Dr MyHill's License in Jeopardy



Hi--maybe the next step should be for some British doctors or researchers to write to the GMC complaining that a certain Dr. Wessely, a psychiatrist... Is the GMC not obligated to investigate all complaints? Chris

If enough people complained about being damaged in those fatigue clinics, surely something would be actionable. I've always wondered there hasn't been some type of investigation or massive lawsuit? (Probably because the potential plaintiffs are too ill to make claims!)

Wessely says he sees patients; I would love to hear from them! I suspect they are his horses, the 3% CF patients, and we are the zebras. I don't see how anyone with ME/CFS could cope as his patient unless they were under duress by family or something.


All fair enough - your argument, Robin, of course -

It wasn't an argument, nor an endorsement for the panel, it was an analysis!

I read it as: "You are not allowed to write out recipes for such medicine as are in England only available by a recipe from a medical doctor" i.e. she is not allowed to practice the next one and a half year as a medical doctor.

Recipes? You mean like compounds? Now I'm really confused! Maybe it's a language thing.
You must not prescribe any prescription only medication, as detailed in the British National Formulary

In the US medication is only available by prescription (a prescription is the doctor's order, the medication is the actual tablet, pill, liquid, whatever) so unless those mean different things in the UK it was very oddly worded.


iherb code TAK122
Is it a clever ploy to get her to resign from the BMA, this is what they do to get doctors to resign, no point in having a registration if doctors can't prescribe, this will remove the 'problem'(as they see it) for them. I sincerely hope she doesn't but it depends how sick of them she is.


Haven't read all of it but at least regards the website - it appears that the CFS part will be left almost untouched???

Yes Court it would have been too obvious if they had asked for that to have been removed.the source of the complaint would have been too readily identifyable.this is a case of political assasination.She is not allowed to provide any of these treatments now.that is the key.if patients get better with her methods then certain psychiatrists cant claim that the cause of the illness is psychological can they?


That is, I took and still take it as a decision that forbids Dr. M to write prescriptions for medicines that in England may only be gotten by people from pharmacies by medical prescription.


I think you're right, I was reading it with an imaginary comma: it's "prescription-only", not "prescription, only"! haha. Brain fog!


THe prescription restriction will, I imagine be brutal for her financially - who wants to see a doctor who cannot prescribe prescription drugs? It sounds like they could put her out of business.

They don't seem to mind her advice for CFS; its her advice on cardiac issues, breast cancer issues, etc. that they seem to be upset about. They feel she is 'outside her area of expertise' on those issues.

But why not allow her to prescribe to anybody - for 18 months! That seems like a big hit financially for her to me.....

Do any of the allegations state that she is improperly prescribing prescription drugs? That's not the issue is it?

What they mind Cort is her success in treating patients with ME.This means that the powers that be are threatened.They want the field clear so that they can promote psychological causation.sarah's success with pharmacological interventions seriously weakens their position.This is political . i would not be surprised if wesselly and cronies are behind this


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
If they cant get prescriptions some folk could end up very sick . what have they put in place for these patients ?

Rhetorical question I presume? From them we can have nothing but CBT and GET. No treatment, no research, no respect, no future. If anyone else has the temerity to offer us medical treatments that actually work, they will stamp down on them as hard as they can.

The experience of patients is not 'evidence'. What we all know to be true based on decades of first-hand experience is not 'evidence'. People with 'untreatable' conditions getting healthy is not 'evidence'. The vast quantities of scientific research underlying the treatments known to be effective are not 'evidence' because those scientists all look a bit weird to them, when viewed from the surreal world of their pharma-funded ivory tower lives.

The only thing that counts as evidence is their science, their research, their psychobabble. The only thing that counts as evidence is what has been 'peer-reviewed' - by them. 'Evidence based medicine' they cry. They wouldn't know evidence if it hit them in the face.

They have denied us any meaningful publicly-funded treatment or support for decades. But that is not enough for them. Now they are determined to deny us any privately-funded treatment as well. Not content with denying me treatment and insulting and abusing me in the name of blatantly unscientific doctrines, when they add insult to injury by going to war on the only doctor in the UK who is actually treating us successfully, they are raising the stakes in a big way. It is a declaration of total war.

Now for the good news! We have massive untapped public support for the underlying fundamental issues at stake. 'Alternative' medicine is a hugely popular movement for a simple reason: vast quantities of the general population now know for certain, from their own experience, that the old system does not work for them and the traditional and natural models as well as the new models like environmental medicine do work. Vast numbers of people understand that environmental factors like the dangers of modern synthetic chemicals are routinely dismissed by the establishment - and vast numbers of people understand that this is all done for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with science.

I read about the dangers of Bisphenol-A a decade ago, and I was warned off it by those crazy environmental medicine hippies. In those days, it was all 'quackery', my GP said it looked really weird to him. This week it is, at last, established scientific fact that you can read about in the papers. Passing the process of 'peer review' did not suddenly make it any more true than it was before our scientific establishment got paid to rubber-stamp it. Those of us who have been fanatically avoiding these toxins for years have every right to feel smug when we are proven right, and as the evidence continues to pour in that we were right all along, sooner or later people are going to start listening to what we have to say. This sort of road-to-Damascus turnaround from "this is unscientific quackery" to "oh, sorry, turns out it's true" is happening so often now that their denials and debunkings are losing public credibility at an accelerating rate. Whenever they say "there is no evidence of that..." as an argument for not researching something, we know exactly what that means. The writing is on the wall for their old-fashioned ways. But they are clearly determined to go down with the ship, so when our own Berlin Wall eventually and inevitably does fall, let it fall on them. And let us all pray for humanity's sake that it falls soon.

I took a taxi ride today. Chatting to the driver, he told me of the agonising pain in his wrist and arm, that resisted diagnosis for many months through several doctors. He, like us, was told about 'mind-body' issues, and it was suggested to him that his pain might not be real. When he finally found a doctor who knew what he was talking about, 2 minutes with that guy pointed him at an MRI scan that found the bones in his wrist were severely degraded, he had an operation, and the pain was relieved for the next few years. Ordinary people like this understand us when we say to them: "If they can't work out what is wrong with you, they will try to tell you it might be all in your mind. It is their way of telling you to f**k off. They hate you now: you have made them feel inadequate because they can't work out what's going on. Get out fast before they start really screwing you over."

We, with ME/CFS, are not the only people with experiences so stark and undeniable that they disprove the lies they try to feed us. They can believe their own garbage-in garbage-out methods if they are stupid enough, but it makes no difference to us how much peer-reviewed bullshit they wave in front of our faces: We are human beings, not subjects or automatons, and we believe the overwhelming evidence of our own lives, our own experience, and that of our friends and family and community. And they can pull out whatever dumbass papers they like, they can pass whatever laws they like, they can persecute whoever they like - but they can't change reality, and they can't put genies back into bottles.

They have raised the stakes in the UK. I am still too angry to think straight, so I have prescribed myself some serious meditation (that's meditation, not medication) for the next few days. But maybe somebody out there who's been dealing with this gang of fossils for longer than I have can advise me: What on earth do we do now?
This is what Rita Pal says on the case the ex doctor the medico legal expert about how it needs to be tackled, she is experienced in cases with GMC so I think she is worth listening too. This is what my partner said was the way to go about it too and he has legal background


have found the Sarah Myhill case interesting. Being a GMC geek, I know a lot about GMC cases. I also know the best way to fight them. Not that anyone ever listens to me. I probably win about 70 percent of the time. Myhill's presentation needed to attack their procedures. This is what she failed to do. The GMC are not reasonable people therefore they don't behave reasonably.

We can first names of the Yorkshire GPs who made the complaints against Myhill online. Secondly, someone can contemplate the reporting of Jonas to the Health Professions Council. I believe the jousting should commence properly and effectively. Wars are all about winning and it is time Myhill won her case. It depends on whether her supporters campaign in the right way or not. It is time for a reversal of fortune

If Myhill's campaigners are reading this - if Myhill is to be freed from the GMC, battle has to commence and it can't be the polite reasoned wishy washy campaign. It needs to be an aggressive attack. Of course, again few people will listen and if they don't, Myhill is looking at a suspension at least.

Dr Rita Pal

full article here

Patients, no longer able to obtain their prescriptions from Sarah Myhill, may well seach online and source from outside the UK, without all the quality controls and checks that could have been provided by a UK GP and UK pharmacies.

Seems like the GMC has no idea of the desperate situation we are placed in by the conventional wisdom about our medical condition.

That is the idea, I've seen this happen to other doctors the intention is to drive them out of business, also if dr myhill patients get iller due to her not being able to prescribe they are also relying on her patients not being well enough to fight them


Senior Member
East Midlands
Mark thank you. You've articulated what I feel but am unable to express.

There are so, so many people poorly treated by our medical system. My feeling is we ought to be able to tap in to the wider disiillusionment and awakening amongst people with a whole range of diseases. Some friends have even lost thier lives or their children's lives because medic did not listen or shooed them away. For me it is not only about alternative or complementary medicine but about knowledgeable, respectful, compassionate medicine of all shades. And I say this as someone who is unlikely to go near any prescription or herbal medicine.

Lotusflower, Rita Pal sounds ideal.


Rhetorical question I presume? From them we can have nothing but CBT and GET. No treatment, no research, no respect, no future. If anyone else has the temerity to offer us medical treatments that actually work, they will stamp down on them as hard as they can.

The experience of patients is not 'evidence'. What we all know to be true based on decades of first-hand experience is not 'evidence'. People with 'untreatable' conditions getting healthy is not 'evidence'. The vast quantities of scientific research underlying the treatments known to be effective are not 'evidence' because those scientists all look a bit weird to them, when viewed from the surreal world of their pharma-funded ivory tower lives.

The only thing that counts as evidence is their science, their research, their psychobabble. The only thing that counts as evidence is what has been 'peer-reviewed' - by them. 'Evidence based medicine' they cry. They wouldn't know evidence if it hit them in the face.

They have denied us any meaningful publicly-funded treatment or support for decades. But that is not enough for them. Now they are determined to deny us any privately-funded treatment as well. Not content with denying me treatment and insulting and abusing me in the name of blatantly unscientific doctrines, when they add insult to injury by going to war on the only doctor in the UK who is actually treating us successfully, they are raising the stakes in a big way. It is a declaration of total war.

Now for the good news! We have massive untapped public support for the underlying fundamental issues at stake. 'Alternative' medicine is a hugely popular movement for a simple reason: vast quantities of the general population now know for certain, from their own experience, that the old system does not work for them and the traditional and natural models as well as the new models like environmental medicine do work. Vast numbers of people understand that environmental factors like the dangers of modern synthetic chemicals are routinely dismissed by the establishment - and vast numbers of people understand that this is all done for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with science.

I read about the dangers of Bisphenol-A a decade ago, and I was warned off it by those crazy environmental medicine hippies. In those days, it was all 'quackery', my GP said it looked really weird to him. This week it is, at last, established scientific fact that you can read about in the papers. Passing the process of 'peer review' did not suddenly make it any more true than it was before our scientific establishment got paid to rubber-stamp it. Those of us who have been fanatically avoiding these toxins for years have every right to feel smug when we are proven right, and as the evidence continues to pour in that we were right all along, sooner or later people are going to start listening to what we have to say. This sort of road-to-Damascus turnaround from "this is unscientific quackery" to "oh, sorry, turns out it's true" is happening so often now that their denials and debunkings are losing public credibility at an accelerating rate. Whenever they say "there is no evidence of that..." as an argument for not researching something, we know exactly what that means. The writing is on the wall for their old-fashioned ways. But they are clearly determined to go down with the ship, so when our own Berlin Wall eventually and inevitably does fall, let it fall on them. And let us all pray for humanity's sake that it falls soon.

I took a taxi ride today. Chatting to the driver, he told me of the agonising pain in his wrist and arm, that resisted diagnosis for many months through several doctors. He, like us, was told about 'mind-body' issues, and it was suggested to him that his pain might not be real. When he finally found a doctor who knew what he was talking about, 2 minutes with that guy pointed him at an MRI scan that found the bones in his wrist were severely degraded, he had an operation, and the pain was relieved for the next few years. Ordinary people like this understand us when we say to them: "If they can't work out what is wrong with you, they will try to tell you it might be all in your mind. It is their way of telling you to f**k off. They hate you now: you have made them feel inadequate because they can't work out what's going on. Get out fast before they start really screwing you over."

We, with ME/CFS, are not the only people with experiences so stark and undeniable that they disprove the lies they try to feed us. They can believe their own garbage-in garbage-out methods if they are stupid enough, but it makes no difference to us how much peer-reviewed bullshit they wave in front of our faces: We are human beings, not subjects or automatons, and we believe the overwhelming evidence of our own lives, our own experience, and that of our friends and family and community. And they can pull out whatever dumbass papers they like, they can pass whatever laws they like, they can persecute whoever they like - but they can't change reality, and they can't put genies back into bottles.

They have raised the stakes in the UK. I am still too angry to think straight, so I have prescribed myself some serious meditation (that's meditation, not medication) for the next few days. But maybe somebody out there who's been dealing with this gang of fossils for longer than I have can advise me: What on earth do we do now?

Hi mark,

The thing is that patient experience is taken as evidence of the benefits of CBT.It is all self reporting. Patient experience is taken as evidence regarding the reporting of side effects.Drs take patient experience as evidence when they ask them if they are better.When it comes to drugs on the other hand unrealistic contrived data is taken as evidence.The exclusion critrea in clinical studies mean that the patients that the doctors actually treat are not represented at all!


Senior Member
I think so too lotusflower, willow - she deffinately seems to know the system and I think that is Dr Ms problem, she is completely without guile. The website is a point in question, she gives away for free what many will share for a fee! Of course its all a nonsense you can get hold of any manner of stuff on the internet, so of course its personal but I too think she needs someone who can fight dirty.


Senior Member
London area
This is not just about failed science or ME. This is deliberate. My wife is a counsellor and in their official magazine today is an article stating how Somatization is about to become the new buzz word in the NHS. The government is busy trying to take over the BACP the official body of consellors and psychotherapists and replace then with "NHS trained counsellors". A fast track to conselling no doubt for the academically challenged and those stuck in low paid jobs. Brain wash them, they then brain wash the patient calling EVERYTHING somatization and hence a new era of health care is launched. Otherwise known as F**K you medicine. All provided by the real government, namely the insurance companies and vested commercial interests. Nice advisory jobs will be available to any doctor or politician willing to sell out, and suspension and striking of will meet the dissenters.

I fear for my children and their generation who will grow up with this as the norm. Wave goodbye to democracy folks and salute the commercial tanks as they march through our health, education and political system.

Just look now how Tony Blair the war monger is earning probably 20 times his salary as PM serving commercial interests and selling out all his supposed principles.

Lets all give a round of applause to the folks at the bad science site who are the easy to manipulate pawns in this new era of brainwashing the masses and the ill informed. Go forth folks and stick your kids with 35 injections before the age of 8. Ask for no update in the safety procedures of such policy. Don't weigh the kids in advance don't account for kids with health issues or even whether they have the flu. Trust the government who have given indemnity to supply vaccines programme to drug companies when those very companies have exclaimed safety issues. Trust the government who took those very vaccines and bought them at cut price from those drug companies and stuck our kids with them. Trust the government who have never carried out a BIO MEDICAL STUDY on the implications and effects of continuous vaccinations and the contraindications. Trust the government scientist in the CDC who is being investiagated for $2million worth of fraud from the so called scientific studies on MMR safety. Trust this very man who has gone AWOL. Trust his fake study that supplied false Danish data to provide the CDC with the claim that MMR was safe.

Trust the Governments who led us into a world wide resssion and a real estate crash when we could all see it coming. Trust the bankers who ran of with the money. Trust the govenments who bailed out the banks with our money. Trust the governments who fed hamburgers to their children on TV for publicity stunts before admitting BSE was a dangerous neurological condition resulting in them withdrawing british beef of the market altogether for years and some cuts of beef for longer. Trust the government who fiddle their expenses TRUST TRUST TRUST!!

Trust the psychs who work for insurance companies. Trust them to do immune and virological blood studies when they cant tell one end of a test tube from a pencil. Demand no money for advancement of physical illnesses such as MS ALS Me etc etc. Watch our kids and our servicemen slip into neurological hell due to vaccine damage that could have been reduced limited or even prevented by admitting to risks and improving the safety of such crucial medical procedures.

Go forth bad scientists.... YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!!


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Maarten is correct 100% in his analysis of what the verdict means and how it is legally highly dubious. Sadly Maarten, I doubt your hope to be undeceived will be realised. It looks to me exactly as you have said. They admitted themselves that they weren't interested in the truth, on this occasion. Their decision made no reference to clinical reality; actually, I read on Bad Science a warning that the patient testimony would be completely irrelevant to the process, they found it all quite comical, that we all had no understanding of how this thing works in law. Perhaps we all made the classic mistake of thinking Law is somehow connected to Justice. Perhaps we made the mistake of thinking that the experience of patients has some relevance to their process of deciding who can treat those patients. Clearly, it all has nothing whatsoever to do with healing the sick.

What they mind Cort is her success in treating patients with ME.This means that the powers that be are threatened.They want the field clear so that they can promote psychological causation.sarah's success with pharmacological interventions seriously weakens their position.This is political . i would not be surprised if wesselly and cronies are behind this
Yes Cort it would have been too obvious if they had asked for that to have been removed.the source of the complaint would have been too readily identifyable.this is a case of political assasination.She is not allowed to provide any of these treatments now.that is the key.if patients get better with her methods then certain psychiatrists cant claim that the cause of the illness is psychological can they?
Gerwyn, I often find that I differ ever so slightly from the way your analysis reads purely in the respect that I don't assume a planned and organised conspiracy. On this occasion, however, your analysis is particularly compelling. There is no logic to the decision to prevent Dr Myhill prescribing prescription drugs, in the context of the case against her. It does seem that it only really makes sense in terms of the desire to stop her practicing and successfully treating ME/CFS patients. Your analysis of the reasons behind the decision is logical, theirs is not.

Even so, I do still think it is unnecessary, and perhaps unhelpful, to describe the conspiracy in such explicit terms. I uncovered a minor conspiracy myself once. None of the conspirators saw themselves as a conspiracy. They found the idea ludicrous and laughable. Only when I took one of them through the logic and the definition of a conspiracy did he begin to realise what a conspiracy actually is. People 'inside the loop' do not see themselves that way. Talking explicitly in those terms tends to make any criticism easier for them to dismiss.

Furthermore, there are abstract and subtle mechanisms that can explain conspiracies in much less explicit terms. We can explain the confluence of behaviours, the convenient and suspicious-looking shared interests, in terms of the shared flawed assumptions and unquestioned principles of the people involved. The big modern "conspiracies" are most probably in reality led by mistaken ideas and dogmas, and supported by shared financial interests and institutional dynamics, rather than being explicitly organised.

In our case, narrow and uncritical approaches towards what is meant by "Evidence-Based", a paternalistic dogma about who should decide what is best for the masses, a left-winger's distrust of private medicine, and perhaps most crucially an unquestioning trust of authority and the benign nature of 'the system' - these characteristics are essential to career success in our current political environment, and they are sufficient to explain how the establishment works together in its own interest and against ours.

We almost need a new language to communicate how 'conspiracies' do not need to be 'organised'. Sad that it is so, because the correct analysis of the word 'conspiracy' is along the lines sketched above. But unfortunately, the word has come to mean something deep, dark, organised and explicit, and those using it are widely dismissed as 'conspiracy nutters'. I think we would serve our interests better by trying to avoid that sort of language.

And in case I'm misunderstood, Gerwyn, I'm not really saying you're any more guilty of all this than I am! And where you say "I'm not surprised if Wessely and cronies are behind this" - well, I must admit, I wouldn't fall off my chair if that turned out to be true either. But I tend to think there's no necessary reason to assume any such master plan or even any intent. The whole thing would play out just the same if it really was some random graduate student who came across Myhill's site and reported it. So personally, I'm trying to avoid implying any organisation to the behaviour of them. If my earlier post doesn't read that way, that's probably just down to the sense of anger and powerlessness I'm feeling right now.

Hi--maybe the next step should be for some British doctors or researchers to write to the GMC complaining that a certain Dr. Wessely, a psychiatrist, who has I believe declared that he knows nothing about the immune system, is practising medicine outside his competence

I agree Chris, I had already reached a similar conclusion yesterday re: strategy re: Bad Scientists. The best defence is a good offence.

As Adam said the other day, we need to select and stick to some core, simple messages, and the clearest most indisputable arguments, and we should keep hammering those messages again and again.

For example: the fundamental question I had in mind to ask Bad Science was this: "Somatisation disorder" - in what way is this a 'scientific' hypothesis? How could this hypothesis, that the mind caused the physical illness, be proved or disproved? How can anything concerning the innermost workings of the human mind ever be proved or disproved? If you claim to be scientists, why are concepts like "somatisation disorder" allowed in? This is one of the core concepts that everybody I have spoken to buys into straight away. I struggle to get other arguments through, but this one is winning every time for me amongst sceptical audiences with no axe to grind.

To have any chance of success though, our materials need to be thoroughly reviewed and critiqued by our most moderate, most sceptical friends on this forum. That is why we need a variety of viewpoints, and a friendly and secure environment where we can disagree over details as friends - because we must make a case that gives them no opportunity to reject it.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Quick PS to my previous point, after reading Flex's post.

Flex I agree 100% this is the agenda, this is the future being prepared, this is the direction things are going: CBT for all, woo the mind-body is a mysterious and powerful force, we can think our way out of all our problems, think positive everyone! All I am trying to say is: the people involved in it and driving it believe in what they are doing, and believe it is right and they are right and acting in our interest. It is very hard to believe and to face, I know. It is sickening that the biggest evils in the world are performed with the best intentions. It is actually a much darker vision than the explicit evil conspiracy version, but I'm sure it is more accurate, and I think it does help to make the case more effectively if one understands this.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
+1 with the addition that much of what is called 'conspiracy' is just collaboration or conformism.

Thanks Maarten, good point to fill out my analysis. I don't morally excuse it, just that much that we call 'evil' is really common-or-garden laziness, obedience and stupidity, and the people involved are tragically unaware that what they are doing is wrong. Many are trained from birth to learn that they are not clever enough to question their betters, and that the moral course lies in blind obedience - those are the most tragic and excusable cases. Most simply choose to take the easy way out that makes their life easier. Frankly, all of us are flawed in this respect to some extent, even the very best of us fight these flaws constantly, and we deceive ourselves if we think otherwise.

For the non-linguists: "Menschlich-all-zu-menschlich" = "Human, all too human" - assuming I've guessed that one correctly...


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
This is what Rita Pal says on the case the ex doctor the medico legal expert about how it needs to be tackled, she is experienced in cases with GMC so I think she is worth listening too. This is what my partner said was the way to go about it too and he has legal background


have found the Sarah Myhill case interesting. Being a GMC geek, I know a lot about GMC cases. I also know the best way to fight them. Not that anyone ever listens to me. I probably win about 70 percent of the time. Myhill's presentation needed to attack their procedures. This is what she failed to do. The GMC are not reasonable people therefore they don't behave reasonably.

We can first names of the Yorkshire GPs who made the complaints against Myhill online. Secondly, someone can contemplate the reporting of Jonas to the Health Professions Council. I believe the jousting should commence properly and effectively. Wars are all about winning and it is time Myhill won her case. It depends on whether her supporters campaign in the right way or not. It is time for a reversal of fortune.

If Myhill's campaigners are reading this - if Myhill is to be freed from the GMC, battle has to commence and it can't be the polite reasoned wishy washy campaign. It needs to be an aggressive attack. Of course, again few people will listen and if they don't, Myhill is looking at a suspension at least.

Dr Rita Pal
full article here



Amen to all of that!

Get real, get smart, and learn the rules of the game, if you actually want to win.

Aggressive, yes. Take the fight to the enemy, yes.

Re: "Polite, reasoned, wishy washy campaign"...some complex thoughts on that. We have to be reasoned, logical, accurate, backed by evidence. But we also have to be aggressive, angry, and pro-active. A difficult balance. We need to work together and trust each other to achieve it.

We need all wings of the campaign. In the big picture, the whole spectrum of approaches all play their part. But in the finite game of a GMC hearing, if you don't know how the game works, you lose. If you quite rightly hate that game, you need to find a friend, who can live in that world, on your side.

And yes: who the heck are those 8 Yorkshire GPs, and what is to be done about their ignorance?...


Senior Member
London area

Wessely and GMC complaint

At this point I would like to draw attention to a project I started here a couple of months ago. I was unable to take it forward at the desired speed due to, lack of experience, ongoing illness, a concrete edit, and the constantly changing nature of the story.

I really think it is now time to revive this project particularly regarding comments in this thread. I don't care how it is done or who joins in. I will say one thing though; "please no unnecessary scathing criticisms of ideas or the project". I am aware it is raw and was from the very start. I am just a very sick person trying to take on a monumental task, one which cannot be done alone.

You will see by the link below that the letter is a little out of date now due to the advancing story. However I still believe in the idea.

Those interested in participating or indeed taking on a large part of the project please post on the thread or PM me.



Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Mark thank you. You've articulated what I feel but am unable to express.

There are so, so many people poorly treated by our medical system. My feeling is we ought to be able to tap in to the wider disiillusionment and awakening amongst people with a whole range of diseases. Some friends have even lost thier lives or their children's lives because medic did not listen or shooed them away. For me it is not only about alternative or complementary medicine but about knowledgeable, respectful, compassionate medicine of all shades.

Willow, thank you too. Being relatively free from cognitive impairment now, I always hope that I am also speaking for those who can't do so themselves in the same way.

And it's soooo encouraging to hear others who want to look out wider than our community: there is a much bigger picture here as well which we all tend to lose sight of.