Dr Myhill information


Plays With Voodoo Dollies
Fred you might want to PM . As far as I know they were looking for people that had a place in the hearing but could not attend.


Thank you, have sent her my photo. How lovely that she is supporting her mum.


The game is afoot
I've let him know. I'll post it on FB too, but thought I'd try here first, so I don't get inundated with begging PMs and have to disappoint lots of people. ;)
Dr Myhill ---follow the case on Twitter

* One Click Opens Twitter Account For Breaking GMC Vs. Dr Sarah Myhill News

Worldwide interest has been expressed in the flagrantly unjust Interim Orders Panel Hearing orchestrated by the General Medical Council vs. Dr Sarah Myhill that is to take place on Thursday 29 April at 9.30 am. A Demonstration is to follow outside the GMC offices in London at 1.30 pm with the GMC's decision on the fate of so many of her patients to be announced at 2.00 pm. In order to keep our readers informed of this major event, One Click has set up a Twitter account so that we can Tweet the news of this event to you as it breaks in real time. To get information on the GMC vs. Dr Sarah Myhill, you will need to sign up for a Twitter account if you do not already have one. Here is the link http://twitter.com/OneClickGroup. We have installed a Twitter button on the left hand side of the website's home page for your use. Follow the Dr Myhill / GMC breaking news from Twitter straight to your mobile or computer with One Click. Enjoy!
Information Release, The One Click Group
Myhill pr newswire

Statement on Behalf of Dr Sarah Myhill Concerning GMC Hearing of 29 April

LONDON, April 27, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Statement on behalf of Dr Sarah Myhill:

On Thursday 8th April 2010, Dr Sarah Myhill, a private GP, was summoned to a GMC Hearing on Monday 12th April so that her license to practise medicine could be suspended whilst anonymous allegations against her were investigated. The GMC gave her one working day to respond.

When challenged, the GMC re-arranged the Hearing for 29th April to start at 09.30 am. It is scheduled to last for approximately 1 1/2 hours. At Dr Myhill's specific request, the Hearing is to be made open to the public. Mr John R Macdonald QC of New Square Chambers, Lincoln 's Inn, London, will be accompanying Dr Myhill to the Hearing.

With the GMC unable to accommodate the numerous requests for seats at the Hearing, Dr Myhill's patients, their families and friends will be organising a demonstration of support outside the GMC offices at 1.30pm. The GMC are scheduled to release their Hearing decision at 2.00 pm.

Dr Myhill believes that she has been targeted by the GMC because of her interest in allergy and nutritional medicine which she uses to treat a wide range of conditions from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), Gulf War Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, to Organophosphate poisoning and Aerotoxic Syndrome, amongst others.

Dr Myhill has been subjected to GMC scrutiny since 2001, during which time she has faced six Fitness to Practice Hearings. All these were cancelled by the GMC with no case to answer. To our knowledge, no patient has ever complained to the GMC about Dr Myhill and we know of no patient that has been harmed nor put at risk.

During this time the GMC have spent GBP136,692.12 on external solicitors' fees and disbursements in addition to their own internal costs, estimated to be in excess of GBP500,000.

On 12th August 2009 Dr Myhill met with Jackie Smith, Head of Fitness to Practise Investigations at the GMC. Jackie Smith has not signed the minutes of that meeting and has not met with John Macdonald QC, Dr Myhill's legal representative.

The GMC have formulated no allegations against Dr Myhill. But on the basis of one complaint concerning the use of vitamin B12 injections to a patient and a second anonymous complaint about her website the GMC have decided there is "a potential risk to public safety"

If Dr Myhill is suspended on April 29th many of her patients will be directly damaged by the GMC's action. See a sample of patient support here:

Facebook - Support Dr Sarah Myhill

http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=108048875899603&ref=search&sid=1000 00728469172.4083097511..1

Petition -


The One Click Group - Support Dr Sarah Myhill Campaign Launched

http://www.theoneclickgroup.co.uk/documents/ME-CFS_docs/Support Dr Sa rah%20Myhill%20Campaign.pdf

If you wish to see the 259 letters so far sent to the GMC please contact office@doctormyhill.co.uk Available on-line. Or telephone 01547 550191.

Notes To Editors:

1. See: Opinion, Mr John R Macdonald QC - Dr Sarah Myhill and the GMC 2001-2007, the GMC's duty and Case Law

http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/John_McDonald's_Opinion_-_Sarah_Myhill_a nd_the_GMC_2001-2007

2. See: Minutes of the meeting with Jackie Smith Head of GMC Investigations, August 12th 2008

http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Meeting_with_Jackie_Smith_Head_of_GMC_Inve stigations

3. See: Details of the charges, April 2010

http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/drmyhill/index.php?title=Category:My_GMC_Hearin g&action=edit&section=15

4. See: The GMC are taking patients' notes without their knowledge or consent

http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Category:My_GMC_Hearing#The_GMC_are_taking _patients.27_notes_without_their_knowledge_or_consent (Due to the length of the above URLs, it may be necessary to copy and paste these hyperlinks into your Internet browser's URL address field. Remove the space in each url if one exists.)

For further information, please contact:
Dr Sarah Myhill
Office number +44(0)1547-330-331
Mobile +44(0)7870-137-442
Email office@doctormyhill.co.uk

Distributed by PR Newswire on behalf of Support Dr Sarah Myhill


Senior Member
i have posted this on the DR Myhill's licence in jeopardy thread but thought it might get lost on there with the volume of replies to the thread so i thought it best to post seperately .

there is also an interview on wales today with fottage from outside the GMC http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00s7sgh/BBC_Wales_Today_29_04_2010/ starts around 13 mins 45 secs . this link may not work you may have to search on i player . go to news then wales today you will find it


iherb code TAK122
Thanks for that Polly, I'm still feeling gutted after hearing the news yesterday, feel even more sad watching this. Words fail me about the action taken by the GMC, just more evidence of our rights to treatment as we choose being not only ignored but trampled on, they really don't care. She's got such af fight on now for the next 18 month unless she appeals.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
I was there protesting Dr Myhill's innocence.

To all those who couldn't make it (especially the internationals), I will say that Dr Myhill seemed to be in exceptionally good spirits before the verdict. I think that is down in large part to the support she has received from far and wide. From patients and non-patients alike. I think she found it extremely humbling, as you can see in her speech where she is almost reduced to tears at one point.

A big thank you to all those who wrote in.