Dr Jack Kruse's explanation of what CFS is


Senior Member
I live in FLORIDA and spend hours outside in the sun EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is just one of the reasons that I think what Jack Kruse writes doesn't hold water.

Sun might help some, but it is not a panacea.

I have also spent months at a time living almost off grid on a 60+ acre property my family owned, where I was outside pretty much as soon as I woke up until it got dark, only coming inside for lunch. No internet, no TV, no computer. Almost no blue light. And I got worse while I was there.

How about instead of just quoting JK and posting links, you discuss what YOU THINK and why YOU BELIEVE something makes sense or not.

Calcium efflux is ONE off the major issues in CFS. Look into it.

It seems that when your scientific or medical career is over because your mind is not longer the sharp tool it used to be, you can always make money by impressing the gullible public with some "word salad" pseudoscientific concoctions, comprising random terms strung together in a way that impresses the scientifically illiterate.


So you think humans were meant to be indoors, surrounded by blue light? Is that a good environment for mitochondria to function? You do not think nnEMF causing calcium efflux?

The further you get away from nature, the sicker you will be. Quite simple really.
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Calcium efflux is ONE off the major issues in CFS. Look into it.


So you think humans were meant to be indoors, surrounded by blue light? Is that a good environment for mitochondria to function? You do not think nnEMF causing calcium efflux?

The further you get away from nature, the sicker you will be. Quite simple really.

@keenly, you are not reading, absorbing, or responding to legitimate questions and issues people are bringing up. When someone mentions a piece of information that directly conflicts with a Jack Kruse statement, you ignore it and try to redirect them to something completely irrelevant.

You seem to not be able to accept that even if SOME of what JK states could be good ideas, he is not an infallible authority who has the cure for everyone. This is why I say that your behavior is typical of fanaticism - an inability to see shades of gray. For you, JK seems to be a messiah, no questions asked.

You say that the further you get from nature, the sicker you will be. Except that I've already mentioned that when I spent a significant amount of time almost completely off grid, I got worse. I was waiting for you to follow up on that, but you didn't. You just redirected.

@keenly, as I said before, you can follow whatever guru you want, no matter how nonsensical he is. No one is telling you that you have to abandon JK. But if you're going to post on here JK quotes relating to health issues we are all struggling with, you have to expect that we will seriously analyze what he is saying and see if it holds water, or determine if it's even scientifically plausible.

Saying that JK is quackery when he makes unsubstantiated and nonsensical claims is not an attack on YOU, yet you seem to be taking it personally and are starting to attack others. Again, this is not the way to convince people. What is your purpose for posting on this forum? Because it's starting to seem like your intent is to argue and insult people, rather than help others to understand what you consider to be so important. Another sign of fanaticism.

This is what religious fanatics say about Jesus (obviously substitute 'read the bible' for 'listen to his interviews')
Listen to his interviews. Change your life.

More examples of fanaticism (incessant fawning over the person rather than focusing on the validity of the ideas the person promotes)
Jack knows more than 99% of doctors on the planet
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Senior Member
Regarding the 'highest grade of energy' nonsense, quacks love talking about unmeasurable things, since you can't argue that their nonsense is incorrect nonsense. One of my favourite bits of quackery is 'healing frequencies'. They sell gadgets that measure or emit 'frequencies', but never say what is actually oscillating. You need something--voltage, pressure, etc--to be changing at a rate per time, but the quacks don't understand even that much about physics, so they're claiming to measure or generate something purely imaginary.

For the quackery and historical 'alternative healing' that involve 'energies' in the body, it always amazes me how these energies can have such strong claimed effects on the body, yet neither the energies nor their claimed physical effects on the body can be measured even with today's most sensitive lab instruments.

Regarding EMF being a factor, I've been living in a remote cabin (4 miles to the nearest powerline) for around five years now. It didn't make any noticeable difference in my health.
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Senior Member
Regarding the 'highest grade of energy' nonsense, quacks love talking about unmeasurable things, since you can't argue that their nonsense is incorrect nonsense. One of my favourite bits of quackery is 'healing frequencies'. They sell gadgets that measure or emit 'frequencies', but never say what is actually oscillating. You need something--voltage, pressure, etc--to be changing at a rate per time, but the quacks don't understand even that much about physics, so they're claiming to measure or generate something purely imaginary.

For the quackery and historical 'alternative healing' that involve 'energies' in the body, it always amazes me how these energies can have such strong claimed effects on the body, yet neither the energies nor their claimed physical effects on the body can be measured even with today's most sensitive lab instruments.


Senior Member
I live in FLORIDA and spend hours outside in the sun EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is just one of the reasons that I think what Jack Kruse writes doesn't hold water.

I've been living in a remote cabin (4 miles to the nearest powerline) for around five years now. It didn't make any noticeable difference in my health.

By the time a person gets to our stage of system breakdown, it is not going to be easy to get the body into healing mode. Often there is a missing link in what we are doing. It takes time to get it all together, and the longer we have been sick, and the more damage there is, means that more effort must be put into finding the missing link or links.

In my opinion diet is the first thing that must be put right and it takes time to get it right. No grain is the starting point for many with severe leaky gut and no seed, nut, and legume is often needed, as in the autoimmune protocol.

I have had to go though many years of experimenting with various diets to find the one that got my body healing. It is worthwhile though. Giving up is easy, I know. There is hope though. My health was destroyed before I was six months old, and I have never known what normal health feels like.

I believe that using many of the available medications for pain relief etc stops the body from getting into the healing mode. There are other ways to deal with pain and the body can be made to produce its own pain killing hormones. I have not taken a pain killer for as long as I remember and could withstand gall bladder attacks because of it (which have ceased btw although my GP wanted me to have surgery - not suggesting that others do the same).


Senior Member
@keenly, you are not reading, absorbing, or responding to legitimate questions and issues people are bringing up. When someone mentions a piece of information that directly conflicts with a Jack Kruse statement, you ignore it and try to redirect them to something completely irrelevant.

You seem to not be able to accept that even if SOME of what JK states could be good ideas, he is not an infallible authority who has the cure for everyone. This is why I say that your behavior is typical of fanaticism - an inability to see shades of gray. For you, JK seems to be a messiah, no questions asked.

You say that the further you get from nature, the sicker you will be. Except that I've already mentioned that when I spent a significant amount of time almost completely off grid, I got worse. I was waiting for you to follow up on that, but you didn't. You just redirected.

@keenly, as I said before, you can follow whatever guru you want, no matter how nonsensical he is. No one is telling you that you have to abandon JK. But if you're going to post on here JK quotes relating to health issues we are all struggling with, you have to expect that we will seriously analyze what he is saying and see if it holds water, or determine if it's even scientifically plausible.

Saying that JK is quackery when he makes unsubstantiated and nonsensical claims is not an attack on YOU, yet you seem to be taking it personally and are starting to attack others. Again, this is not the way to convince people. What is your purpose for posting on this forum? Because it's starting to seem like your intent is to argue and insult people, rather than help others to understand what you consider to be so important. Another sign of fanaticism.

This is what religious fanatics say about Jesus (obviously substitute 'read the bible' for 'listen to his interviews')

More examples of fanaticism (incessant fawning over the person rather than focusing on the validity of the ideas the person promotes)

The irony is palpable. Nobody has a cure for anybody else. One has to take care of themselves. That is the point. YOU are angry and ranting, not me. I do not give a shit if you think Jack knows nothing. Drop the hostility. I am fanatical about no person on Earth. I have not given Kruse one penny. I just agree with him about nature, blue light, nnemf and the mitochondria, if you do not; get on with life everything is fine. Why are you go on so much? It is not normal.

Relax. Nature is great, is it not?


Senior Member
Saying that JK is quackery when he makes unsubstantiated and nonsensical claims is not an attack on YOU, yet you seem to be taking it personally and are starting to attack others.

That's not a balanced view either. The first 3 commenter did straight attack, and for reason only known to them self, they didn't differentiate between keenly or JK. That's why my first comment started with:

Though I don't agree with the condescending tone of most comments, I beg to differ.

With so much undifferentiated attacks from the onset the fight wasn't started by Keenly.


Senior Member
It just had to done..


Senior Member
That's not a balanced view either. The first 3 commenter did straight attack, and for reason only known to them self, they didn't differentiate between keenly or JK. That's why my first comment started with:

With so much undifferentiated attacks from the onset the fight wasn't started by Keenly.
Exactly, so much hostility.

So unnecessary.


Senior Member
Regarding the 'highest grade of energy' nonsense, quacks love talking about unmeasurable things, since you can't argue that their nonsense is incorrect nonsense. One of my favourite bits of quackery is 'healing frequencies'. They sell gadgets that measure or emit 'frequencies', but never say what is actually oscillating. You need something--voltage, pressure, etc--to be changing at a rate per time, but the quacks don't understand even that much about physics, so they're claiming to measure or generate something purely imaginary.

For the quackery and historical 'alternative healing' that involve 'energies' in the body, it always amazes me how these energies can have such strong claimed effects on the body, yet neither the energies nor their claimed physical effects on the body can be measured even with today's most sensitive lab instruments.

Regarding EMF being a factor, I've been living in a remote cabin (4 miles to the nearest powerline) for around five years now. It didn't make any noticeable difference in my health.

Read this, what do you disagree with?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I have tried many things and many different peoples protocols over the last 7 years. I have had far more improvement with Jacks ideas than ANYONE else.

He can be obnoxious and has a large ego but for all you saying he is a quack, the proof is in the pudding.


Senior Member
I have tried many things and many different peoples protocols over the last 7 years. I have had far more improvement with Jacks ideas than ANYONE else.

He can be obnoxious and has a large ego but for all you saying he is a quack, the proof is in the pudding.

It makes sense to be in sunlight, our mitochondria do not function well in blue light, surround by EMF.


Senior Member
I don't read Jack Kruse and the most I know about his ideas I read here on this thread.

Coincidentally, recently I was studying about degradation of Riboflavin by blue light (which is serious scientific stuff), and connected a lot of dots of my helath decline with the purchase of a 50" plasma TV set + wi-fi at home combined with an old cordless phone set use (worse than cell phone).

I was so intrigued back then as to why the new TV set would cause so much eye-strain and fatigue, and many years later I found out about the same effect by my computer wi-fi and the the old cordless phone set. I found out about EMF through some semi/full-quack websites and experienced great relief by throwing out the cordless phones both at home and at work. Supplementing magnesium eliminated my EMF sensitivity though.

But never realized about the blue light connection until a couple of weeks ago when I was re-exposed to a strong blue light device that instantly caused the skin on my face to look like this. I only realized the connection with B2 when I tried to up my T4 replacement and got the same skin problem again, leading me to research about B2 deficiency. That is when I found out about the blue light connection. Supplementing Riboflavin (+cofactors) at bedtime healed my skin and improved sleep and energy (no need to up T4 replacement anymore).


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@Gondwanaland Have you read up much on Red/IR and it's effects on mitochondria? Some people have had good effects from sunlight in the eyes and/or red/ir (600-1000nm) in the eye. I think my eyestrain is helped by my red light when the tv is on...


Senior Member
Living in fresh air also means living with many living microbes, not in the realtively sterile atmosphere of a cleaned room.
So fresh air supports healthy microbes.

Maybe the sunlight is some form of mild bioelectricity: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/05/170526084555.htm

Changing natural electrical signaling in non-neural cells improves innate immune response to bacterial infections and injury.

so it helps to support the immunity.

It´s (sadly) not the key for healing of CFS, but very important for the immunity.


Senior Member
I have also had success with eyestrain and sleep with programs such as IRIS and flux. I have no doubt using these programs have helped in many other ways too...
I have been using f.lux for years and love it. I haven't had eyestrain for a long time now.