You sure you have CFS? The reason I ask is because there is no way you can be a software engineer and have CFS. Software development requires so much cognitive abilities and ability to remember is just insane. Not like health care where you just remember facts and that there is only one right answer. Software requires tremendous amount of thinking requiring your to solve business problem from scratch.
I take lots and lots of notes. Like EVERYTHING has to be written down. And I don't do any direct coding any longer - just tell others what they need to do and help them organize their work. But, yeah. My personal opinion is that I can't do my job very well. I can do it, some days are better than others, but there are a lot of bad days where all I can do is listen to the phone calls and just not make things worse by trying to contribute.
I have bone-crushing fatigue from morning to night. I have post exertional malaise. I have chronic pain in my left calf (muscular) and left knee (joint); my left arm (who knows what)... and the middle of my upper back. Peripheral Nueropathy on my right side that they swear isn't related to anything. I also experience frequently OI-types of symptoms, sometimes for months on end where I end up 100% bed-ridden. - but the doctor insists all of the OI-like symptoms can't be OI (and I'm tired of fighting him).
I'm undiagnosed, but due to the PEM, I think I probably have CFS along with something else undetermined. A lot of my symptoms can be tied to B12, B6 and Folic Acid deficiencies which the methylation protocol is supposed to address. If it fixes things, awesome, if it just reduces my symptom list, that would be ok with me. Heck, I'm ok with just a remission (though I'd be a LOT happier if I could come back in a few years and be able to say that it's a treatment that provided long-term relief).