Dr Ian Lipkin's $1.27m gut microbiome study - crowdfunding campaign - news and updates


Senior Member
England (south coast)
The Microbe Discovery Project said:
Thank you to everyone for your support for Dr. Ian Lipkin's microbiome appeal. Together, we are already making a difference!

So far, $68,046 has been raised from 438 donations from a total of 22 countries!

This truly is a global effort - thank you to everyone who has made a donation, helped to spread the word about this crowdfunding campaign or helped in other ways.

Please consider making a donation at www.bit.ly/DonateToDrLipkin - maybe soon the number of countries will go up? To find out more about the proposed study, the scientists, the microbiome and more, please visit www.microbediscovery.org

Later today, we will also reveal all the US states from where donations have been made - so keep an eye on this page!



Senior Member
England (south coast)
The Microbe Discovery Project team said:
Earlier today, we revealed that Dr. Ian Lipkin's crowdfunding appeal has received donations from 22 countries.

Gifts have also been received from 36 US states, so far - which is more than a half of all states.

$68,096 from 439 donations has been raised as of today, from all over the world.

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation, helped to spread the word about this crowdfunding campaign or helped in other ways.

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Senior Member
I'd encourage anyone who hasn't to read this thread, because it deals with CFS research funding (don't be put off by the title):


While it doesn't mention "our" crowdfunding by name, I suspect the comment "even if they have to rely on crowdfunding" may be in relation to Dr. Lipkin.

This might be an opportunity for someone to email the author "officially" on behalf of The Microbiome Discovery Project...who knows, it might catch his eye, get a response, and lead to a follow-up. Even if it was just a thank you and a link to the Project website I would think it's worth doing. I just think that something that appears to be from an "organization" is more likely to get noticed than something from a random name on the internet.

I "liked" the article, and I hope others will too, but I wasn't able to enter a "comment" for some reason.


Senior Member
it´s getting really international this study :),

What do you think - which will be the last white place in the US map? I am guessing just for fun Montana :)


Senior Member
Is our fundraising-update-machine broken...or, even worse, our fundraising-update-person not doing well? I hope that no updates doesn't mean that donations have stopped coming in....


Fine, thank you
Is our fundraising-update-machine broken...or, even worse, our fundraising-update-person not doing well? I hope that no updates doesn't mean that donations have stopped coming in....

This just posted on FB:

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay in total updates - there was a small hiccup. Our last update had to be reduced as a donor accidentally gave too much and was reimbursed. But we have a fabulous new total, folks!

New total is: $94,096 from 465 donations!

Amongst all the wonderful new donations we received, someone contacted Columbia University and donated a whopping $25,000!
Great news for all who have donated and people who are supporting the research.

Thank you all so much for every single donation and your support.

Together we can make it happen!

$25k! Wow! That was a very generous donor! :balloons::balloons::balloons:


Senior Member
England (south coast)
The Microbe Discovery Project team said:
Crowdfunding Update.

Today's crowdfunding total is:

$94,147 from 467 donations

Thanku to everyone!

We're heading towards $100,000! Let's see if we can get there by the end of next week!

As Sasha mentioned in the post above, Columbia have recently received a $25,000 donation.
The donation was from a businessman who has a daughter with ME/CFS.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Most of the team are struggling with their health at the moment, and we have a shortage of volunteers.
If anyone would like to help out, in any way, then please get in touch.
It's a small friendly team, and you don't need to make a major commitment.


Senior Member
Most of the team are struggling with their health at the moment, and we have a shortage of volunteers.
If anyone would like to help out, in any way, then please get in touch.
It's a small friendly team, and you don't need to make a major commitment.

I'm really sorry to hear that people on the team aren't doing well....when the updates went silent, I feared as much.

By way of a suggestion, maybe a list of that tasks that need doing regularly could be posted, with just the briefest description. People might be more inclined to volunteer if they can wrap their minds around what they might be getting into, before they step forward. As a survival mechanism, I think most of us have developed a knee-jerk reaction to not involve ourselves in anything, for fear of getting in over our heads and ending up on the sofa for weeks...and yet some of the tasks may be small enough to manage.

Of course I realize that making a list of tasks in itself constitutes yet another task, but it might bring some additional help forward.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
By way of a suggestion, maybe a list of that tasks that need doing regularly could be posted, with just the briefest description. People might be more inclined to volunteer if they can wrap their minds around what they might be getting into, before they step forward. As a survival mechanism, I think most of us have developed a knee-jerk reaction to not involve ourselves in anything, for fear of getting in over our heads and ending up on the sofa for weeks...and yet some of the tasks may be small enough to manage.
Thanks Gerald. I'm the same. I avoid signing up for any long-term commitments. My capacity to do anything is unreliable and random, and I need loads of time to myself resting, without responsibilities. So I think what you've suggested is a great idea. I'll chat to the team about it.