I don't read Jack Kruse and the most I know about his ideas I read here on this thread.
Coincidentally, recently I was studying about degradation of Riboflavin by blue light (which is serious scientific stuff), and connected a lot of dots of my helath decline with the purchase of a 50" plasma TV set + wi-fi at home combined with an old cordless phone set use (worse than cell phone).
I was so intrigued back then as to why the new TV set would cause so much eye-strain and fatigue, and many years later I found out about the same effect by my computer wi-fi and the the old cordless phone set. I found out about EMF through some semi/full-quack websites and experienced great relief by throwing out the cordless phones both at home and at work. Supplementing magnesium eliminated my EMF sensitivity though.
But never realized about the blue light connection until a couple of weeks ago when I was re-exposed to a strong blue light device that instantly caused the skin on my face to look like this. I only realized the connection with B2 when I tried to up my T4 replacement and got the same skin problem again, leading me to research about B2 deficiency. That is when I found out about the blue light connection. Supplementing Riboflavin (+cofactors) at bedtime healed my skin and improved sleep and energy (no need to up T4 replacement anymore).
Yep, you already have the general idea then.