Thanks a lot.
Okay, to give you a bit of context, prior to falling ill I was in the best shape of my life, I was a former County level athlete, could perform 15-20 wide grip pull ups consecutively and was at about 7% bodyfat. I'd been training quite excessively for months doing bodybuilder splits about 4-5 times per week before I finally crashed at the gym. Sometimes I feel that i'm not as bad as some people but in relative terms you could say that my functional decline has been pretty extreme.
I have experienced 3-4 major relapses in the past 6 months, all of which have occurred after over exerting/going to the gym, each relapse happened after less exertion than the last. These relapses generally last for 2-3 weeks until I recover back to baseline and leave me pretty much sofa bound, hardly able to walk because of weakness/lactic acid in my legs, general malaise, mild sore throat, headache etc. If I was to describe how I feel when I wake up, it would be that i've just run a Marathon and been beaten up by Mike Tyson in my sleep. This is what I would call PEM for me. My last relapse was triggered by doing light cardio for 20 mins at the gym 5-6 days in a row, I started feeling very fatigued, then woke up feeling really groggy with a sore throat, weakness, severe fatigue and malaise which took about 2 weeks to recover from.
Now i'm back at baseline, I am able to do some things like drive for 30 mins, socialise a bit, drink small amounts of alcohol, go to bars if I feel well enough. I can't walk much further than 2 miles because of severe migraines/orthostatic headaches and can't watch TV programmes for long. I can't lift my arms above my head for long without triggering a huge POTS flare. I can't lift weights or squat because it makes me super light headed, if I walk up hills I get out of breath within minutes and have to sit down. As long as I don't do something stupid like 30 minutes cardio or weights 2-3 days in a row, I don't really get PEM, in fact i've stopped exercising completely to avoid it. In terms of immediate symptoms, if I was to do say 2000m on a rowing machine and then stand up after, I would quickly get very dizzy and lightheaded (sort of pre-syncope level), unable to follow conversations etc and i'd have to sit/lay down to recover which would take about 30-40 mins, I guess this is the POTS.
Things that make me question whether I have ME
- I've never had swollen lymph nodes in the past 6 months.
- I wouldn't say i've had outright 'muscle pain' - More just lactic acid type muscle fatigue.
- I don't really have too bad light/noise sensitivity even after a really bad relapse.