There's a new thread over in "General ME/CFS News" discussing this short segment involving CFS on
This seems like an opportunity to capitalize on Oprah's media power. There have been several comments to the article already and suggestions that people try to contact Oprah.
I'm thinking that this might be a case where a communication from "The Microbiome Discovery Project" or " The Columbia Center for Infection and Immunity" might have a much better chance of catching the attention of someone at than a flood of individual emails. Something in an "official" capacity, especially coming from, or endorsed by, a known institution like Columbia University seems more likely to make it to Oprah's desk than comments from random names off the internet.
Oprah is nothing if not media-savvy. It seems to me that a story about how the world's most famous virus hunter was denied funding for CFS, and is resorting to crowd-funding, makes a compelling headline Oprah might be interested in. Who knows, maybe Oprah might even make a contribution, or issue a "matching challenge", if someone can get her attention. We desperately need people in powerful places, and Oprah is an influential woman who knows how to use the media.
I'm not adverse to a bunch of emails and comments to, but I'm thinking an "official" effort might get better a better result.
BTW, I wrote this in the spirit of sharing and kicking around ideas. I don't want to seem like I'm armchair quarterbacking all the fantastic work that the team is doing. I'm certainly not offended if other people have other ideas...the more ideas the better. Also, this might not be the right thread for this seems like there was another one, but I couldn't find it.