Dr Bansal consultation


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
found a study from 2020 that shows herpes viruses react in patients who are very allergic to birch tree pollen. I
I also have birch pollen allergies. Usually can't eat apples in the Spring either because there is a cross reaction to those.

am off on holiday soon so I need my kidneys to be stone free! Think I passed one last night fingers crossed.

There is an herb that's supposed to be helpful with kidney stones called Chanca Piedra, I think. Not sure how well it works though.
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Senior Member
and magnesium 400mg a day (based oN joshua's research this is probably too much and will cause magnesium dumping)
First time heard about Mg-dumping from a dose as low as 400mg. I've been taking in average about 1.8 g/d of elemental Mg for the last 14 years, and repeadedly tested deficiency. Finally only a serie of Mg-sulfate IVs before covid ceased very painful muscle-cramps. Not possible to get any IVs since then, muscle cramps are much less frequent now.

Can you tell me more about Joshua's research on Mg-dumping? What an irony if it was caused by higher and higher doses to get the run-away deficiency under control?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hey Pamojja,
You'd have to ask Happy on discord as you know he's banned from posting here.

I don't take any now, had to stop due to kidney stones, makes them tons worse.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@Judee are you psychic Judee?!?!?!

I saw my GP today, he was amazing really good and he told me about Chanca Piedra for the first time. Never heard of it. So I ahve done some research, turns out 1000mg of pomegrenate extract is just as good as Chanca Piedra. So I am going to do an experiment and start taking my pomegrenate extract with valtrex and see if it stops the crystals from clumping together, as my body was doing amazingly well on valtrex.

Also pondering if I can take 1000mg twice a day on really intense supplement days. Anything to stop crystallisation and super saturation - I am hoping that once my microbiome returns to normal I won't really need to worry anymore.

Oxalabacter Formigenes is almost extinct in my gut I am hoping to revive it so I don't loose it forever.


Senior Member
You'd have to ask Happy on discord as you know he's banned from posting here.
Guess I forgot? On the other hand, if only one person can explain a theory but nobody else understands, nor any other real experiences found, I guess its not worth to interact about on an other social media. Thanks.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I've stopped taking probiotics because I believe they are killing oxalabacter formigenes, I am hoping to prevent it from going extinct (it's almost undetectable). Hopefully I will get the killing to stop before it's too late.

I'll be taking 6 billion cfu's only going forward hoping that won't cause issues.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I built an app before my crash that lets me view bacteria over time, and I saw that oxalabacter started to die after I began Joshua's protocol (also the time at which I started probiotics) and continues to die to this day:


The reason it went up in May is because I stopped probiotics (I believe). So I am hoping to recover formigenes, as without it oxalate is far more likely to cause kidney stones in a persons diet.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
You can do - but I am not suggesting you need to, it's purely optional unless I can showhow prove that a healthier microbiome (bottom range of healthy) and antivirals together as opposed to apart are required - I think this will be very difficult to prove.

I take 6g inulin and 6g phgg right now, I try to rotate as best I can :)


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I think Lassessen also talks about pomegranate in some of his posts maybe as improving lactobacillus and bifidolphilus (sp) though posts are getting harder to find on his site.

I think Mary also mentioned in a thread recently that it is helping her with stamina.
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Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Ah cool! @Mary you finding it helpful?
Hi @godlovesatrier - yes, apparently I did, see this thread. Last March I had emergency surgery and 2 weeks hospitalization and 3 weeks recovery at home (don't worry, all's well now!) but anyways, I got temporarily off all my supplements and then had severe insomnia when I added them back, so I re-introduced my supps back verrry slowly and carefully one at a time and did manage to track down the insomnia culprit (too much calcium!). But I just haven't gotten around to adding back the pomegranate. I'd forgotten that it gave me more stamina such that I could do more without crashing! I just re-learned this when I looked at my thread I linked above. So I'm going to restart it tomorrow!

Thanks @Judee for mentioning this - you helped me! :nerd:


Senior Member
United Kingdom
It might be pure coincidence (might be the nicotine patches I did) but my crashes have been less severe since I went up to 1200mg pomegrenate extract a day. Interesting!


Senior Member
United Kingdom

So I looked into it. Reishi turned out to be positive with a heavy correlation for animals growth which has also shown up on my 16s as being consistently active in my samples which is saying something because species come and go like the weather in my microbiome. Nobody can say if that's normal becuase nvoodu has done the analysis. What id give to get my hands on actual data - fully anonmyised of course.

Anyway reishi is definitely not bad for the microbiome. Of course without completing removing it for two months and retesting there's no way to know whether the microbiome would be better off or not :/


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I was just reading a review on Amazon for K2 where someone said it helped with kidney stones just in case you were looking for other helps with this issue @godlovesatrier. (K2 NOT K1. :))


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi all,

Update again, still on the valtrex prescribed by dr bansal. I stopped it for about 4 weeks due to very bad kidney stones, then went on holiday and they went away, due to drinking 4 litres a day + drinking soft water. Changed to bottled water at home and now they are much easier to control - water here is v hard.

So I am about 4 to 5 weeks into taking valtrex, I've noticed some improvements in hpa axis response but due to two crashes (ebv reactivations) brought on my nicotine first and then holiday (whey protein + mega dose q10) I am not quite where I want to be. But still experiencing a herx on the valtrex after taking it, which is primarily neuro cognitive. So I do think it's working but wont know if it's definitely helping until 12 weeks I think. I test my hpa axis by playing games that induce adrenaline, currently it makes me crash quite quickly, so if that goes away completely, I'll know things are improved.

EBV in this case for me is the caus eof my hpa axis dysfunction I believe and getting the ebv infection out of cells should achieve remission I think, but the effectiveness of the drugs are as ever the issue. Also another study showed that those with gland swelling and pain which much more likely to have high ebv titers, I have had this symptom since the very beginning.

I'll keep you posted.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Another update from me. Ken Larrson of Microbiome Prescription had a look at my latest data and we noticed a very significant and interesting trend. When I was at 90% function in Jan/Feb/March 2023 before my pfizer crash my anti inflammatory score was 93% on microbiome prescription and my firmicutes were at 60%:

Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 12.50.23.png

As you can see above. This correlates with gram negative bacteria level:
Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 12.53.19.png

You can see here how the gram negative bacteria were very low in Feb and March, only going haywire after the vaccine. I had a few insults before that, lauricidin, metronidazole and neem/tulsi end of March and May that sent the microbiome into a whirl, but the booster did the most damage. I think I can safely say not all of that damage was microbiome, but you can see that from May 4th onwards that vaccine has done something. Warburg effect with ph changes and other issues maybe.

Also note my butyrate here:

Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 12.55.15.png

All of these markers appear to be biomarkers for my ME, they are all related so if one changes th eother changes, no need to focus on them individually, you can just focus on them as a whole. Increasing dietary fibre to 30g a day seems important, persistent use of Inulin and PHGG made these figures worse, as they increased bacteroides and bacteroidetes and prevotolla bacteria. Which are mostly inflammatory.

But I had been taking Inulin for nearly a year with only a few breaks, biomesight nad microbiome prescription recommended inulin to begin with, now they don't recommend it at all and phgg hasn't appeared for awhile tiher. So caution here that these two can make you feel better but then they might make you feel worse.

Bottom line is that regular testing is important.

So what does this mean for Dr Bansal's interventions? Well in my case it means that anti inflammatory biomarkers (see above) and Ken's results see below:


Show that Valtrex may be a red herring and that whilst it does ameliorate fatigue sometimes, it doesn't always work. I believe this is because the fatigue is sometimes coming from ebv but that after a few months of valtrex it's coming from my microbiome not ebv. Also it only sometimes helps my sore throat. The rest of the time my sore throat seems to by MCAS due to birch pollen.

I think MCAS must be comorbid as it seems to be worse now but didn't exist 3 years ago - covid vaccines prob switched it on.

So in a few months I'll prob stop taking valtrex as it is still giving my kidney pressure/stones and that is starting to worry me as it's been a year now with that symptom on/off. But I have a feeling that valtrex whilst it does help a lot, might be trumped by a vastly lower gram negative score, which would allow the patients body to self heal by dramatically lowering inflammatory scores in the body using gut bacteria.

I felt amazing in febuary/march, my hpa axis was completely healed and I was very shocked, i still am! Hopefully I am finally onto something and I can get back there. My latest results show that my dietary changes and stopping inulin and phgg appear to be working, albiet slowly.

It's a shame testing is so expensive, regulary testing seems like a must :(