I live in FLORIDA and spend hours outside in the sun EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is just one of the reasons that I think what Jack Kruse writes doesn't hold water.
Sun might help some, but it is not a panacea.
I have also spent months at a time living almost off grid on a 60+ acre property my family owned, where I was outside pretty much as soon as I woke up until it got dark, only coming inside for lunch. No internet, no TV, no computer. Almost no blue light. And I got worse while I was there.
How about instead of just quoting JK and posting links, you discuss what YOU THINK and why YOU BELIEVE something makes sense or not.
Calcium efflux is ONE off the major issues in CFS. Look into it.
It seems that when your scientific or medical career is over because your mind is not longer the sharp tool it used to be, you can always make money by impressing the gullible public with some "word salad" pseudoscientific concoctions, comprising random terms strung together in a way that impresses the scientifically illiterate.
So you think humans were meant to be indoors, surrounded by blue light? Is that a good environment for mitochondria to function? You do not think nnEMF causing calcium efflux?
The further you get away from nature, the sicker you will be. Quite simple really.
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