You are either being totally naive or totally disingenuous.It destroys her ability to provide treatments to patients with ME as intended.There is no controversy regarding her claims.She emphasised that she was expressing her opinion as Drs do all the time.
Whoever made the complaint has put the health of thousands of people at risk for his own childish gratification.I would not like to be in his shoes when his identity is revealed within 48 hours or so.All it takes is a simple court order.
There are hundreds of consultants who prescribe off label drugs for private patients yet they are not challenged.
Dr Myhill provides a website which suggests options when other conventional treatments have failed.This is called alternative medicine and fully endorsed by the Department of health.
Are Nutritionists,homoeopaths and herbalists challenged and deprived of their livelihoods.The answer is a resounding no!
Why are different standards being applied to Dr Myhill than the rest of the medical profession and other practitioners of alternative medicine.The only logical answer is that her success threatens the establishment who want to promote CBT as a treatment.
if the criteria for licence restrictions is the advocacy of unproven treatments with no scientific evidence in their support then why are Simon Wesselly and his colleagues not facing the same restrictions
The GMC says Dr Myhill is “Guilty” on the basis of no charges, no case and no evidence.
The GMC's full Verdict will be put up here Friday April 30th. Read it. It is a masterpiece of obfuscation and spin. The GMC made no charges, presented no case and ignored findings of fact.
Briefly the verdict says of me:
“The circumstances surrounding this case relate to concerns regarding your clinical and professional practice, and concerns regarding your website, your promotion of treatments and consequently your potential failure to recognise and work within the limits of your competence”.
My comment: No facts. No concerns. No failures. No patient put at risk, No patient harmed.
have 14 days to make changes – during this time you can see what my actual opinion is - after that you get the gagged version
You are either being totally naive or totally disingenuous.It destroys her ability to provide treatments to patients with ME as intended.There is no controversy regarding her claims.She emphasised that she was expressing her opinion as Drs do all the time.
Whoever made the complaint has put the health of thousands of people at risk for his own childish gratification.I would not like to be in his shoes when his identity is revealed within 48 hours or so.All it takes is a simple court order.
There are hundreds of consultants who prescribe off label drugs for private patients yet they are not challenged.
Dr Myhill provides a website which suggests options when other conventional treatments have failed.This is called alternative medicine and fully endorsed by the Department of health.
Are Nutritionists,homoeopaths and herbalists challenged and deprived of their livelihoods.The answer is a resounding no!
Why are different standards being applied to Dr Myhill than the rest of the medical profession and other practitioners of alternative medicine.The only logical answer is that her success threatens the establishment who want to promote CBT as a treatment.
if the criteria for licence restrictions is the advocacy of unproven treatments with no scientific evidence in their support then why are Simon Wesselly and his colleagues not facing the same restrictions
Very powerful post flex .That brought tears to my eyes, with extreme sadness, ,frustration and anger
I don't agree with some of her methods when using the broad term of CFS, she advocates B12 injections in "CFS" patients because states sometimes B12 deficiencies cannot be detected using traditional methods, the symptom of a B12 deficiency is "tiredness"; I'm not tired. I assume perhaps she thinks some "CFS" patients have CF due to vitamin deficiencies, which is fair enough, but I don't want to be lumped in there too. Lots of people were at her protest with M.E banners.
I don't think she should have had a licence revoked though, I believe some of her methods would work for some people. I hope she gets her licence back.
hi Knackered B12 shots are one of the recommended treatments for mito dysfunction
Whoever made the complaint has put the health of thousands of people at risk for his own childish gratification.I would not like to be in his shoes when his identity is revealed within 48 hours or so.All it takes is a simple court order.
We, with ME/CFS, are not the only people with experiences so stark and undeniable that they disprove the lies they try to feed us. They can believe their own garbage-in garbage-out methods if they are stupid enough, but it makes no difference to us how much peer-reviewed bullshit they wave in front of our faces: We are human beings, not subjects or automatons, and we believe the overwhelming evidence of our own lives, our own experience, and that of our friends and family and community. And they can pull out whatever dumbass papers they like, they can pass whatever laws they like, they can persecute whoever they like - but they can't change reality, and they can't put genies back into bottles.
I won't be engaging here any longer. I received a couple of very thoughtful private messages which set out in a calm and rational way why attempting to engage on this issue may be counterproductive. So I'll leave y'all to it and correspond with anyone who wants to correspond by private message.
I will, however, respond to the following idiocy because it's a poorly veiled threat:
Gerwyn, you are a fool. What on Earth makes you think a court would just hand you someone's identity? You can't just go into a courtroom and ask for some stranger's personal details like going into a bakers and asking for a cake. Absolutely preposterous.
The court would have to decide that:
A) There was good reason for you to know the person's details. Do you think, honestly, that a court would see this debacle as "good reasons"? An individual has made an entirely legal complaint, through the correct official channels. Just because you do not like the nature of the complaint is not a reason for a court to divulge personal information.
B) They would have to be satisfied that, once you were in possession of the person's details, you were going to do something constructive with them. What exactly, pray tell, would you be doing with them? All I see here is veiled threats to stalk and harass.
If you took this to a court, Gerwyn, the judge would simply tell you where to go - after he/she had stopped laughing his/her face off. Getting the complainants' details through official means is wild and crazy fantasy. Indeed, the complainant would probably have a better case for having your details revealed because you, with your "I wouldn't like to be in his shoes" threats, are actually the one behaving in a possibly illegal manner.
Half-baked threats like this do you or your interests no favours.
Grow up.
Yes please. Please provide me with the case law that suggests one can have the personal details of someone on the internet revealed simply by requesting them; without having good legal reason to do appears that you are as ignorant of the law as you are of science.Anonymity is not protected on the internet.
I,m afraid that it is you who are living in a world of infantile ignorance.Would you like the case law on the subject?
Yes please. Please provide me with the case law that suggests one can have the personal details of someone on the internet revealed simply by requesting them; without having good legal reason to do so.
Regarding Wessely et al, like I said, I've taken the advice of a couple of your regulars and won't be drawn on the subject of Myhill's predicament. If you want to have a polite discussion about it I'm happy to do so by private message.
Afraid not. In this case the court had to be convinced there was a case to answer over charge of defamation before divulging the personal details of the individual. So, if you're using this case as a template, you would first have to demonstrate that there was a reasonable case that "Jonas" had acted in a defamatory manner (presumably against Myhill). Firstly, you would be unable to bring this case on Myhill's behalf. Secondly, seeing as "Jonas" undertook the correct, legally specified, route in raising his concerns about Myhill (and that the appropriate body - the GMC - appears to have agreed with him) it is vanishingly unlikely that a court would support a defamation claim.There you go
Motley Fool v Totalise
Afraid not. In this case the court had to be convinced there was a case to answer over charge of defamation before divulging the personal details of the individual. So, if you're using this case as a template, you would first have to demonstrate that there was a reasonable case that "Jonas" had acted in a defamatory manner (presumably against Myhill). Firstly, you would be unable to bring this case on Myhill's behalf. Secondly, seeing as "Jonas" undertook the correct, legally specified, route in raising his concerns about Myhill (and that the appropriate body - the GMC - appears to have agreed with him) it is vanishingly unlikely that a court would support a defamation claim.
Try again.
Regarding the Wessely stuff. Okay, I'm a coward, if that makes you happy. I already explained why I'm no longer being drawn on the matter, and said that I'm more than happy to discuss it with you privately.
You are quite simply mistaken. The court concluded that revelation of an identity can be forced only if it is "necessary in the interests of justice". The judge first had to rule that the posts in question were "clearly defamatory" before forcing the disclosure of personal details. The court required that a prima facie case existed.i think you had better read the case only evidence that the statement might be defamation is needed.It does not matter in the least what route he took.the burden that the statement was not defamatory rests with him.the requirement that you are involved in thhe case is not true. if you doubt it see a lawyer