Something about my NK cells didn't add up to him. Finally, all test kept coming back negative except CMV and EBV with a very high titer. This lead to conclusion of my doc to say I have CFS.
That is a common pattern in ME/CFS. Low NK cell number or activity and high titres for CMV and EBV is a bad combination. High titres could mean active CMV and EBV -- chronic mono.
Basically I was told to live with it. I will have good and bad days. That is all I was told. I was not told that I will be financially ruined, my dreams will be taken away from me and my life will be just living hell.
You need a better doctor who knows something about ME/CFS. You don't have to live with it, but you may need to travel to find a specialist who can treat you appropriately.
There are ME/CFS specialists who will likely treat your CMV and EBV with potent antivirals -- which most non-specialists will not do because they don't understand the illness.
If you're willing to mention roughly where you are -- UK, Southeast US -- someone might be able to suggest a specialist in your general area. Many of us have to fly to other parts of the country/world to see a good doc, though.
But, wouldn't intake of salt result in cure if indeed I have orthostatic intolerance ?
It might help in some cases of OI, but by no means all. Lots of us need a lot more than an increased salt intake. Try reading this.
Do many of you have CMV and EBV?
Everybody has latent herpesvirus infections like varicella (HHV-3), EBV (HHV-4), CMV (HHV-5), HHV-6, and others. The big issue is whether it's
active or not. With a NK cell dysfunction and high titres for CMV and EBV, it is likely you have active infections.
And yes, many of us have (or had) multiple active infections. My daughter and I had active HHV-6 and EBV.
This might help you learn more about immune problems and infections in ME/CFS.