


Patient Concern is an organisation committed to promoting choice and empowerment for all health service users.

Our core principle is complete consumer independence. Unlike some associations representing patients, we do not accept funding from any vested interests, notably Government, NHS or commercial organisations. Nor do we involve anyone dependent on the healthcare service for employment or business

To make sure that there are no conflicts of interest, Patient Concern has special advisers by invitation and supporters who contribute their time, expertise and experience free of charge. This facilitates a totally patient-oriented approach.

We operate as a network. Contributors include patients, their advocates, carers, lawyers, patient representatives, journalists, ethicists and human rights activists. We keep in close touch with other active campaigning groups run by patients. Implementing our programme relies on the dedication of volunteers and donations, free of conditions, from well-wishers.

Patient Concern is active in all areas of the health service, campaigning on issues that matter to patients and making the patient's voice heard in top level consultation


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Dr. Myhill's website is here http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Cate..._from_the_medical_register_on_April_29th_2010

It is hard to credit that this witch hunt is happening.

When the one person in the UK whose lead has proved enormously helpful to so many (from an MCS perspective at the very least) is being hounded in this way, and when patients are all saying her treatments work and the official ones don't, then yes, it's very hard to get your head round it. If you're not careful, you can get boggled by considering the trail of implications of these facts - trust me on that one! - so my suggestion is: don't get boggled, get better! :D And defend friends...
