Another update from me. Ken Larrson of Microbiome Prescription had a look at my latest data and we noticed a very significant and interesting trend. When I was at 90% function in Jan/Feb/March 2023 before my pfizer crash my anti inflammatory score was 93% on microbiome prescription and my firmicutes were at 60%:
As you can see above. This correlates with gram negative bacteria level:
You can see here how the gram negative bacteria were very low in Feb and March, only going haywire after the vaccine. I had a few insults before that, lauricidin, metronidazole and neem/tulsi end of March and May that sent the microbiome into a whirl, but the booster did the most damage. I think I can safely say not all of that damage was microbiome, but you can see that from May 4th onwards that vaccine has done something. Warburg effect with ph changes and other issues maybe.
Also note my butyrate here:
All of these markers appear to be biomarkers for my ME, they are all related so if one changes th eother changes, no need to focus on them individually, you can just focus on them as a whole. Increasing dietary fibre to 30g a day seems important, persistent use of Inulin and PHGG made these figures worse, as they increased bacteroides and bacteroidetes and prevotolla bacteria. Which are mostly inflammatory.
But I had been taking Inulin for nearly a year with only a few breaks, biomesight nad microbiome prescription recommended inulin to begin with, now they don't recommend it at all and phgg hasn't appeared for awhile tiher. So caution here that these two can make you feel better but then they might make you feel worse.
Bottom line is that regular testing is important.
So what does this mean for Dr Bansal's interventions? Well in my case it means that anti inflammatory biomarkers (see above) and Ken's results see below:
Show that Valtrex may be a red herring and that whilst it does ameliorate fatigue sometimes, it doesn't always work. I believe this is because the fatigue is sometimes coming from ebv but that after a few months of valtrex it's coming from my microbiome not ebv. Also it only sometimes helps my sore throat. The rest of the time my sore throat seems to by MCAS due to birch pollen.
I think MCAS must be comorbid as it seems to be worse now but didn't exist 3 years ago - covid vaccines prob switched it on.
So in a few months I'll prob stop taking valtrex as it is still giving my kidney pressure/stones and that is starting to worry me as it's been a year now with that symptom on/off. But I have a feeling that valtrex whilst it does help a lot, might be trumped by a vastly lower gram negative score, which would allow the patients body to self heal by dramatically lowering inflammatory scores in the body using gut bacteria.
I felt amazing in febuary/march, my hpa axis was completely healed and I was very shocked, i still am! Hopefully I am finally onto something and I can get back there. My latest results show that my dietary changes and stopping inulin and phgg appear to be working, albiet slowly.
It's a shame testing is so expensive, regulary testing seems like a must